
The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

author:Jess talks about history

Orchid Island is a small island hidden in the western Pacific Ocean, known as the "Pearl of Independence". The islanders still maintain their traditional way of life hundreds of years ago, as if time had stood still here. In 1947, it was named Orchid Island because of its abundance of rare phalaenopsis. Orchid Island is not only a treasure trove of natural landscapes, but also a living fossil of culture. But what you may not know is that there is a special group of residents here, the Dawu people, whose way of life and traditional culture are curious.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

Orchid Island, this name may be unfamiliar to many people. But for those who love nature and primitive culture, this is an unexplored place. Lanyu Island is located in the eastern part of Taiwan Province, about 49 nautical miles from Taitung City, with the Bass Strait to the south and the Philippines to the west. The island has a permanent population of just over 2,000 people, most of whom are indigenous people of the Dawu ethnic group.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

Orchid Island was formerly known as Hongtou Island, named after the red rocks on the island that stand out at sunrise. The topography of the island is mostly formed by submarine volcanic eruptions, and the terrain is undulating and full of strange rocks. The climate here is a tropical maritime climate, with an average annual temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, abundant rainfall, and spring all year round.

When it comes to the natural landscape of Orchid Island, we have to mention the strange stones on the island. For example, the famous Tank Rock, Dragon Head Rock and Battleship Rock, these huge rocks are eroded by the waves and come to life in different shapes. The vegetation on the island is also very rich, especially the precious phalaenopsis orchid, which is one of the island's specialties.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

But the real charm of Orchid Island lies not only in its natural landscapes. Even more unique are the Dawu people on the island. The Dawu people are an ancient ethnic group whose ancestors migrated from the Philippines to Orchid Island about 800 years ago, and they still maintain many traditional ways of life. Their dwellings - semi-cave-like underground houses. This unique building not only effectively resists the violent wind and rain brought by typhoons, but also keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

In daily life, the Dawu people still maintain some traditional living customs. Men usually wear only simple thongs, while women wear tank tops and skirts. Their daily diet is based on seafood and coconut, which is very simple but rich in natural flavors. Dawu people are also a group of people with great singing and dancing talents, and their dance is not only a daily entertainment, but also a way to inherit culture. With the theme of boat-shaped totems and sea creatures, they created many beautiful crafts such as canoes, carvings, and weavings, which are symbols of their culture.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

The social structure of the Dawu people is also very unique, and they practice a matrilineal society. This means that the inheritance of the family and the transfer of property are carried out through women. Women have a high status in the family, and men in marriage usually move into their wives' homes. This unique social system retains many ancient and primitive characteristics, and also makes the culture of the Dawu people more distinct.

Under the impact of the wave of modernization, although Orchid Island still maintains a certain original appearance, the penetration of external culture has also made the residents of the island face the dual pressure of cultural protection and development. In recent years, with the development of more and more tourism activities, the natural environment and culture of Orchid Island are facing unprecedented challenges. How to find a balance between protection and development is a major problem facing Orchid Island.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

Despite this, the awe of nature has never changed. They have worked hard to preserve the island's natural resources and cultural heritage through various means, such as establishing nature reserves and limiting the number of visitors. This way of living in harmony with nature has also made Orchid Island a desirable place for tourists from all over the world.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

Every year, Orchid attracts thousands of visitors to experience its unique natural beauty and culture. Visitors can not only enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sea views here, but also gain insight into the lifestyle and cultural traditions of the Dawu people. Through such cultural exchanges, the residents of Orchid Island hope to let more people understand and respect their culture, and at the same time, they hope to promote economic development and improve the living conditions of residents through tourism.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

The future of Orchid Island remains challenging. With the process of globalization, external cultural shocks and economic pressures continue to increase. The residents of Orchid Island need to find a balance between preserving traditional culture and embracing modernity. This is a common problem not only for Orchid Island, but also for many niche cultures around the world. How to maintain one's own unique cultural characteristics in the tide of globalization is a question worthy of everyone's deep thought.

The last 1 piece of pure land: Orchid Island, the "pearl of the world" standing in the western Pacific Ocean

Orchid Island, known as the "Pearl of Independence", is not only a picturesque tourist destination, but also a place to live with profound culture and unique traditions. The way of life and culture of the Dawu people that have been passed down from generation to generation is a rare treasure of our time.