
The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

author:Love to talk about life like crazy

1. The eternal "Duan Concubine"

In a leisurely time, I once again started the journey of the classic drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and I was deeply fascinated by those deep and touching plots. And one of the most eye-catching characters - "Duan Concubine" Qi Yuebin, her appearance always gives people an inexplicable love.

As long as she shows up, people can't help but fall into her charm.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Her temperament perfectly matches the connotation of the word "end", as if it is natural.

The first time I met Concubine Duan, her weak and powerless image made people mistakenly think that she was a delicate and powerless girl, for fear that she would die if she was not careful. However, who would have predicted that under this fragile exterior, there was an incomparably strong inner strength.

As Mr. Nan Huaijin said: "The key to how much blessing a person can carry lies in how much humiliation he can bear." This sentence is appropriately applied to Concubine Duan.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Concubine Duan was originally the daughter of the Qi family, and after entering the palace, she became the emperor's first concubine. However, the ruthlessness of the imperial family not only caused her to lose her fertility, but also suffered from the bullying and insult of the concubines.

Once, she had an expectation for the emperor and longed to be able to conceive a child with him. However, under Concubine Hua's conspiracy, this dream finally came to naught.

Since then, Concubine Duan's inner world has completely collapsed, she no longer has any illusions, and the only thing that supports her survival is the belief in revenge. She seems to be weak, but in fact, she is secretly accumulating strength and carefully planning the timing of revenge.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

When Zhen Huan, a like-minded person, appeared in front of her, she immediately gained insight into the value of the other party, so the two supported each other, worked step by step, and finally succeeded in taking revenge and saving a game.

This is the legendary life of Concubine Duan. She once walked carefully in the treacherous environment of the court, skillfully navigating all kinds of disputes, but in the end, with her wisdom and tenacity, she realized herself and became the real winner in this drama.

2. Li Yijuan's drama road

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

The reason why the role of Duanfei has won such wide praise is inseparable from Li Yijuan's deep shaping and wonderful interpretation. In fact, the fate of Li Yijuan and Concubine Duan is completely a coincidence.

At first, she was only recommended by her mentor to audition for an insignificant role, however, as soon as she tried on, director Zheng Xiaolong was deeply attracted by her unique temperament and did not hesitate to decide that she was the best candidate for Duanfei.

And so it all unfolded unfolding.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

In the next few months, Li Yijuan worked hard to participate in this specially prepared and grinding role. She focused her perspective on the honorable title of "Duan", and through an in-depth analysis of the cultural core behind the words, she integrated the four unfathomable qualities of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom" into the portrayal of Duanfei's character.

For example, Concubine Duan's quality of calmly coping with crises and combining rigidity and softness is undoubtedly the best interpretation of her "benevolence"; Her firm belief in the royal motherhood fully demonstrates her noble character of "righteousness"; Her modesty, low-key, and politeness precisely embodies the core value of "etiquette"; In the whirlpool of power struggles, she has always remained calm, rational and shrewd and calculating, which undoubtedly proves her "wisdom" is outstanding.

In addition to the in-depth excavation of the character's personality, Li Yijuan has reached the realm of perfection in the handling of external details. Just ask, who can see that the seemingly sick and listless Concubine Duan is actually just a "disguise" she uses to protect herself? Her face is as pale as paper, her expression is dull and wooden, and her actions are weak, all of which are sending a signal to the world that she is "weak".

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

It is precisely because of Li Yijuan's accurate grasp of the role and her excellent acting skills that the image of this concubine who has gone through vicissitudes of life is vividly presented in front of the audience and has won warm praise from the audience.

However, this is not the first time Li Yijuan has left a deep mark on the screen. As early as 1998, when she first entered the film industry, she showed extraordinary acting talent with her wonderful performance in "Mr. Liaozhai".

Since then, whether it is in film and television masterpieces such as "Please Open Your Eyes at Dawn" and "Twenty Years Old Again", she has devoted the same focus and enthusiasm to every role, whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, she has won the love and popularity of the audience.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

In addition to her superb acting skills, Li Yijuan herself is a versatile "treasure sister". She is not only proficient in traditional skills such as poetry and singing, tea ceremony singing, etc., but also has unique insights and perceptions of literature and art.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is her temperament connotation and profound heritage that provide a solid foundation and strong support for shaping such a virtuous, dignified, intellectual and wise "Duan Concubine".

First of all, Concubine Duan's reproductive rights were ruthlessly deprived. Under the insidious and cunning instigation of Concubine Hua, the imperial doctor prescribed a fatal rotten soup to Concubine Duan without authorization, burying her beautiful dream of being a mother forever.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Concubine Duan, who once harbored this desire, could only reluctantly accept the fact that her dream was broken

Immediately afterwards, she was helpless and helpless, and began to endure endless humiliation and oppression from other concubines. Concubine Hua unabashedly ridiculed her as a poor worm who "survived" and regarded her as a mustard.

