
Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

author:Integrity Jesse 6X0B

With her excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit, Sun Yingsha has repeatedly achieved great results in the international arena and has become a new generation leader of the national table tennis women's team. This young athlete who has attracted much attention from the outside world, but the concept of consumption in life is in stark contrast to her achievements.

Simple attitude to life

Compared with the preferences and pursuits of national table tennis teammates for wearing luxury goods, Sun Yingsha pays more attention to the comfort and practicality of clothes. In an interview with the media, she once said, "I think as long as the clothes suit me and are comfortable to wear, there is no need to pursue those expensive brands." This simple attitude to life is fully reflected in her daily dress.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

Recently, Sun Yingsha won the women's singles championship again at the Table Tennis World Cup in Macau, China, and became the focus of attention of the media and fans. At the award ceremony, when other athletes showed off their famous watches, bags and other luxury goods, Sun Yingsha appeared in front of everyone in a simple dress, and the whole body was made of domestic goods, and the total price only added up to a few hundred yuan. This kind of dress may seem a little shabby to many fans, but for Sun Yingsha, it is the most realistic portrayal of her life.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

Give back generously to the community

Although she does not pursue luxury materially, Sun Yingsha is an extremely generous person on a spiritual level. She is well aware of her social responsibility as an athlete and always does her best to give back to society and help others.

In Sun Yingsha's daily life, dinner is an important social activity. She often invites her teammates, mentors and sparring juniors to have dinner together, and every time she has a dinner, Sun Yingsha basically takes the initiative to pay. Whether at home or abroad, Sun Yingsha never skimps on her money and always pays generously for everyone.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

In addition to paying for dinners, Sun Yingsha also actively participates in public welfare undertakings. She believes that her influence can bring positive energy to society, so she always does her best to support various charities and public welfare activities. According to incomplete statistics, in the past 6 years, Sun Yingsha's donations have exceeded 3 million yuan. These donations not only helped countless people in need, but also conveyed her care and sense of responsibility for the society.

Call on more people to participate in public welfare

Sun Yingsha is not limited to cash donations in terms of donations, she also often uses her spare time to call on more people to participate in public welfare undertakings. Sun Yingsha has not only launched fundraising activities on social media many times, calling on everyone to donate money and materials to the disaster area, but also actively participated in various public welfare activities to provide help to those in need.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

In Sun Yingsha's eyes, money is not the only criterion for measuring a person's worth. In her view, a person's value should be reflected in his contribution to society and help others. Sun Yingsha has always used her income and influence to give back to the society and help others, and this noble quality and selfless dedication have won her a high reputation and respect in the table tennis world and even the whole society.

The distribution of income is reasonable and transparent

As the ace player of national table tennis, Sun Yingsha's annual income is as high as 4 million yuan. This income mainly comes from multiple channels such as national team salary, club annual salary, match bonuses and commercial endorsements.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

According to the regulations, 60% of Sun Yingsha's prize money goes to her, 30% goes to the coaching team, and the remaining 10% is donated to the National Sports Foundation of China. This distribution method not only reflects the affirmation and encouragement of individual athletes, but also takes into account the contribution of coaches and gives back the benefits to social welfare undertakings.

Sun Yingsha also received a special commendation from the Hebei Provincial Government. For her outstanding performance at the Tokyo Olympics, she received a cash prize of 1 million yuan from Hebei Province, as well as a property in return. These additional gains have undoubtedly further increased Sun Yingsha's wealth reserves.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

Although the income is considerable, Sun Yingsha has never been carried away by money. On the contrary, she used her actions to interpret the noble character and social responsibility that an excellent athlete should have. Her simple attitude to life and generous spirit of giving back are important reasons why she has won the love of thousands of fans.

The determination to focus on the career of table tennis

On the field, Sun Yingsha is a leader in the world table tennis today; Outside the arena, she used her practical actions to interpret the noble character that an excellent athlete should have.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

In 2023, Sun Yingsha has achieved remarkable results in many international competitions, including the women's singles champion, mixed doubles champion, and women's doubles third place at the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban, achieving the World Table Tennis Championships Golden Slam; Hangzhou Asian Games women's singles, women's team and mixed doubles champions; WTT Nagoya Women's Finals Women's Singles Champion, etc. These dazzling achievements demonstrate her persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts for the table tennis career.

In the face of brilliant achievements, Sun Yingsha has never been complacent. Instead, she reminds herself to stay humble, down-to-earth and put more energy into training and competing. It is this kind of focus and determination that has made her indomitable on the road of table tennis and achieve great results repeatedly.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

Sun Yingsha is also aware of her social responsibility and influence as a national athlete. She hopes that through her efforts and achievements, she can win honor for the country and the people, and inspire more young people to love sports and pursue excellence.

With her outstanding skills, noble character and tenacious perseverance, Sun Yingsha has become an outstanding representative of the contemporary sports world. She interprets the true connotation of an excellent athlete with practical actions, which will surely inject new impetus and vitality into Chinese table tennis.

Sun Yingsha has won countless championships, her food and clothing are ordinary and simple, and where did the tens of millions of prizes go

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