
The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

author:Well-behaved stream Lc

On a sunny weekend afternoon, 80-year-old Grandpa Wang sat in his rocking chair and looked out at the golden wheat fields in the distance. He has been enjoying his retirement in this small mountain village for many years, and his life is leisurely and quiet. It's just that recently, he is always thinking about his granddaughter Zhang Xiaoli, who is working hard in the city. Xiaoli, when do you have time to come back to see the old man Grandpa Wang sighed, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Xiaoli's number. Hey, grandpa, is something wrong Zhang Xiaoli's voice rang from the other end of the phone, and her tone was slightly tired. It's not a big deal, I just miss you and want you to accompany me. I've been so lonely in the countryside lately. Grandpa Wang said sincerely. Okay, then I'll go over and see you this weekend. I haven't been back for almost two months, and I miss you a lot. Zhang Xiaoli hesitated, but agreed. That's great! I've been waiting for you. Call me when you arrive and I'll pick you up. Grandpa Wang said happily, a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

On the weekend, Zhang Xiaoli arrived at her hometown on time. Grandpa Wang greeted her excitedly, the two hugged each other and cried, and the longing that had not been seen for a long time suddenly exploded. Xiaoli, you're here! Grandpa wants to kill you. Grandpa Wang said excitedly. Grandpa, I'm sorry, I've been so busy lately that I haven't found time to come back to see you. Zhang Xiaoli said apologetically. It's okay, it's okay, as long as you come to see grandpa. Come in and sit down, I've made your favorite braised pork. Grandpa Wang took his granddaughter's hand and entered the house.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

In fact, Zhang Xiaoli's husband did not approve of her frequent home visits to her father-in-law. In his opinion, Grandpa Wang is old and can take care of himself without any major events. However, Zhang Xiaoli has always been worried about her grandfather who lives alone, and is always worried that he will have any accidents. Why are you staying in this countryside alone, aren't you cold, are you still used to eating, Zhang Xiaoli asked with concern. What's not used to it, I'm eating delicious here. Look at it, isn't this braised pork very flavorful, Grandpa Wang smiled and picked up a piece of meat and handed it to Zhang Xiaoli's mouth.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

The two of them ate bite by bite and chatted about family life, as if going back in time to Zhang Xiaoli's childhood. She was glad she had taken the time to visit her grandfather, who seemed to be in good spirits, and let her worry go.

After the meal, Grandpa Wang took Zhang Xiaoli to the vegetable field. He excitedly introduced her to various vegetables like a child, and showed her how to get rid of insects and water. Zhang Xiaoli also studied seriously, teasing the cats and dogs around her from time to time. Grandpa, you are so beautiful here, how can I be willing to leave Zhang Xiaoli sighed. Come back as often as you like, this is your home. Grandpa Wang looked at her dotingly.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Two days passed in a flash, and Zhang Xiaoli reluctantly said goodbye to her hometown. Before leaving, Grandpa Wang suddenly stumbled, and there was a sharp pain in his legs, and he covered his lower body and groaned. Grandpa, what's wrong with you Zhang Xiaoli was startled and hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

Grandpa Wang covered his lower body and frowned in pain, and Zhang Xiaoli hurriedly supported him. Grandpa, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you? Tell me! Zhang Xiaoli asked anxiously.

Zhang Xiaoli suddenly understood, and a wave of uneasiness suddenly surged in her heart. She fears that her conjecture will come true, and she is restless. Grandpa, let's hurry home and take a look, you must have accidentally been injured. She helped Grandpa Wang slowly walk home.

Back home, Zhang Xiaoli carefully helped her grandfather check the injury. I saw that Grandpa Wang's lower body was really red and swollen, and he looked very painful. Grandpa, how the hell did you get like this? Zhang Xiaoli asked nervously.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Zhang Xiaoli frowned, she faintly felt that things were not simple. Grandpa, you must have done something wrong to make this happen. She stopped talking, her heart full of worry.

Seeing his granddaughter's worried look, Grandpa Wang hurriedly comforted her. Xiaoli, it's no big deal, I'll definitely get better. Don't worry too much about it. He said with a forced smile.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoli's husband suddenly called. Wife, when will you come back, why do you keep running back to your hometown, he complained.

The husband was silent for a moment, and his tone became cold. You should be careful if you are hurt, and don't bring any bad influence to your family. He warned.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Zhang Xiaoli sighed, she knew that her husband had always disliked her frequent home visits to her father-in-law, and was always worried that it would affect his career and social life. My husband, grandpa, he is old, and I am really worried. Hope you understand. She whispered.

However, the husband is clearly unwilling to compromise. Just stay there, and I'll call your parents and ask them to come and take care of the old man." He said coldly.

Zhang Xiaoli was anxious, she knew that her parents were old and couldn't take care of the elderly Grandpa Wang. Husband, I really don't want you to worry, but grandpa needs me to be there to take care of it now. I promise to be back soon. She pleaded.

The husband was silent for a moment, but finally relented. Okay, you take care of it over there for a few more days, and I'll take care of the work. But don't be too long, come back early. He said, hanging up.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Zhang Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, she was grateful for her husband's compromise. However, the worry about Grandpa Wang still lingers in his heart. She decided to take her grandfather to the doctor as soon as possible to figure out what was really going on.

Zhang Xiaoli looked at Grandpa Wang anxiously, she was worried about whether her grandfather had done something inappropriate. Grandpa, you must tell the doctor truthfully so that we can cure you. She said.

