
"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

author:Love to talk about life like crazy

1. The struggles of reality and the shadows of the past are intertwined with a unique situation

When Hua Chenyu approached his 32nd birthday, he stood alone in front of the window, staring at the cars and passers-by hurrying on the streets of Tianjin.

And behind him, Zhang Bichen carefully used those intoxicating folk tunes to soothe their three-year-old baby daughter "Hua Yingchen" into a sweet sleep, this warm and harmonious picture undoubtedly formed a strong contrast with the contradictions in his heart.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

As this challenging and hopeful New Year approaches, Hua Chenyu is lost between the desire to pursue a happy married life and the fear and vigilance of marriage.

The source of this fear can be traced back to his childhood, when the divorce of his parents caused him indelible pain at the age of 3, and growing up in that oppressive and lonely single-parent family environment, his desire to be loved grew and he also developed a deeper wariness of intimacy.

Whenever he recalls those painful years, Hua Chenyu's eyes always look sad. No one wants to cook for him, so he can only go to the restaurant alone to taste the delicacies, and while savoring the deliciousness of the food, he silently weeps; The children cast strange glances at him, rejected him, and even chased him to attack, and he could only hide in his home with a wounded heart.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

He would close the curtains to fill the room with a hazy and dim atmosphere, and then frantically play the piano as a way to vent his inner anguish, tears falling on the black and white keys.

The piano was a gift from his mother when he was 3 years old, and he became the only confidant in his lonely life. Hua Chenyu integrates all the struggles and troubles into the melody of the piano, entrusting his endless desire to be loved and embraced.

Although he is now an adult, the shadow in his heart is still difficult to dissipate, and he still maintains a high degree of vigilance for intimacy.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

Second, under the star-studded star of the singer's career, the dark tide is surging

Hua Chenyu used to be the popular singer in the music industry, with many popular songs such as "Alien" and "Fate in Fireworks", he won the love and pursuit of the majority of young people, and became their idol.

Especially in 2020, he will be ranked 17th on the Forbes China Celebrity List with his outstanding performance, which can be described as infinitely beautiful.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

However, behind this bright starlight, there are countless undercurrents hidden. As early as 2015, he and Zhang Bichen met in a variety show, and the two talented singers walked into each other's lives "unintentionally".

At first, it may just be because of the appreciation of the other person's talent, but as time passes, this appreciation gradually evolves into an indescribable ambiguous emotion.

What is remarkable is that in 2017, they finally fell into the love network of life, and the two knew each other deeply. Zhang Bichen, who is 1 year older than Hua Chenyu, has a soft and considerate personality, and takes care of him meticulously in life, which makes Hua Chenyu feel warm.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

However, Hua Chenyu didn't know anything about it at that time, he only felt that meeting Zhang Bichen was the luckiest thing in his life.

However, this belated love suffered a heavy blow soon after. In 2018, Zhang Bichen suddenly found out that she was pregnant, but she chose to go to a foreign country alone to give birth to this "accidental" child, and deliberately concealed the true situation from Hua Chenyu.

For Hua Chenyu, this is undoubtedly a huge shock, he tried to call Zhang Bichen's phone and send WeChat, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and he even mistakenly thought that this was a signal for the two to break up.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

At the time of loss, he started a love affair with the famous singer Deng Ziqi, which seemed to leave Zhang Bichen behind for the time being, but the deep entanglement in his heart could not be alleviated.

3. The birth of a daughter is deeply confused by the turning point of her life

On January 22, 2021, Zhang Bichen disclosed this "shocking secret" on Weibo - she and Hua Chenyu had a daughter together, and the child was nearly two years old at that time. This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, smashing heavily into Hua Chenyu, putting him in an unprecedented predicament in life.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

As the father of an unmarried daughter, where should he go? Will you be brave enough to accept this daughter, or will you choose to turn a blind eye and escape from reality? If you choose to accept it, how should you face the eyes and doubts of the public? This sudden news completely changed the trajectory of his life.

The inner anger, struggle, and contradictions are intertwined, making Hua Chenyu feel extremely tired.

Countless questions lingered in his mind, and he wanted to ask Zhang Bichen directly several times, but in the end he held back. The importance of this matter made him have to think calmly.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

After a brief period of guilt, anger and struggle, Hua Chenyu finally made up his mind and made a big decision - he wanted to accept this daughter bravely and do his best to take on the responsibilities of a father.

For the 32-year-old man, this is undoubtedly a new beginning and a new chapter in his life.

He used to be just a singer, but now he has another role as a father, which means that he will have to learn how to be a good father, learn how to care for his children, and create a warm and beautiful environment for his children to grow up.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

This is undoubtedly a new and challenging task, but Hua Chenyu has a firm determination and decides to go all out to meet this responsibility! Fourth, the road to the reconstruction of a beautiful family

Because of his beloved daughter, Hua Chenyu began to have a deeper understanding and awareness of the marriage he once feared deeply. The moment he learned that his daughter had come to the world, he did not hesitate to choose to return to his wife Zhang Bichen and spend a good time with their mother and daughter.

