
In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm


Recently, the situation at Scarborough Shoal has escalated again, with more than 100 Philippine ships approaching the island, triggering a high degree of vigilance on the Chinese side.

CCTV has sent three messages in a row, showing that China is ready to respond, and we are ready to accept challenges and defend our sovereignty.

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In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

Recently, the Philippines has become more and more arrogant, not only has it repeatedly threatened China's islands and reefs in the South China Sea, but this time it has even planned to forcibly intrude into China's Scarborough Shoal, and it is also more than 100 ships.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

The leader of this operation is a non-governmental organization in the Philippines, under the banner of "civil mission", in fact, it wants to seize Scarborough Shoal with China, and the name of the organization is extremely aggressive, which translates into Chinese: The South China Sea is ours.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

Such banditry in the Philippines also has something to do with the United States. Scarborough Shoal has long been China's territory, but the countries surrounding the islands and reefs have always coveted China's territory and repeatedly intruded into the South China Sea, which has seriously violated China's territorial sovereignty.

Prior to this, Philippine vessels had maliciously intruded into Second Thomas Shoal, but they were unsuccessful, thanks to the strong crackdown of the Chinese Coast Guard, which repeatedly monitored China's movements in the South China Sea.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

The Philippines is now repeatedly fighting for sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal, on the one hand, because the United States is manipulating it behind the scenes.

On the other hand, the Philippines also wants to increase its presence, and it is trying to strengthen its de facto control over Scarborough Shoal by sending a large number of ships close to the island, so as to assert its presence and sovereignty claims in the region, but the sovereignty issue is by no means something that they can grab by brutality.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

Scarborough Shoal is very important to the Philippines, and if the Philippines really occupies Scarborough Shoal in this way, then the resources in this sea area will be owned by the Philippines, and China will lose its right to speak.

In the face of the malicious provocation by the Philippines, the Chinese government has resolutely responded to the Philippine side and adopted a series of measures.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

The Chinese side immediately made military deployments, and a large number of Chinese ships went to Scarborough Shoal to form a powerful maritime force and strengthen military defense at sea.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

At the same time, the Chinese side made a diplomatic protest, emphasizing that Scarborough Shoal has always belonged to China, and this protest was not only sent to the Philippines, but also to like-minded countries like the Philippines, which demonstrated China's firm determination to safeguard its territorial sovereignty.

CCTV sent three messages in a row, showing that China is ready to deal with it, and conveying China's determination and confidence to China at home and abroad.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

The Philippines' malicious provocation also reflects the inconsistency between Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos's words and deeds, which previously said that he did not want to aggravate the situation in the South China Sea, but now organizes large-scale actions, which is not respectful to China at all.

Regarding the Philippines' actions this time, some netizens said that they could blow sand to build islands and station troops, and only in this way could the Philippines stop.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

Some netizens also said that there are countless Chinese militia fishing boats, and the Philippines wants to grab our Scarborough Shoal too much.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

Some netizens said that China has done its best to the Philippines, and there is no need to give face to the Philippine government, and it is time for China to take action.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

In general, China's response to the Scarborough Shoal issue shows that it resolutely defends China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and not only Scarborough Shoal, but also the islands and reefs in the South China Sea are also inviolable territory.

If the Philippines insists on forcibly seizing Scarborough Shoal, China will not show mercy, and the Philippines should be aware of its limited capabilities.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

China has always put the overall situation first, and has not bullied the weak, and will not move the knife or gun if the problems can be resolved peacefully, but some people do not know what to do and what is wrong, and want to ride on China's head, and repeatedly test China's bottom line.

In less than 24 hours, CCTV released three pieces of news that China had increased its troops at Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine side could not afford to storm the storm

China is not afraid of things, it just doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, but if the Philippines insists on going against China, then they should also bear the consequences.

Respect is mutual, and we hope to be respected by other countries, but if we don't want to, then China has no choice but to take action.