
Proud of Sun Yingsha, this time no one finally asked you why you went to the Olympic singles!

author:The slanting sun shines on the book at night


In 2024, the table tennis world will once again focus on a bright new star - Sun Yingsha. As a leader in national table tennis, she has not only achieved great results in domestic competitions, but also shined on the international stage. Today, we're going to take a look back at some of her key moments on the Olympic road and get a feel for what the table tennis woman has to look like.

Event 1: Sun Yingsha leads the Olympic standings with an absolute advantage, and the supremacy of women's singles is unshakable

In the fierce Paris Olympic trials, Sun Yingsha led the standings with amazing strength, and her performance was eye-catching. In every match, she showed a very high level of competition and strong psychological quality, whether she was facing strong opponents or adversity, she was able to deal with it calmly, and finally locked the women's singles spot with the first point score. Sun Yingsha's supremacy stems not only from her talent and strength, but also from her love and unremitting pursuit of table tennis.

Sun Yingsha's outstanding performance did not happen overnight, behind her hard training day after day and the spirit of constantly challenging herself. She constantly pushes her limits and strives for excellence, and it is this desire to win and go above and beyond that makes her unbeatable in the Women's Singles. Today, she has become the pride and symbol of national table tennis, and her name will forever be engraved in the history of table tennis.

Proud of Sun Yingsha, this time no one finally asked you why you went to the Olympic singles!

Event 2: The Shatou combination swept the international arena, and the mixed doubles supremacy was unmatched

In the mixed doubles event, Sun Yingsha and her partner also performed well. They work together tacitly, their tactics are changeable, and they can play at a very high level whether it is serve, return or hold. On the international stage, they have won all the major championships and become the dominant players in the mixed doubles event.

The tacit cooperation and excellent performance of the Shatou combination are inseparable from their usual training and accumulation. They encouraged and supported each other, forming a strong synergy in the competition. Their success is not only a personal honor, but also the pride and symbol of national table tennis. In the future, they will continue to train hard and fight for the honor of national table tennis.

Event 3: The controversy of the Tokyo Olympics rose, and Sun Yingsha used her strength to win respect

After the Tokyo Olympics, Sun Yingsha's name became the focus of heated discussions. In the face of doubts and controversies, she chose to respond to everything with strength. In the women's singles match, she won honor for her country by successfully defeating Ito, who was playing at home, with her cool head and excellent technique. In the women's team competition, she showed amazing fighting spirit and teamwork ability, helping the team turn the tables against the wind and achieving a double kill against Misei Ito.

Proud of Sun Yingsha, this time no one finally asked you why you went to the Olympic singles!

Despite losing to Chen Meng in the women's singles final, Sun Yingsha's performance was good enough. She proved her worth with her strength and won the respect and support of the fans. The Tokyo Olympics were a valuable experience for Sun and an important turning point in her career. It was this competition that made her more determined in her belief and made her more confident in the future.

Event 4: The sweat and glory behind the silver medal in the Tokyo Olympics

The silver medal in the women's singles at the Tokyo Olympics is both an honor and a motivation for Sun Yingsha. Behind this silver medal is her countless days and nights of hard work and sweat. In preparation for the Olympics, she has put in a lot of hard work and constantly honed her skills and mentality. During the match, she always remained calm and focused, and won the respect of the audience and opponents with her strength and performance.

Although the silver medal did not achieve her dream of gold medal, it made her more aware of her shortcomings and areas for improvement. She knows that only through continuous hard work and training can she achieve better results in the future. The silver medal also became an important milestone in her career, motivating her to keep going and aim higher.

Editor's spicy comment:

Proud of Sun Yingsha, this time no one finally asked you why you went to the Olympic singles!

Sun Yingsha, this table tennis female player writes her own legend with her strength. From the controversy of the Tokyo Olympics to the steady progress of the Paris Olympic cycle, she has paved her path to success with sweat and glory. She not only has excellent skills and strength, but also has a firm belief and unremitting pursuit. In the days to come, we look forward to Sun Yingsha being able to continue to maintain such a state and mental outlook, and create more brilliance on the road of table tennis!

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