
In 2009, his wife went to visit the barracks

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In 2009, it was a cold winter. My name is Dajun, and I am a soldier stationed at the border pass. I was busy in the barracks that day when I suddenly received a notice that my wife was coming to visit me. This was her first time in the barracks, and I was both excited and nervous.

In the afternoon, the wife finally arrived at the barracks. She was wearing a red down jacket and looked particularly conspicuous. I hurried up to her and held her hand tightly, feeling like I was holding the whole world.

However, it wasn't long before a sudden conflict shattered the tranquility. That night, as we were eating in the cafeteria, my wife suddenly asked me, "Dajun, do you have a lot of hard training here?" I nodded and told her, "Of course, we are soldiers, and it is our responsibility to defend our homeland." ”

Just then, we heard an argument. It turned out that it was two fighters who had a conflict over a trivial matter. I quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks and walked over to understand the situation. My wife followed me closely.

I walked up to the two fighters and asked what had happened. It turned out that they had a disagreement over a training task. One side believes that the mandate should be carried out more strictly, while the other believes that it can be appropriately relaxed. I am well aware that if such a conflict is not resolved in time, it will affect the cohesion of the whole team.

So, I began to persuade them: "Comrades, we are all one family, and we must unite for the sake of the country and the people. The task is important, but so is the mood of the people. We need to understand each other and support each other. ”

His wife also helped persuade him: "Yes, you are all heroic soldiers, and you should focus on defending your family and country, instead of arguing over a trivial matter." ”

After the persuasion of our husband and wife, the two fighters finally shook hands and made peace. At this time, my wife looked at me with admiration in her eyes. She said to me, "Great army, you are awesome! I'm so proud of you. ”

Over the next few days, my wife followed me on a tour of the barracks and learned about our lives. Not only did she do our laundry and cook for us, but she also offered to help take care of the wounded fighters. Everyone praised her as a virtuous military wife.

However, happy times are always short-lived. Soon, the wife's home leave will be over. On the day of separation, we hugged each other tightly and agreed to take good care of each other and wait for the next reunion.

After seeing off my wife, I returned to the barracks and continued my mission. And my wife's sentence "Army, you have to take care" always echoed in my ears and inspired me to move forward.

That winter, although it was cold, the arrival of my wife gave me endless warmth. Although we are separated, our hearts are always connected. In this land, we jointly protect our homeland and contribute to the peace of the country. This is the story of us, an ordinary soldier.

Time flies, and spring blossoms bloom in a blink of an eye. Life in the barracks was still tense and orderly, and in the dead of night, I would think of my wife's warm smile and her parting words. Those words seemed to have a magical power, and I felt the warmth of home for countless cold nights.

One day, I received a letter from my wife. In her letter, she told me that her family's crops were growing well, her parents were healthy, and her children were thriving. She said that although everything was fine at home, she still missed me and looked forward to the next time we saw each other. After reading the letter, my eyes couldn't help but moisten, and the longing for home in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Soon after, an urgent mission came from the barracks. We received an order to go to the border on a special mission to protect the security of the country. I know that this mission is difficult and dangerous, but as a soldier, I have no hesitation.

Before leaving, I wrote a letter to my wife telling her that I was going on a mission and that I might not be able to contact him for a while. In the letter, I told her to take care of herself and her family until I returned safely.

The days of mission at the border were tense and exciting. We lurk during the day and act at night, always on our toes. During this time, I deeply realized the fragility of life and the dependence of life and death between comrades-in-arms.

One night, we were on a mission when we were suddenly attacked by the enemy. In the rain of bullets, my comrades and I fought back, and life and death hung by a thread. At the critical moment, my wife's words suddenly flashed in my mind: "Dajun, you have to take care." ”

At that moment, it was as if I had infinite power. I led my comrades to successfully repel the enemy and secure the border. However, there are also several comrades-in-arms who died heroically in this battle and left us forever.

After the mission, we returned to the barracks. That night, I sat alone in my dorm room, looking at the yellowed letter in my hand, tears quietly falling from my eyes. I secretly vowed that I must cherish life even more, for the sake of my wife, for my family, for the sake of the country and the people.

Soon after, I received another letter from my wife. In the letter, she asked me about my current situation with concern, saying that she was praying for me at home and looking forward to me completing my mission as soon as possible and returning home safely. After reading the letter, my heart swelled with warmth, and my longing for home became stronger and stronger.

That night, I dreamed of my wife. She walked towards me with a smile in her red down jacket. I hugged her tightly and told her, "I'll be back soon to be with you and the baby." ”

When I woke up, I knew it wasn't just a dream, it was my hope for the future. In this land, my wife and I are thousands of miles apart, but our hearts are always connected. For the sake of our common dreams and the peace of the country, I will go on bravely. This is me, the story of an ordinary soldier, a story of love and perseverance.