The scene of seeing his daughter for the first time made Hua Chenyu burst into tears, and his mood was even more complicated. He sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I couldn't accompany you through that difficult pregnancy and missed every moment of my daughter's growth.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

From now on, they will be committed to creating a complete and warm family for their daughter, so that she can feel the warmth and protection of home. Please believe that I will take on my responsibilities as a father and do everything I can to ensure that my daughter has a healthy and positive environment for her to grow up.

Zhang Bichen nodded gently, her eyes revealing deep understanding and relief. From that moment on, Hua Chenyu seemed to be reborn and devoted himself to the role of his father.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

In his busy schedule, he would always rush to Tianjin, clumsily but lovingly feeding his daughter, burping her, or softly humming soft folk tunes to lull her into sweet sleep.

At first, everything was so strange that he felt overwhelmed, but he soon found a knack for creating a warm family atmosphere for his daughter in his own unique way.

The relationship between him and Zhang Bichen has also been repaired, and the two are full of tacit understanding, working closely together, carefully planning their daughter's daily life. On the crucial issue of choosing a name for their daughter, they miraculously reached a consensus and hit it off to name their daughter "Hua Yingchen", which means to welcome a bright future like stars.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

Watching her daughter thrive in a loving environment, Hua Chenyu's desire for a better family was ignited again. 5. What was once a nightmare has become the power it is today

As the days with his daughter gradually increase, Hua Chenyu's inner world is also quietly undergoing subtle changes. The nightmare of a single-parent family that had plagued him for many years has now become the driving force and source of his progress.

As an only child, Hua Chenyu has dreamed of growing up under the care of his parents since he was a child and feeling the warmth brought by the big collective. However, fate mercilessly shattered his small wish - when he was only three years old, his parents chose to break up and divorce, and since then he has lived in a depressed and lonely single-parent environment.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

No one wanted to cook a delicious meal for him, and he had to go to the restaurant alone to dine and burst into tears while tasting the food; The other children treated him coldly, even bullied him, and he could only hide in his home and sobbed alone.

This lonely and sad childhood memory is like an indelible scar, deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul. He fears intimacy with people, and his personality gradually becomes sensitive, introverted, and rebellious, and he can only pour out his inner struggles and contradictions through musical notes on the piano keys.

This trauma continued to his concept of marriage and love, which made him fearful of marriage.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

However, now with the birth of her daughter "Hua Yingchen", everything has changed dramatically. She was born with a family of both parents, avoiding repeating his mistakes and experiencing the pain of abandonment.

Thinking of this, Hua Chenyu's heart was full of endless strength and courage.

He has a deeper understanding of how important marriage and family are for children. Without the love and care of his parents, the child will grow up in a distorted environment just like he did back then.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

He is determined to establish a good father figure for his daughter, create a happy family atmosphere for her, and never repeat the tragedy of his childhood.

From the initial hesitation to the gradual relaxation of vigilance against marriage, Hua Chenyu's mental journey can be described as tortuous and touching. Zhang Bichen has always been silently guarding behind the scenes, looking forward to the day when they can enter the palace of marriage hand in hand and hold up a complete and happy sky for their daughter.

6. Is the road ahead clearer or is it still shrouded in fog?

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

Now, whenever Hua Chenyu sees the warm picture of his daughter and Zhang Bichen living together in harmony and happiness, he will always be full of emotion. He is doing his best to play the role of a father and enjoy this unprecedented nourishment of family affection.

However, on the other hand, he is also vaguely looking forward to entering the palace of marriage with Zhang Bichen and supporting a complete home for his daughter.

However, whenever his idea of proposing to Zhang Bichen rises, the invisible force from the depths of his soul will always pull him back to reality. "If there is a conflict between the two of us after marriage, will my dear daughter repeat the unfortunate situation that I have endured for so long?" This is one of the worries that he has in his heart that is difficult to dispel.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

"If married life is not satisfactory, will my lovely daughter have to bear double pain and torment?" He was always asking himself questions over and over again, and all kinds of doubts hung over his mind like dark clouds, leaving him in a dilemma.

Sometimes, he would firmly tell himself that I had to create a perfect family environment for my daughter; More often than not, however, the shadows of the past inexorably devoured his courage.

He deeply understands the pain of losing his parents, and understands how devastating a single-parent family can be on a child's soul.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

He did everything he could, hoping that his daughter would avoid the bumpy road he had taken.

This entanglement and struggle, Zhang Bichen saw it all in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. She tried countless times to keep Hua Chenyu and persuade him to let go of his fear of marriage. But what could she say? It will take time to gradually dissipate the shadow in Hua Chenyu's heart.

She can only wait silently, using her practical actions to warm him and soothe the scars in his heart.

"Martian brother" Hua Chenyu: The original family hurt him too much, he just wants his daughter not to get married

Time flies, and her daughter "Hua Yingchen" is growing up day by day. Can Hua Chenyu finally break free from the haze of the past and bravely step into the palace of marriage? Or do you choose to continue to live like this and give your daughter the love of a single-parent family? Perhaps only time will give the fairest answer to where the road ahead will go.

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