Grandpa Wang hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth. I don't remember exactly, maybe I was working in the field a few days ago and accidentally got rubbed by something. He whispered.

The doctor nodded and asked Zhang Xiaoli to help her grandfather do further examinations. Judging by your situation, it shouldn't be a big deal. However, it is recommended that you stay in the hospital for observation to prevent infection. He said.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Zhang Xiaoli made up her mind, she knew that as long as she was treated well, her grandfather would be fine. No problem, I'll take care of him. She promised.

Just when Zhang Xiaoli took Grandpa Wang to go through the hospitalization procedures, her husband suddenly rushed into the hospital. His face turned pale, and he had obviously gotten the news. What's going on with you, what's going on with your father-in-law, he asked.

Zhang Xiaoli hurriedly explained the situation. Husband, grandpa just accidentally suffered some trauma, and the doctor said that as long as he was hospitalized for observation for a period of time, he would be fine. She said.

The husband sneered, are you a fool to me, father-in-law, what the hell is going on He stared at Zhang Xiaoli, his eyes full of suspicion.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Zhang Xiaoli was speechless, she knew that her husband must have misunderstood something. Husband, please trust me, grandpa really just accidentally got hurt. She pleaded.

Seeing this, Grandpa Wang hurriedly explained. Child, it's all my fault, I accidentally got hurt in the field, don't blame your sister. He said sincerely.

The husband snorted coldly and slapped Grandpa Wang twice in retaliation. You old man doesn't fix it! To do such a thing to his granddaughter! He roared.

Zhang Xiaoli was stunned by her husband's behavior, she hurriedly stopped him, husband, calm down! Grandpa he just accidentally got hurt, why are you crying to him like this.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

The husband glared at Zhang Xiaoli angrily. You still excuse him! Haven't you thought about how much your family's reputation will suffer," said angrily.

Zhang Xiaoli tightly grabbed her husband, who was about to rush forward, and tears came out of her eyes. Husband, please calm down! Grandpa he really just accidentally got hurt why are you choking on him like that.

Her husband looked at her coldly, his voice full of anger. You're protecting him! Aren't you worried about the reputation of your family, if you let people know that your father-in-law did such a thing, where will we put our face, he roared.

Zhang Xiaoli's heart is like a knife, of course she is also worried about the reputation of her family, but at the moment she is more worried and guilty about her grandfather. If I had been with my grandfather more, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Husband, I know your concerns, but grandpa is old after all, and we should care more about his body and emotions than about face. She pleaded.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

The husband snorted coldly, obviously not persuaded by Zhang Xiaoli's words. He hated Grandpa Wang and looked at Grandpa Wang, you are an old man who doesn't cultivate, and you dare to do such a thing in front of my daughter! I'm going to teach you a good lesson! He snapped, and another slap in the face.

Grandpa Wang groaned in pain, he really couldn't bear the violence of his husband. However, he still stubbornly defends Zhang Xiaoli. Child, it's all my fault, don't blame her. I am the one who deserves to be punished. He said weakly.

Zhang Xiaoli was immediately sad when she saw this, and she couldn't wait to protect her grandfather in her arms immediately. Grandpa, don't say that again! It's all my fault, I should be there for you more. She choked up.

The husband snorted coldly, you are really soft-hearted, and you even excused him! Don't you think it's too embarrassing to see this?" said angrily.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Seeing this, the doctor hurriedly stepped forward to stop her husband's movements. Sir, I must ask you to calm down, your actions have constituted an injury to the patient. I advise you to leave the hospital immediately or I will call the police. He warned.

The husband was stunned when he saw this, but he still glared at Grandpa Wang viciously, gritted his teeth and said: You wait for me, this matter is not over yet! With that, he left the hospital in a menacing manner.

Zhang Xiaoli hurriedly supported Grandpa Wang, who fell to the ground, and the guilt and heartache almost swallowed her. Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, if I wasn't too busy, maybe it wouldn't have happened. She wept bitterly.

Grandpa Wang raised his hand with difficulty and stroked Zhang Xiaoli's cheek. Xiaoli, don't blame yourself, it's all my fault. You're still a kid and shouldn't have to bear that. He said weakly.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

Seeing this, the doctor stepped forward to comfort the two. I understand your situation, but I would advise you to get some rest and recover as soon as possible. He said.

Zhang Xiaoli took a deep breath, wiped away her tears, and said firmly: Doctor, I will definitely take good care of my grandfather. No matter what happens, I will be there for him.

Grandpa Wang looked at his granddaughter's firm eyes, and felt extremely warm in his heart. Xiaoli, grandpa really thanks you. He whispered.

At this moment, there was a commotion from nowhere. Zhang Xiaoli looked up and saw that a group of people were shouting something in the hospital. Something was wrong, she asked, confused.

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice

The doctor sighed and explained: It seems that someone has reported to the police that there has been misconduct in your home. Now the police have come and want to ask about the situation.

At this moment, a policeman came over and looked at Zhang Xiaoli and Grandpa Wang seriously. I've heard that something inappropriate is going on in your house, how is it going, he asked.

Zhang Xiaoli looked at her grandfather nervously, she didn't know how to answer. Mr. Policeman, this is all a misunderstanding, grandpa he was just accidentally injured, please rest assured, we will take good care of him. She said.

The police muttered for a moment, I understand your concern, but this matter involves breaking the law, and I must ask about the situation. As he spoke, he turned to his companion and said, "Take them back to the police station for questioning."

The grandfather took his granddaughter back to the countryside to live for two days, but his lower body was red and swollen, and his daughter-in-law slapped her father-in-law twice