
Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?

author:Good luck comes with you

Hey, dear friends, we all know the old saying: "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will suffer from illness." This seems simple, but in fact, there is a lot of health wisdom behind it! Today, let's talk about this topic and see which time periods are most suitable to open windows, and when to pay attention.

Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?

First of all, it's a good habit to wake up in the morning, but don't rush to open the window. The phrase "get up early and open the window to cool off" makes sense, because fresh air can refresh your mind. However, it is too early in the morning and the air humidity is high, and the dust and pollutants may not have cleared yet, so it is best to wait a little longer after the sun comes out before opening the windows for ventilation.

Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?

Then in the afternoon, especially at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is strong and the ultraviolet rays are strong, it may not be good for the skin to be exposed directly to the window for too long, and the temperature is too high, and the sudden drop in indoor temperature may lead to physical discomfort. At this time, you can choose to open the window briefly to let the natural wind blow in and keep the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor moderate.

In the evening, when the sun starts to set, opening the windows is a good option. The ancients said: "The sun sets, and the window is open to enjoy the coolness." "The wind is usually softer at this time, and it can take away the tiredness of the day. Remember to close the screen window to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?

As for the evening, it depends on the weather. If the outside air quality is good, opening the window for ventilation half an hour before going to bed can help purify the indoor air and improve the quality of sleep. However, if it is a hazy day or a cold night, it is better to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

Overall, the timing of window openings is not fixed, and the key is to be flexible with the weather, season, and personal health. Remember, nature is the best doctor, and proper ventilation can make our nests more comfortable and healthier. Of course, if there are elderly and children at home, they should be carefully cared for to avoid them from catching a cold.

Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?

Finally, don't forget that the little habits in life often hide great wisdom. Let's work together to protect the health of our families in a scientific way, so that the traditional custom of "opening the window at four o'clock" will radiate new vitality in modern life. Share this health tip with your family and friends!

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Is there any truth to the old saying "If you don't open the window at four o'clock, you will get sick if you open the window"? What are the 4 time periods?