
The adventures of a father and son

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Da Liu, and I'm a waste picker. My son, Xiao Liu, is sixteen this year, and he also follows me to pick up waste. We lived an ordinary life, but one day, our fate was in an adventure.

That day, we rummaged through the garbage heap, hoping to find something of value. Suddenly, Xiao Liu stopped me: "Dad, look, what is this?" He was holding a worn-out wooden box in his hand.

I took it and opened it, and there was a string of Buddhist beads lying inside, which looked like it was some years old. I held it in my hand and suddenly felt a warm current from the beads into my body. At this moment, the wooden box suddenly glowed, startling us.

Before we could react, the Buddhist beads in the wooden box flew out, circled around me and Xiao Liu a few times, and then flew back to the wooden box. At this time, an old man in ancient costume appeared in front of us.

The old man looked at us, smiled and said, "You father and son are kind-hearted, so I will give you this string of Buddhist beads." It will bless you with peace and bring you an adventure. ”

Before we could ask, the old man had disappeared. Xiao Liu and I glanced at each other and decided to take the beads home.

From that day on, our lives changed. When I scavenge, I always find something valuable; Xiao Liu is in school, and his grades have also improved by leaps and bounds. We can't help but sigh that this string of Buddhist beads is really a treasure.

One day, Xiao Liu and I were on our way home when we saw a thief snatching a grandmother's bag. Xiao Liu immediately rushed over, and I followed. When the thief saw this, he pulled his legs and ran. Our father and son shouted to catch the thief and chased after him.

Just as we were about to catch up, Xiao Liu suddenly fell. I quickly helped him up, only to see that his ankles were swollen like steamed buns. I'm in a hurry, but we can't give up chasing the thief.

At this moment, the Buddhist beads hanging around my neck suddenly glowed, and Xiao Liu and I felt a surge of power welling up in our bodies. Our eyes widened and we saw our own shadows running, and our speed became faster and faster.

Finally, thanks to our efforts, the thief was caught. We returned the bag to the old lady and she was grateful. And we, because of this adventure, discovered another miraculous function of the Buddha beads: it allows us to have magical power at critical moments.

Since then, the lives of our father and son have become more and more colorful. We have used the power of Buddhist beads to help many people in need and gained many precious friendships.

Although we are still scavengers, our hearts are full of hope and courage. We believe that as long as we have good intentions, life will always bring us unexpected surprises. And that mysterious wooden box has become a treasure that our father and son will cherish forever.

As the days passed, the beads became an indispensable part of our lives. That day, Xiao Liu and I were on the way to pick up waste, and we accidentally passed by a construction site. Suddenly, we heard a faint cry for help.

We searched and found a little boy trapped in a collapsed tunnel. His parents were anxious, but they couldn't do anything. Seeing this scene, I took off the Buddhist beads without hesitation and handed it to Xiao Liu: "Son, it's up to you this time." ”

Xiao Liu took the Buddha beads and said nervously, "Dad, I will definitely be able to rescue him." After speaking, he grasped the beads tightly and closed his eyes and recited silently. After a while, Xiao Liu opened his eyes and said confidently, "We can." ”

Our father and son worked together to slowly open the tunnel with the power of the beads. The little boy's parents were speechless in amazement when they saw this. Finally, the little boy crawled out safely. His parents hugged us gratefully and burst into tears.

This experience made us realize that the power of beads can not only change our lives, but also help more people. We decided that we would cherish this hard-won gift even more.

One day, I picked up a wallet on the way to pick up waste. When I opened it, there was a thick wad of cash and some documents. Without even thinking about it, I took my wallet and went to the nearby police station.

The policeman took the wallet and asked me: "Da Liu, there is a lot of money in this wallet, you didn't think about keeping it yourself?" ”

I replied with a smile: "Comrade policeman, although there is a lot of money in this wallet, it is not mine. I picked it up and just wanted to return it to its owner as soon as possible. I believe that good people are rewarded. ”

At this moment, Xiao Liu walked in. He looked at me and said, "Dad, you're right. We have to be upright people, so that the beads will always bless us. ”

Soon after, the owner found me, gratefully shook my hand and said, "Da Liu, thank you." You make me believe that there are still many good people in this world. ”

As the days passed, our father and son, under the blessing of the Buddha beads, helped others and passed on positive energy. And our lives are gradually getting better.

One day, a mysterious old man found us. He looked at us and said with a smile, "You father and son have done a lot of good deeds with Buddhist beads and have touched the heavens. Now, I'm going to take you to a place where your mission is. ”

Xiao Liu and I glanced at each other and followed the old man to an ancient temple. In the temple, a senior monk told us: "You father and son are kind-hearted, and the Buddha beads have recognized you as the master." From today onwards, you will inherit this temple and pass on the power of the beads to more people. ”

In this way, we became the presiding officer of the temple. We kept the temple in good order and helped countless believers with the power of the Buddha beads. And our lives, because of this magical fate, have undergone earth-shaking changes. We know that this power comes from good thoughts, and it will be passed on forever.