And Yi Xiu was even more ruthless, carefully planning a conspiracy to try to kill her.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

In this way, the former favorite concubine became a pawn in the hands of the emperor, and was snubbed and calculated. If she still has a trace of affection for the emperor, it is only because she is eager to conceive an heir for him.

However, all expectations came to naught. In the endless despair, Duanfei's inner world gradually withered. She knows very well that in this deceitful harem, there is no place for her to stand for her, and the only thing that can support her survival is the bitter hatred of the enemy.

So, this seemingly weak woman began to secretly accumulate strength. She cleverly pretends to be crazy and stupid, pretending to be terminally ill to avoid potential danger. When Zhen Huan, a like-minded partner, appeared, she immediately gained insight into the value of the other party and incorporated it into her revenge plan.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Since then, the two have worked hand in hand, step by step. Finally, when Concubine Hua's brother Chang Qianyao rebelled, he seized the opportunity to pull Concubine Hua off the horse from the pinnacle of power, successfully took revenge, and won a glimmer of life.

Along the way, Concubine Duan showed many admirable qualities: she was forbearant and calculating, but at the same time adhered to a noble moral bottom line; She has extraordinary patience and is able to wait for the dawn of hope in the face of adversity; She also has the wisdom to see the situation clearly, and knows how to step out at the right time to protect herself.

It is precisely because of these unique qualities that this woman, who has been misunderstood many times as "surviving", was finally able to survive tenaciously in the cruel environment and gradually climb to the highest peak of life.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Under the rigorous and low-key appearance, she shows an incomparably strong heart of perseverance, and conceals the brilliance of her talent by deliberately hiding her strength, which can be seen in her bravery and firm faith!

However, in real life, although Li Yijuan has attracted widespread attention for successfully playing the role of "Duan Concubine", she always keeps a clear head and never lets the temptation of fame and fortune overwhelm her reason.

On the contrary, she is more low-key, firmly denying her identity as being recognized, and even being willing to humbly attribute her reputation to her sister.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Obviously, it is precisely because of her noble sentiments of indifference and vanity that she was able to move forward steadily and forge ahead on the road of art.

What is even more admirable is that both women have a clear understanding of the path of self-development. Li Yijuan knows that she is just an actor, and the duty of an actor is to devote herself wholeheartedly to every role and carefully polish every detail.

The same is true of the image of Concubine Duan in the play, although she failed to get the emperor's favor, she still sticks to herself and maintains her dignity with a focused and persistent attitude.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

This commitment to their true selves makes them equally resilient in the face of adversity. Even if Concubine Duan in the play was oppressed by Concubine Hua, she was never defeated by despair; In real life, Li Yijuan quickly regained her courage and confidence in life after suffering emotional trauma.

It can be seen that both women exhibit the same qualities: intelligence, courage, tenacity and self-esteem, both in the imaginary theatrical world and in real life environments.

It is because of these excellent qualities that they can become real "winners" on their respective stages.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

It is worth noting that the reason why Li Yijuan was able to interpret Concubine Duan in the play so deeply in the hearts of the people, in addition to her superb acting skills, is that there is a subtle fit between the life trajectories and inner qualities of the two of them.

This may be the key factor for Li Yijuan to shine in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

5. Li Yijuan's road to love

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Talking about Li Yijuan's love process, it is really impressive. Before the age of 41, she experienced a sweet love affair that lasted for several years, but who could have predicted that one day the person she once loved would suddenly leave her, bringing her a heavy emotional blow.

During that time, Li Yijuan was once immersed in a depressed low tide. The ups and downs of her career have hit her confidence hard. Luckily, however, she has a close friend who is always by her side, giving her endless support and inspiration, and helping her to rekindle her zest for life.

Although the trauma of her soul is difficult to erase, she has not given up on the pursuit of a new life. At the age of 41, full of wisdom, Li Yijuan finally met her current talented husband, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

Regarding her husband's background, Li Yijuan has always maintained a low-key attitude, only revealing to the outside world that he is a person who can bring her a sense of security. From the happy smile on her face, you can see that she is living an extremely happy life now.

The story behind this paragraph can't help but be reminiscent of Concubine Duan in the play. Although she was oppressed by Concubine Hua and treated indifferently by the emperor, she never gave up her vision of life and always adhered to her yearning and pursuit of beautiful things.

It was this firm belief and fearless courage that ultimately forged her brilliant life.

The low-key "Duan Concubine" Li Yijuan, she is the big winner in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and she is the same outside the play

In a sense, Li Yijuan's emotional trauma can also be seen as an important turning point in her life. She did not stand still, but bravely faced the difficulties, worked hard, and finally picked the fruits of happiness at the right time.

This is similar to the process of Duanfei's perseverance and hidden wisdom in finally gaining a new life.

Although the experiences of the two women took place in very different circumstances, they both revealed a common truth: as long as you have hope in your heart, dream in your heart and work tirelessly to achieve it, your life will surely usher in a turning point and win your own happiness.