
In 2013, the officers were demobilized, and after returning home, bad luck continued, and a miracle was coming in a few years!

author:Capital Observation Jun

In 2013, I was demobilized from the army and returned to my hometown with great anticipation. Unexpectedly, this time back, it was the beginning of a series of bad luck.

That day, as soon as I walked into the house, my old mother fell ill. In order to take care of her, I went to all the major hospitals and spent all my savings. As soon as my condition improved, a flood in my hometown washed away my home. In desperation, I had no choice but to take my old mother and live in a dilapidated warehouse at a distant relative's house.

"Son, it's Mom who dragged you down." My mother stroked my hand, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom, don't say that, we'll be fine." I forced a smile on my face, but my heart was mixed.

The bad luck doesn't end there. Soon after, I found a temporary job, but on my first day on the job, I was in a car accident that resulted in a broken leg. Lying in a hospital bed, I became disheartened and even began to doubt my life.

Just then, a mysterious old man appeared in my hospital room.

"Don't be discouraged, lad, your bad luck will soon pass." The old man smiled and handed me a shabby bag.

I looked at him suspiciously, "Who are you?" What's the use of this tip? ”

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that this tip will help you get through it." After the old man finished speaking, he turned and left.

I opened the bag and there was a note that said, "In five years, a miracle is coming." ”

Five years is not long to say, and short is not short. During this time, I struggled to overcome difficulties and look for a job while taking care of my mother. Although life is still hard, I always keep the old man's words in my heart.

The five-year deadline has finally arrived. That day, I was moving bricks at the construction site when I suddenly received a phone call.

"Hey, hello, is this Mr. Li? Congratulations, you've won the jackpot of five million! ”

I was stunned and speechless for a long time. At this moment, the mysterious old man appeared in front of me again.

"Congratulations, lad. The five million you deserve it. The old man smiled and handed me a bank card.

I looked at him in amazement: "How did you know I had won?" ”

"It's not important, the important thing is that you use the money to realize your dreams and help more people in need." After the old man finished speaking, he disappeared again.

I held the bank card in my hand and felt emotional. This money not only allowed me and my mother to live a good life, but also gave me the ability to help those who were in trouble like me.

Today, I have set up a charitable foundation to support children in poor areas to go to school and help the elderly who are lonely and widowed to improve their lives. And I finally found my life value.

When I think back to that time, I am filled with emotion. In the days of bad luck, I never gave up, and finally waited for a miracle to come. I believe that as long as we don't give up, one day, we can all have our own miracles.

As the days passed, my mother and I gradually got back on track. The operation of the foundation has also become smoother and smoother, and I have started to receive thank you letters from all over the world, and the smiling faces of those who have changed their lives because of my help have become my biggest motivation.

One day, I was sorting out the list of donated items in the office, and the secretary Xiao Zhang hurriedly ran in.

"Mr. Li, someone outside is looking for you, saying that it is your old friend." There was a hint of curiosity in Xiao Zhang's tone.

I looked up and wondered if I had devoted almost all my time and energy to helping others since I started the Foundation, and how could I have time to make old friends. I put down my work and followed Xiao Zhang to the reception room.

Pushing open the door, I saw a familiar figure, it was the squad leader I used to be in the army, Lao Zhang.

"Lao Zhang, why are you here?" I stepped forward in surprise and gave him a strong hug.

Lao Zhang smiled, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes: "I heard about you, come and see you." ”

I pulled Lao Zhang to sit down and asked him how he was doing. Lao Zhang told me that he returned to his hometown after being discharged from the army, but in recent years, the economic development of his hometown has slowed, young people have gone out to work, only the elderly and children are left, and the school in the village is facing closure because there are too few students.

"I'd like to ask you for your help and see if I can help the children in the village through your foundation." Lao Zhang's tone was full of anticipation.

I pondered for a moment and nodded, "That's a good thing, our foundation was originally established to help people in need. Well, I'll visit your hometown in a few days and find out what the situation is. ”

Lao Zhang gratefully held my hand, and at that moment, I seemed to see the shadow of myself, the self who was struggling in a difficult situation, but was never willing to give up hope.

A few days later, I took the staff of the Foundation to Lao Zhang's hometown. It was, as he had said, desolate, and the children's eyes were filled with longing for the outside world.

When I returned to the city, I immediately set out to prepare an educational assistance program, not only providing school supplies for the children, but also bringing in professional teachers in the hope of making a difference in the village.

Time is like flowing water, fleeting. A year later, when Zhang and I returned to that village again, the school had been renovated and the children's laughter filled the entire campus.

"You see, this is the miracle you bring." Lao Zhang excitedly pointed to the cheerful children.

I smiled, but I knew in my heart that this was not a miracle for me alone, but a miracle created by all those who were willing to lend a hand.

That night, Lao Zhang and I sat on the stone bench at the head of the village, looked at the starry sky, and talked about the days in the army, those hard training, and those brothers who fought side by side. We have all found our place in the years, and those bad luck in the past are just a hurdle on the road to happiness.

"Do you remember the old man who gave you the tips?" Lao Zhang suddenly asked.

