
In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

author:Jess talks about history

In 1953, China was in a critical period of post-war reconstruction. Peng Dehuai and Luo Ronghuan, two veterans of the Liberation War, were both founding marshals of New China. At this time, Peng Dehuai served as the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and presided over the daily work of the Military Commission, while Luo Ronghuan was recuperating in Beidaihe due to illness. During this period, the Chinese military was under pressure and challenged to learn from Soviet advisers and learn from advanced experience, while also dealing with complex relationships with Soviet advisers to ensure that these foreign proposals could be adapted to China's national conditions.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

In the spring of 1953, the sea breeze in Beidaihe was a little cool. Peng Dehuai, a brave general who had commanded the Volunteer Army on the Korean Peninsula, came here to visit Luo Ronghuan, who was recuperating from illness. The deep friendship between the two in the war in Jinggangshan made this meeting particularly important.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

When Luo Ronghuan saw Peng Dehuai, he didn't greet him, and went straight to the point: "Mr. Peng, you have to grasp the current army." I heard that you were very cautious about Soviet advisers, and that's right. But as you know, some of their proposals are not entirely suited to our national conditions. ”

Peng Dehuai nodded and responded in a deep voice: "I understand, Luo Lao, you know that I have been weighing. But the Soviet model is really advanced, and we need to learn from it, and at the same time maintain our characteristics. ”

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

The conversation turned to the role of Soviet advisers in China. Peng Dehuai detailed some of the proposals of the Soviet advisers, such as the promotion of the "one-chief system", that is, the abolition of the political commissar system and the introduction of a single-chief system. He recounted his hesitation: "They pushed for the system, believing that it would improve command efficiency. I have considered and even proposed similar adjustments at the Military Commission, but I always feel that this is a departure from the tradition of our Jinggangshan period. ”

Luo Ronghuan frowned tightly and said solemnly: "Mr. Peng, our political commissar system is an important guarantee for our party to lead the army. You must not forget this, and our foundation cannot be shaken. The Soviet approach may not be suitable for us. ”

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

The conversation between the two men deepened, discussing the influence of Soviet advisers on tactics. Peng Dehuai mentioned some specific cases, such as the Soviet artillery adviser emphasizing the absolute superiority of artillery on the battlefield, while the armored adviser advocated that the armored force was the key to determining the outcome of the war. Peng Dehuai expressed his opinion: "We need to integrate the strength of various arms of the armed forces, and we cannot one-sidedly follow the opinions of our advisers. ”

Luo Ronghuan nodded in agreement: "Indeed, war is comprehensive, and it is not something that can be decided by a certain branch of the army. Mr. Peng, your insistence is right. We need to absorb their strengths, but we also need to take them into account our own actual situation. ”

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

As the talks deepened, the dialogue between the two veterans was full of thoughts on the future and care for their comrades. They discuss not only specific strategies, but also how to maintain oneself in the process of borrowing.

This in-depth discussion not only strengthened Peng Dehuai's strategy for dealing with Soviet advisers, but also re-established his self-confidence and direction in future military reform.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

As it got late, the conversation between Luo Ronghuan and Peng Dehuai was also coming to an end. Peng Dehuai stood up, looked at Luo Ronghuan affectionately and said, "Old Luo, thanks to your advice, I will consider every reform and proposal more carefully." Our army is the party's army, and no reform can deviate from this fundamental. ”

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

Luo Ronghuan smiled and nodded, watching Peng Dehuai's figure disappear outside the door. He knew that Peng Dehuai would continue to lead the Chinese military forward and face the challenges of the future with the thinking and determination of this meeting.

After that, Peng Dehuai adhered to the principle of independence and self-determination in dealing with the issue of Soviet advisers, and gradually formed a set of military reform strategies that not only absorbed external experience, but also conformed to China's reality. This not only strengthened the combat effectiveness of the army, but also laid a solid foundation for subsequent military construction.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!

Although this meeting in Beidaihe does not appear in most historical documents, it was an important turning point in the formation of Peng Dehuai's military thinking. Through Luo Ronghuan's frank criticism and wise guidance, Peng Dehuai was able to find a path suitable for China under the influence of Soviet advisers. This historical episode not only demonstrates the deep friendship and mutual trust between the two military leaders, but also a profound dialogue on independence and innovative practice.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai went to visit Luo Ronghuan, and Luo Ronghuan accused him to his face: You are confused!