After becoming the presiding officer of the temple, our lives become more fulfilling. Every day, devotees from far and wide come to the temple to seek solace for their souls. Xiao Liu and I did our best to use the power of Buddha beads to solve their problems.

One day, a young mother came to the temple with her sick son. With tears in her eyes, she told us that her son was suffering from a rare disease and that doctors were helpless. She heard that the beads had magical powers, so she came here with the last glimmer of hope.

I looked at Xiao Liu, and he did not hesitate to take out the Buddha beads and gently place them on the boy's head. Together, we closed our eyes and prayed silently. After a while, Xiao Liu opened his eyes, smiled and said to the mother, "Auntie, I believe he will get better." ”

A few days later, the mother came to the temple again, and her son had recovered. She knelt down in front of us excitedly, crying silently: "Thank you, thank you for the miraculous power of the Buddha beads." ”

As time went on, the temple's fame grew, attracting more and more devotees. Our father and son also began to participate in various public welfare activities to bring the power of Buddhist beads to more people in need.

One weekend, we came to an orphanage. The children there have lost their parents for various reasons and are living in hardship and helplessness. We decided to hold a charity event there to raise money for them and their tuition.

On the day of the event, people from all walks of life donated generously to the children of the orphanage. Xiao Liu and I also took out Buddhist beads and prayed for the children. With the blessing of the Buddha beads, the event was a complete success.

That night, I looked at Xiao Liu's sleeping face and felt a lot of emotion in my heart. Once upon a time, we were still scavenging, but now we can help so many people in need. All of this stems from that magical string of Buddhist beads.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door of the temple. I quickly got up and opened the door, and found that it was an elderly man. He said with an anxious face: "Da Liu, my grandson ran away from home, and I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. I heard that you have miraculous beads here, please help me. ”

I immediately woke up Xiao Liu, and we took the Buddhist beads and followed the old man to a place where his grandson might go. After some searching, the child was finally found on a remote path.

He sat on the side of the road and burst into tears. When he saw us, he was stunned. I stepped forward and gently placed the beads in his hand: "Child, your grandfather is worried about you, let's pray for you together." ”

In the company of us and the Buddha beads, the child gradually calmed down. He told us that he ran away from home on impulse because of an argument with his grandfather. Now, he understands the importance of his family and decides to go home and apologize to his grandfather.

When we sent the child home, a relieved smile appeared on the old man's face. He said gratefully, "Thank you, you made it possible for me to find my grandson and for him to find his way home." ”

Such stories are constantly played out in the temple. Our father and son have used the power of Buddhist beads to help countless people find hope and direction. And our lives have become better because of this magical power. We know that this kindness and power will be passed on forever.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Liu and I have spent a few spring and autumn in the temple. We have made many friends here and helped many people. And that string of Buddhist beads has always been with us and has become an important part of our lives.

One summer afternoon, a special guest came to the temple. She was a woman over half a hundred years old, with a sad face. She told us that her husband had died of illness, leaving behind a large debt. In order to pay off her debts, she sold all her family property, but it was still not enough. She heard that the beads had magical powers, so she came to the temple with her last hope.

I looked at Xiao Liu, who gently held the beads and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and said to the woman, "Auntie, please rest assured, we will do everything we can to help you." ”

Over the next few days, Xiao Liu and I traveled around to raise money for the woman. With the blessing of the beads, we managed to raise enough money for her to pay off her debts and regain her confidence in life.

One night, Xiao Liu and I were walking in the temple. The moonlight shines on the ancient temple, which is extraordinarily peaceful. We sat on the stone steps, looked at the starry sky, and talked about the past.

Xiao Liu said with emotion: "Dad, do you remember the days when we were scavenging? At that time, our lives were full of hardships. Today, we are able to help so many people, which is really a blessing of Buddha beads. ”

I nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, all this is inseparable from the blessing of the Buddha beads. We must cherish this magical fate and continue to help more people in need. ”

Suddenly, we heard a rush of footsteps. We turned our heads and saw that it was a young man. He ran up to us out of breath and said anxiously, "Master, please save my mother. She suddenly suffered a stroke and was dying. ”

Xiao Liu and I immediately got up and followed the man to his home. Xiao Liu took out the Buddha beads and put them on the mother's hand. We closed our eyes together and prayed silently. After a while, the mother slowly opened her eyes.

The man shook our hands excitedly, tears welling up in his eyes: "Thank you, you saved my mother's life. ”

We smiled and shook our heads: "No thanks, this is what we should do." As long as we have good thoughts in our hearts, the power of the beads will always be with us. ”

In the days that followed, we continued to help countless people with the power of the beads. And our lives, because of this magical power, are becoming better and better. We know that this kindness and power will be passed on forever.

One day, an elderly monk came to the temple. He looked at us, smiled and said, "You father and son are kind-hearted, and the Buddha beads have recognized you as the Lord." From today onwards, you will inherit this temple and pass on the power of the beads to more people. ”

Our father and son looked at each other and said in unison, "We do." "Since then, we have become the presiding officer of the temple and continue to use the power of the beads to help more people find hope and direction.

And we know that this kindness and strength will be passed on forever.