As the days passed, life in the barracks remained rigid and serious. When night falls, I always walk alone to the playground outside the camp, looking up at the stars, thinking of my wife and children in the distance. The figures of those sacrificed comrades-in-arms will also come to mind at this moment, and their sacrifices have strengthened my determination to defend my homeland.

One day in the summer, there was a sudden festive atmosphere in the barracks. It turned out that the superiors, in recognition of our heroic performance in the execution of the mission, decided to give us a small long vacation. I was overjoyed to hear the news and immediately began to prepare for my homecoming.

The journey home was long and arduous, but I was full of anticipation. I can't wait to see my wife and children, and I want to tell them my story from the barracks.

Finally, early one morning, I set out on the journey home. After a long bumpy ride, I arrived at my familiar doorstep. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

The door opened, and my wife looked at me in surprise with tears in her eyes. I hugged her tightly and felt the warmth of home that I hadn't felt for a long time. The child also ran out and threw himself into my arms, shouting "Daddy". At that moment, all the exhaustion and hardship vanished.

I had a wonderful time with my family in those days. We went to see the parents together and visited the amusement park of our children's dreams. I cherish every moment at home.

However, the holidays are always short-lived. Soon after, I was going back to the barracks. On the eve of parting, my wife helped me pack my luggage, and her eyes were full of reluctance. I gently stroked her cheek and said to her, "When I come back, we'll have more times like this." ”

My wife nodded and held my hand tightly: "Dajun, you must come back safely, we are all waiting for you here." ”

Back in the barracks, I once again threw myself into intense training and tasks. My wife's phrase "waiting for you to come back" became my motivation to move forward. On every cold night, I silently said to her in my heart, "I will, for you, I will return safely." ”

A few months later, I received another letter from my wife. In the letter, she told me that everything was fine at home, that the child was doing well in school, and that she herself had found a temporary job that added more color to our lives. At the end of the letter, she wrote: "Wherever you are, our hearts are with you, great army. When you come back, we will welcome a new life together. ”

After reading the letter, my heart was filled with gratitude and love. I know that in this land, there are countless families like my wife and me, who have exchanged their perseverance and sacrifice for the peace and prosperity of the country.

I looked out the window again, and silently made a wish in my heart: May our country be at peace forever, and may every soldier return safely and reunite with his family. This is my expectation for the future, and it is also the perseverance and commitment of an ordinary soldier.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached late autumn. The fallen leaves in the barracks fluttered one after another, as if telling the sadness of parting. In this season, I always think of my wife's words: "Armies, wherever you are, our hearts are with you." This sentence became the warmest comfort in my heart.

Late one night, I was packing my bags in my dorm room to get ready for a new mission. At this time, the phone suddenly rang, and it was his wife's voice: "Dajun, how are you doing?" I miss you so much. "Hearing her voice, a warm current welled up in my heart, as if she was right next to me.

I smiled and replied, "I miss you too, and the kids." Take care of yourselves at home until I come back. ”

The wife asked with concern, "Is your mission hard this time?" Be safe and take care of yourself. ”

I comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll take care of myself." Although the task is difficult, I will do my best, for our family, for the country. ”

After hanging up, I fell into deep thought. I know that the importance of this mission is self-evident, but the longing for home is also getting stronger. I was secretly determined to return safely and reunite with my family.

As the days of the mission passed, my comrades and I fought side by side, overcoming one difficulty after another. During this time, I often think of my wife's encouragement and support, which strengthens my faith.

Finally, towards the end of the mission, we encountered a sudden crisis. The enemy has set a trap in the shadows, and we are in danger. At this life-and-death juncture, I remembered my wife's words: "Take care, great army. This sentence seemed to become a source of my strength, and I led my comrades-in-arms to break through and successfully defuse the crisis.

When the mission was over, I was relieved. When I returned to the barracks, I immediately called my wife to report that she was safe. On the other end of the phone, she cried with joy, and her voice was choked: "Dajun, you are finally back, I am so worried about you." ”

I comforted her softly, "Don't worry, I'm fine." The mission was successfully completed and we will soon be reunited. ”

In the days that followed, I counted down every day, looking forward to the moment of reunion with my family. Finally, early one morning, I set out on my way home. After a long journey, I was once again standing on the doorstep of my familiar home.

The door opened, and my wife looked at me with a smile on her face, her eyes shining with happiness. I hugged her tightly and felt the warmth of home that I hadn't felt for a long time. The child also ran out, excitedly shouting, "Daddy is back!" ”

At that moment, the joy in my heart was beyond words. I know that in this land, there are countless families like my wife and me, who have traded their perseverance and sacrifice for the peace and prosperity of the country. And I will always remember that for the sake of my family and my country, I will go on bravely. This is me, the story of an ordinary soldier, a story of love and perseverance.