
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man

author:Xiao Li Monk
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man
How did you survive the poorest time of your life? The last netizen is a real man

How did I survive when I was the poorest in my life?

1. Hit the heart, the despair and struggle when you are the poorest

At some point in my life, I fell into a low point that I had never felt before. At that time, the balance of the bank card was almost zero, and rent, utility bills, and meals became problems. When I wake up every day and see the sunshine outside the window, there is no warmth in my heart, only confusion and fear for the future. That kind of despair, as if in the abyss of darkness, could not find a trace of light.

2. Look back to the past and trace the root causes of poverty

During that time, I lived in an old neighborhood in the city, surrounded by busy and unfamiliar faces. In order to save money, I only eat steamed buns and pickles every day, and I have to hesitate to buy a bottle of water. I began to reflect on why I had ended up like this. Is it because the work is not going well, or is it because you are too profligate? After much deliberation, I realized that the root cause of poverty lies in my lack of planning and goals, as well as an overly negative attitude towards life.

3. Survive in adversity and get out of the predicament step by step

In the face of the dilemma, I did not choose to give up, but chose to rise to the occasion. I started looking for all kinds of part-time opportunities, whether it was food delivery, tutoring or setting up a stall, as long as I could make money, I was willing to try. At the same time, I also started to change my lifestyle, learning to be smart and reduce unnecessary expenses. I also use my spare time to learn new knowledge and improve my abilities in the hope of finding a better job.

In the process, I encountered a lot of difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes, I get anxious because I can't find a job; Sometimes, I feel stressed because of my low income. However, I never gave up, but persevered. I told myself that if you work hard, you will be rewarded.

In the process, I also made some like-minded friends. They are also in a difficult situation, but they have not given up hope. Together, we share experiences, encourage each other, and make progress together. These experiences have strengthened my belief that as long as there is light in my heart, I can light the way forward.

Fourth, after adversity, harvest growth and hope

After a period of hard work, I finally got out of the predicament. I found a stable job and my income increased significantly. At the same time, I also learned how to plan my life and how to face the challenges of the future. I realized that poverty is not terrible, but the loss of confidence and courage is terrible. As long as we have firm belief and unremitting efforts, we will be able to overcome difficulties and meet a better future.

The story of the last netizen made me deeply admired. He chose to persevere and struggle when he was the poorest, and proved the meaning of "true man" with his actions. His story teaches us that we must not give up hope, no matter how difficult it may be. Only by bravely facing challenges and constantly striving to move forward can we reap our own happiness and success.

Transformation in the face of adversity: how I survived step by step when I was the poorest

1. At the end of the road, life has fallen to the bottom

Life is always full of uncertainties, and I never imagined that one day I would be penniless and in the poorest situation. It was a cold winter day, I was unemployed and I had little savings left. Rent due, phone downtime, credit card overdraft...... Everything seems to be announcing to me: you're finished.

I remember that day, I was walking down the bustling streets, watching the crowds coming and going, everyone rushing around, as if I was the only one standing still. I walked into a small restaurant and ordered a bowl of the cheapest somen noodles, the only meal I had in a few days in a row. Eating that bowl of tasteless noodles, my tears flowed involuntarily. I asked myself, is this the life I want?

When I got home, I looked through the job postings on my phone, but each one made me feel hopeless. I don't have a high degree or special skills, so it's not easy to find a good job. I began to doubt myself, doubt the world, and even have the idea of giving up.

However, it was at this time that I received a WeChat message from an old classmate. He told me that he was going through a similar dilemma, but he chose to persevere. He encouraged me not to give up and to believe that I would be able to get through this.

2. Survive in adversity, and life begins to turn around

Inspired by my old classmates, I decided to pick myself up again. I started actively looking for various part-time opportunities, whether it was food delivery, tutoring or setting up a stall, as long as I could make money, I was willing to try. It's hard every day, but it's gratifying to see my hard work pay off.

In the process of delivering food, I got to know a warm-hearted customer. He was a retired old man who saw me working hard every day, so he took the initiative to invite me to his house. In his home, I felt the warmth and care that I had not felt for a long time. He told me that life is like a marathon, sometimes we will encounter setbacks and difficulties, but as long as we persevere, we will definitely reach the finish line.

With the encouragement of the old man, I strengthened my faith. I started to use my spare time to learn new things and improve my abilities. I signed up for some online courses to learn skills like programming and marketing. Although the process was difficult, I always maintained a positive attitude.

Finally, one day, I received an interview notice from a company. During the interview, I managed to get the job with my hard work and accumulated knowledge. Although the starting salary is not high, it is already a huge breakthrough for me. I told myself that if I kept trying, I would be able to live a better life.

3. Transformation and rebirth to meet a better future

In my new role, I cherish this opportunity. I work hard and keep learning and improving. I gradually gained recognition from my colleagues and leaders, and I also got some opportunities for promotions and salary increases.

At the same time, I also started to focus on my quality of life. I started focusing on healthy eating and exercising to keep myself in good shape. I also met some new friends from different industries and fields who gave me a lot of inspiration and help.

In the process, I gradually found my own interests and direction. I found myself interested in writing and self-media, so I started my own creative path. I spend my spare time writing, publishing articles, and sharing my experiences and insights. Although I didn't get much attention and support at first, I didn't give up and persevered.

As time went by, my self-media account gradually gained some followers and attention. I'm starting to get some invitations to collaborate and opportunities to collaborate on advertising. Although these incomes are not much, they are already a great encouragement for me. I realized that as long as I stick to my dreams and pursuits, I will be able to realize my own value.

Now, I have stepped out of the poorest situation and ushered in a bright future of my own. I am grateful to those who have helped me, and I am grateful for my perseverance and pursuit. I believe that as long as we bravely face setbacks and difficulties, we will be able to usher in a better tomorrow.

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