
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

author:Xiao Li Monk
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The aunt complained that her pickled sauerkraut grew green leaves, netizens: randomly angry with a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

1. Wonderful moment: Auntie's "green sauerkraut" sparked heated discussions

On an ordinary weekend, Aunt Wang shared a photo of herself pickling sauerkraut on social media, but she didn't expect this photo to instantly spark heated discussions among netizens. In the photo, the sauerkraut jar not only has the yellow color of sauerkraut, but also a touch of bright green. Aunt Wang complained in the accompanying text: "Why does this sauerkraut grow green leaves when it grows?" Is it mutated? This dynamic quickly spread in the circle of friends, attracting many netizens to watch and comment.

Second, the origin of the story: the aunt's pickled feelings

Aunt Wang is a typical housewife who likes to study all kinds of home-cooked and pickled foods. Every autumn, she would buy a lot of cabbage and pickle it herself. She always said: "The pickled cabbage at home is clean and hygienic, and you can eat it with confidence." This autumn was no exception, and Auntie Wang started her pickling journey with great interest. However, what she never expected was that the pickled sauerkraut this time actually grew green leaves.

3. The plot unfolds: netizens' "doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences" stalk

As soon as Aunt Wang's "green sauerkraut" photo was released, it sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens joked: "This is the 'green food' of the sauerkraut industry!" Some netizens speculated: "Is there any strange substance mixed in the pickling process?" A netizen humorously commented: "This sauerkraut may want to become a plant, and randomly a doctoral student of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences!" ”

As the discussion deepened, some enthusiastic netizens began to give Aunt Wang ideas. Some advised her to check the tightness of the marinating vat, some reminded her to pay attention to the temperature control during the marinating process, and some recommended that she use a purer water source for salting. After carefully reading every comment, Aunt Wang decided to re-pickle a batch of sauerkraut according to the suggestions of netizens.

In the process of re-marinating, Aunt Wang specially consulted an experienced neighbor. Under the guidance of her neighbors, she strictly controlled the temperature, humidity and hygienic conditions during the curing process. After some hard work, the new batch of sauerkraut was finally successfully pickled. This time, the sauerkraut was golden in color and sour in taste, and there was no more "green" appearance.

Fourth, the end: the aunt's perception and sharing

After experiencing the lesson of "green sauerkraut", Aunt Wang deeply realized the difficulty of pickling sauerkraut. She sighed: "It turns out that pickling sauerkraut requires not only skills and experience, but also attention to detail. Thanks to the help of those enthusiastic netizens and neighbors, I have regained the joy of pickling sauerkraut. ”

Aunt Wang also shared her pickling experience and experience with more friends and netizens. She hopes to tell everyone through her own experience that in the process of pickling food, we must pay attention to details and hygienic conditions to ensure the safety and health of food. At the same time, she is also grateful to those who have given her help and advice to make her life more colorful.

1. The "fantastic" journey of green sauerkraut

After Aunt Wang's "green sauerkraut" photo became popular on the Internet, she found that she suddenly became a "celebrity" in the community. Every time she went out, a neighbor came up to greet her warmly and asked her about the sauerkraut. Although Aunt Wang couldn't cry or laugh, she also felt everyone's care and enthusiasm.

On this day, Aunt Wang was walking in the garden of the community and met Aunt Li, who also likes pickling. As soon as Aunt Li saw Aunt Wang, she couldn't wait to ask, "I heard that your pickled sauerkraut has green leaves?" What's going on? Aunt Wang smiled bitterly and told Aunt Li what happened. Aunt Li laughed when she heard this, and said, "You are really pickled to a new height!" However, I have a friend who works at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and he may be able to help you figure out why. ”

A few days later, Aunt Li brought her friend from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Zhang, to Aunt Wang's house. As soon as Dr. Zhang entered the door, he went straight to the sauerkraut jar and observed it carefully. He first smelled the sauerkraut, then gently pinched the sauerkraut with his hand, and finally took a sample of the sauerkraut to take back to the laboratory for study. Dr. Zhang told Auntie Wang that he would find out the reason for the green leaves of the sauerkraut as soon as possible and give her some suggestions for improvement.

While waiting for Dr. Zhang's results, Auntie Wang began to recall the process of pickling her sauerkraut. She found that there were indeed some details that she didn't notice when pickling, such as the marinating vat not being sealed well enough, and the sauerkraut not being turned regularly during the pickling process. Aunt Wang decided that when Dr. Zhang's results came out, she would re-pickle a batch of sauerkraut according to the correct method.

2. Revealing the "real murderer" behind green sauerkraut

A few days later, Dr. Zhang came to Aunt Wang's house with the results of his research. He told Aunt Wang that the reason why the sauerkraut grew green leaves was because of the mixing of a microorganism called "green algae" during the pickling process. This microorganism multiplies in large numbers under the right temperature and light conditions, resulting in a green film on the surface of the sauerkraut.

Dr. Zhang also told Aunt Wang that although green algae does not cause harm to the human body, it will affect the taste and quality of sauerkraut. He suggested that Aunt Wang should pay attention to the following points when pickling sauerkraut: first, choose a clean and hygienic pickling tank and tools; the second is to control the temperature and humidity in the curing process; the third is to turn the sauerkraut regularly to keep it evenly pickled; Fourth, avoid direct sunlight in the marinating tank to prevent the growth of green algae.

After listening to Dr. Zhang's advice, Aunt Wang suddenly realized that she really didn't notice these problems when she pickled sauerkraut. She decided to re-marinate a batch of sauerkraut according to Dr. Zhang's method and record the entire pickling process for future reference.

In the next few days, Aunt Wang began to get busy. She first purchased new marinating vats and tools, and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected them. Then she picked some fresh cabbage and was ready to start pickling. During the pickling process, Aunt Wang strictly followed Dr. Zhang's advice, not only controlling the temperature and humidity, but also turning the sauerkraut regularly to ensure that they were evenly pickled. In addition, she takes special care to avoid direct sunlight in the marinating tanks to prevent the growth of green algae.

After a few days of hard work, a new batch of sauerkraut was finally pickled. This time, the sauerkraut was golden in color, sour in taste, crisp and tender, and there was no longer a "green" situation. Aunt Wang excitedly told Dr. Zhang and Aunt Li the good news and invited them to come to her home to taste her freshly pickled sauerkraut.

Third, the "counterattack" road of green sauerkraut

After tasting Aunt Wang's newly pickled sauerkraut, Dr. Zhang and Aunt Li were full of praise, saying that this sauerkraut was more delicious than the last one. Aunt Wang listened to this, and felt that her efforts had finally paid off.

However, Aunt Wang was not satisfied with this, she decided to share her pickling experience and experience with more people. So she began to post articles and videos on social media about pickling sauerkraut, introducing her pickling methods and precautions. These articles and videos quickly attracted the attention and likes of a large number of netizens.

With the continuous increase in attention, Aunt Wang also received private messages from many netizens asking questions about pickled cabbage. She patiently answered every question and shared her experience and advice. Gradually, Aunt Wang became an "Internet celebrity" in the field of pickled cabbage, and her story and experience also inspired more people to start trying pickled cabbage.

In the process, Aunt Wang not only gained happiness and a sense of accomplishment, but also met many like-minded friends. Together, they exchanged pickling experiences and shared food experiences, which became an indispensable part of each other's lives.

In the end, Aunt Wang's "green sauerkraut" incident not only made her a "celebrity" in the community, but also allowed her to gain a certain reputation and influence in the field of pickled sauerkraut. She proved with her actions that as long as she is willing to work hard and dare to try, she can create a better life of her own.

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