
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say
What is the manifestation of lack of heart and eye, and what is the reality that can only be seen clearly by entering the society, smart people don't say

In the bustling city, there is a young man named Xiao Ming, who has lived in a relatively closed environment since he was a child, and his parents doted on him and arranged almost everything for him. Therefore, Xiao Ming rarely had to face difficulties and challenges by himself in the process of growing up, which also led to his relatively simple and one-sided understanding of society.

Xiao Ming has a friend named Xiao Jie. Xiao Huang was born in an ordinary family, and although his parents were not wealthy, they paid great attention to his education and cultivation. Xiaojie learned to think independently and solve problems from an early age, he knows how to respect others, and he also knows how to get along with people.

One day, Xiao Ming and Xiao Jie attended a social gathering together. At the party, Xiao Ming was very active, he kept introducing himself to others, talking about his achievements and experiences exaggeratedly. Xiaojie, on the other hand, is relatively low-key, smiling and listening to other people's conversations, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two of pertinent opinions.

Halfway through the party, a middle-aged man walked over, he looked very serious, and he exuded an aura of majesty. As soon as Xiao Ming saw him, he immediately greeted him warmly and began to introduce himself endlessly. However, he didn't notice the displeasure that gradually appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

"You're confident, young man, but you know what? Sometimes overconfidence is conceited. The middle-aged man interrupted Xiao Ming's words and said lightly.

Xiao Ming was stunned, he didn't expect his words to attract such an evaluation. He looked at Xiao Jie and saw that Xiao Jie was looking at him with a smile, as if to say, "Look, I told you a long time ago." ”

After the party, Xiao Ming and Xiao Jie walked home together. Xiao Ming finally couldn't help but ask Xiao Jie: "Why didn't you remind me?" ”

Xiaojie smiled and said, "I wanted to remind you a long time ago, but I know that you have a lot of self-esteem and don't want to listen to other people's opinions. In fact, your performance just now is a typical lack of heart. You only know how to behave yourself, but you don't realize that your actions can make others feel uncomfortable. ”

Xiao Ming listened to Xiao Jie's words and was a little unconvinced. He retorted, "I'm confident! What's so bad about being confident? ”

Xiaojie shook his head and said, "Of course, self-confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is conceited." Conceited people tend to focus only on their own feelings and needs and ignore the feelings and needs of others. It is difficult for such a person to gain a foothold in society. ”

Xiao Ming was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Then what should I do?" ”

Xiaojie thought for a while and said, "Actually, it's not difficult to solve this problem. First of all, you have to learn to listen to other people's opinions and suggestions. Don't always be self-righteous and think that your ideas are the most correct. Second, you have to learn to respect others. Everyone has their own values and lifestyle, and we should respect their choices. Finally, you need to learn to control your emotions. Don't let your emotions affect others. ”

Xiao Ming listened to Xiao Jie's words, and his heart suddenly brightened. He realized that he did have a lot of problems in his past life, such as overconfidence, lack of respect for others, etc. He decided to change himself from now on and try to become a more mature and sane person.

Over time, Xiao Ming gradually changed his behavior and attitude. He learned to listen to other people's opinions and suggestions, and he also learned to respect other people's choices. His changes have not only won the recognition and respect of his friends, but also made him more successful in work and life.

However, Xiao Ming was not satisfied with this. He knows he still has a lot to learn and improve. As a result, he began to study and work harder, constantly improving his abilities and qualities.

In this process, Xiao Ming also deeply realized the importance of upbringing. He realized that upbringing is not only an external performance, but also an internal cultivation and quality. A cultured person not only knows how to respect and care for others, but also knows how to get along with others and how to solve problems. Such people can win more respect and trust in society.

Xiao Ming's story tells us a truth: people who lack heart and eye often only focus on their own feelings and needs, but ignore the feelings and needs of others. It is difficult for such a person to gain a foothold in society. A cultured person knows how to respect others, care about others, know how to get along with others, and how to solve problems. Such talents can win more respect and trust in society. Therefore, we should strive to become a cultured person, constantly improve our ability and quality, and contribute our own strength to the progress and development of society.