
Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

author:Children love to eat big melons

Yo, dear friends, have you heard? Recently, there has been a lot of excitement on social media, and everyone is rumoring that Gu Junye's mother may want to move to Taiwan and live with her son and Big S. This matter, just like the aunt downstairs in our house talking about gossip, spread all of a sudden.

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Then everyone must be curious, how should this family get along? Will the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law be strained? After all, the divorce turmoil between Da S and Wang Xiaofei has not completely subsided. However, Da S, a smart woman, has her own set of coping methods.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

I heard that Gu Junye is the only child in the family, and he has a very good relationship with his mother, and it is normal for his mother to want to live with him. But ah, it's not easy for Big S here, she and Gu Junye have to raise children, and the financial pressure is not small. Coupled with an extra elderly person to take care of, the burden is even heavier.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

However, Big S is amazing, she discussed a good way with Gu Junye: let Gu's mother come to Taiwan, but she has to help take care of her and Wang Xiaofei's children. In this way, it not only satisfies Gu Junye's wishes, but also solves the problem of taking care of the child, and has an extra helper, which is really a triple win! The most important thing is to be angry with Zhang Lan!

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

This trick has made netizens praise it one after another. Everyone said that Da S was smart, which not only solved the problem of Gu's mother's pension, but also avoided the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and also allowed the children to get more care. This is really an understanding and respect for family responsibilities.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

Of course, some people think that this may make Gu's mother feel that she is being used. But ah, looking at it from another angle, isn't this also a manifestation of family harmony? Big S understands Gu's mother's feelings for her son, and also understands her responsibilities as a mother, this approach is really admirable!

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

The comments from netizens are really varied and lively!

Some netizens said: "Big S's trick is really high, it not only solves family problems, but also reflects her commitment to family responsibilities, I have to give her a thumbs up!" These netizens saw Da S's intelligence and wisdom and expressed their appreciation for her approach.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

Some netizens expressed concern: "Although Big S's approach seems perfect, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is complicated after all, and I hope they can really get along." These netizens are cautious about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, hoping that they can find a true way to harmony.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

Some netizens ridiculed: "Gu Junye has become a 'sandwich biscuit' now, it is not easy to take care of his mother and coax his wife!" This kind of humorous comment makes people smile and makes the topic more grounded.

Some netizens sighed: "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and who can explain the eternal problem of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?" I just hope they can find their happiness. ”

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

When we analyze this from the perspective of each role, we will find that each role has its own position and considerations.

First of all, from Gu Junye's point of view, as the only son in the family, he naturally has a very close relationship with his mother. The arrival of his mother can undoubtedly satisfy the desire and concern for family affection in his heart. But at the same time, he is also well aware of his wife's hard work in handling family affairs, so he needs to take into account his wife's feelings while satisfying his mother's wishes.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

Next, let's take a look at the big S. This intelligent and independent woman has shown her wisdom and strategy in the face of new changes in her family. She agreed to allow Gu's mother to come to Taiwan, but cleverly set the conditions, which not only solved the child's care problem, but also allowed the family to get extra help. This practice not only reflects her sense of responsibility to the family, but also shows her proper handling of the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

As another important role in this incident, Gu's mother is undoubtedly a manifestation of her deep love for her son. She hopes to spend her old age with her son and enjoy family fun. However, she also understands that her arrival may bring some changes to the family, so she is willing to contribute to the family within her ability.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

Of course, we can't ignore the feelings of other family members. For example, the children of Da S and Wang Xiaofei, they may feel uneasy or uncomfortable because of the new changes in their families. But Big S's approach has allowed the children to get more love and attention, which also helps them better adapt to this change.

Big S provokes Sister Lan's bottom line! Korean media broke that Gu Junye took Gu's mother to Wanwan to take care of the two children, and he was mad

From the analysis of each role, we can see that this incident is not a simple family reunion, but involves family responsibilities, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, children's education and other considerations. And each character is looking for the best solution for the family in their own way. #头条热榜#

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