
I don't even meet the standards of the poor

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor
I don't even meet the standards of the poor

In a bustling corner of the city, there lives a young man named Zhao Lei. He goes out early and returns late every day, busy with various part-time jobs, but he always feels that he is still far from the basic security line of life. Whenever he heard people talk about the "poor," he always laughed at himself and thought, "I'm not even up to the standards of the poor." ”

One day, when Zhao Lei was working at a fast food restaurant, he met a regular customer named Aunt Li. Aunt Li is a retired worker who is not wealthy, but she is always optimistic and cheerful. She often chats with Zhao Lei to share her life experience and wisdom.

That day, Aunt Li looked at Zhao Lei's busy figure and suddenly asked, "Xiao Zhao, you work so hard every day, do you feel that life is very stressful?" ”

Zhao Lei smiled bitterly and replied, "Yes, Auntie." I feel like I'm running for life every day, but I'm never going to reach the standard of living I want. ”

Aunt Li smiled and said, "Then what kind of person do you think is poor?" ”

Zhao Lei thought for a while and said, "I think it should be those who can't even guarantee their basic life." They don't have a steady income, they don't have a place to live, and they don't even have enough to eat. ”

Aunt Li nodded, and asked again, "Then do you think you are like this?" ”

Zhao Lei was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "No." Although I had a hard time, I still had a job, a place to live, and I could eat every day. So, I don't think I'm poor yet. ”

Aunt Li smiled and said, "That's right." In fact, the standard of the poor is not fixed. Everyone has different needs and expectations for life. Some people may have a lot of wealth but feel empty and unsatisfied; And some people live a simple life, but they can find happiness and fulfillment in it. Therefore, we cannot measure whether a person is poor or not by material conditions alone. ”

After Zhao Lei heard this, he fell into deep thought. He began to reflect on his attitude and values towards life. He realized that he had been focusing too much on the lack of material things and neglecting the other good things in life. He began to learn to be grateful and cherish what he had, including the hard but fulfilling job, the humble but sheltered home, and the simple but filling meals.

With the passage of time, Zhao Lei's mentality has gradually changed. Instead of complaining about the hardships and injustices of life, he began to face challenges and difficulties positively. He works hard to constantly improve his abilities and skills; He cares about the people around him and does everything he can to help them; He pays attention to the development and progress of society and actively participates in public welfare activities.

Gradually, Zhao Lei's life began to improve. His work performance was recognized, and his income gradually increased; His social circle also expanded, and he met many like-minded friends; His mindset has also become more positive and optimistic, and he is full of confidence and anticipation for the future.

One day, Zhao Lei met Aunt Li at a fast food restaurant. He excitedly told Aunt Li about his changes and progress. After hearing this, Aunt Li felt very relieved and happy. She said: "Xiao Zhao, you see, as long as you are willing to work hard and change, life will always reward you." You are no longer the young man who can't even meet the standards of the poor, you have become a young man with pursuits, dreams, and abilities. ”

After hearing this, Zhao Lei's heart was full of gratitude and respect. He bowed deeply to Aunt Li and said, "Thank you, Auntie!" It was your teachings that taught me the true meaning and value of life. I will continue to work hard to create a better future! ”

This story teaches us that the standards of the poor are not fixed. We cannot measure whether a person is poor or not by material conditions. What really matters is our mindset and attitude. As long as we maintain a positive attitude, bravely face the challenges and difficulties of life, cherish what we have and keep working hard, we can create our own happiness and beauty.

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