I nodded, and a warm current welled up in my heart: "Of course I remember, his words have always inspired me. ”

"Perhaps, he is watching us from heaven." Lao Zhang looked up at the starry sky, and his tone was full of emotion.

I raised my head, looked at the endless night sky, and silently made a wish in my heart, hoping that those who are still struggling in the difficult situation can find their own miracle.

As the days continue to move forward, Lao Zhang and I work together, and the Foundation's assistance programs continue to expand. Not only did we help the children in the village, but we also paid attention to the poor families in the nearby mountainous areas. Every aid action has made me deeply feel that every small act of kindness in life has the potential to become a turning point in someone else's life.

One sunny afternoon, I drove alone to the mountains to inspect the aid work. As the car winds along the winding mountain road, I look out the window at the rolling mountains, and my heart swells with an indescribable sense of tranquility.

When I arrived at my destination, I met the local village chief, an old man who had been weathered. He received me warmly and gave me a detailed overview of the situation in the village. In the course of the conversation, I discovered a distressing fact: the children here almost never go out of the mountains because of the lack of transportation, and their world is only this mountain.

I decided to set up an education support point here so that these children have the opportunity to receive a better education. When I got back to the city, I immediately started to make preparations.

One day not long after, I was busy with the help point, and Xiao Zhang hurried into my office.

"Mr. Li, someone sent a letter, saying it was for you." Zhang handed me a yellowed envelope.

I took the envelope and was shocked to see the familiar handwriting on it. It was the handwriting of the mysterious old man. I carefully opened the envelope, revealing a note that read, "When needed, open the bag." ”

I immediately realized that this might be an important hint. I went home and took out the bag I had always treasured. Under my mother's attentive gaze, I opened it.

In addition to a note, there is also a map. A location is marked on the map that looks like a cave.

"What is this place?" Mother asked curiously.

"I don't know, but I think it could be another test left to me by that mysterious old man." I replied.

The next day, I decided to go looking for this cave. When Lao Zhang learned about it, he insisted on accompanying me. So, the two of us embarked on a journey into the unknown together.

After some arduous searching, we finally found the cave. The entrance to the cave is obscured by weeds, and we would have barely been able to spot it if it weren't for the map's guidance.

We cautiously entered the cave, which was dark and damp, and the air was filled with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. Suddenly, I slipped and almost fell. Lao Zhang caught me in time.

"Be careful." Lao Zhang said nervously.

As we walked on, the cave grew spacious. On a stone platform, we found a wooden box. The wooden box was opened, and inside was a letter and a thick ledger.

The letter reads: "This ledger is a record of my good deeds in the world, and I hope that you will continue this business and pass on your kindness to more people." ”

Lao Zhang and I looked at each other and smiled, knowing in our hearts that this was another gift from the mysterious old man to us. We decided to bring this ledger back to the Foundation and let it be our motivation to move forward.

That night, Lao Zhang and I camped outside the cave, looking at the starry sky, our hearts were full of emotion. The beauty of this world is precisely because there are countless people who are willing to pass on kindness. And I would like to be such a person.

In the days that followed, Lao Zhang and I, as well as all the members of the Foundation, continued our business. We have traveled more mountains and rivers and helped more people in need. And the ledger of that mysterious old man has become our most valuable treasure.

Over time, our foundation has grown in size and influence. With the joint efforts of Lao Zhang and the Foundation, we have not only established a number of aid points in China, but also established cooperative relations with international charities to jointly help poor areas around the world.

One weekend morning, I was sorting out documents in my office when I suddenly received a call from Lao Zhang.

"Mr. Li, I have good news for you." Lao Zhang's voice was full of excitement.

"What's the good news?" I asked curiously.

"We have just received a huge donation, which is enough for us to carry out more aid projects." Lao Zhang said excitedly.

"Really? That's great! I replied excitedly.

As soon as I hung up, I called a meeting with the foundation's management to discuss how we could use the donation to carry out more aid projects. After some intense discussions, we finally decided to use part of the funds to improve medical conditions in poor areas, and the other part to support education.

In the months that followed, our foundation's aid programs sprung up. We have set up medical posts in poor areas and more schools for children. Seeing the success of these projects fills my heart with joy.

However, just then, I received an anonymous letter. "What you have done has attracted the attention of certain people, who may be working against you," the letter reads. Please be careful. ”

I was shocked and immediately informed Lao Zhang of the matter. We have decided to temporarily suspend all aid programs to ensure everyone's safety.

In the days that followed, we remained vigilant, but did not notice anything out of the ordinary. However, just as we let our guard down, a sudden fire destroyed our office and burned all the information and ledgers.

In the face of such a blow, Lao Zhang and I felt extremely frustrated. However, we didn't give up. We firmly believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, nothing can stop us from moving forward.

In the days that followed, we started from scratch and worked to rebuild the foundation. Although the process was difficult, we never gave up. We believe that as long as we persevere, one day, the Foundation will be full of vitality again.

Today, I am no longer young, but my faith has never wavered. I have always believed that everyone has the power to change the world if we want to. And Lao Zhang and I will continue to bring more light and hope to the world.