
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother

author:Xiao Li Monk
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother
Has anyone bragged about hitting exactly what you're good at? Netizen: Why didn't I know you were my mother

Title: Bragging meets an expert, netizens exclaimed: So you are my mother?

1. Wonderful moments, attracting attention

That day, I inadvertently clicked on a hot topic, and the title reads "The great god of the XX field appeared, and netizens bragged that it was broken in seconds". Curiosity drove me to click on that post, but I didn't expect it to make me laugh out loud.

In the post, a netizen confidently shared his "great achievements" in the XX field, and his words were full of pride. However, just when he was complacent, a netizen named "Still Water Deep Flow" replied lightly: "I know all this, because I am your mother." ”

Second, the cause of the story and the relationship between the characters

It turned out that this "still water deep flow" was not an ordinary netizen, but the mother of the braggart netizen. What's more, she happens to be a senior expert in the XX field and has many years of experience. When her son bragged about his "accomplishments" online, she saw the loopholes and exaggerations at a glance.

Instead of directly exposing her son's lies, the mother responded in a humorous way that both embarrassed her son and subtly reminded him to be realistic.

3. The plot develops and pushes to a climax

After the post was released, it quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people praised the mother's wit, and some people sighed that "bragging and meeting an expert is really embarrassing". And the braggart netizen became the object of ridicule from netizens with the "divine assistance" of his mother.

However, this netizen was not discouraged, but humbly asked his mother for advice, hoping to really make achievements in the XX field. And his mother patiently guided him, helped him correct his mistakes, and guided him on the right path.

Fourth, a warm ending, a sense of life

After this "braggart turmoil", the netizen deeply realized his own shortcomings and mistakes, and also felt his mother's love and expectations. He began to study hard under the guidance of his mother, and gradually made progress in the XX field.

This story allows us to see the wisdom and love of our mother, and also makes us understand the truth of being a man to seek truth from facts. At the same time, it also reminds us that in the age of the internet, we should be humble and cautious, and not brag about ourselves easily so as not to fall into an embarrassing situation.

bragging meets an expert, netizens exclaimed: So you are my mother?

1. The bragging storm is rising, and netizens are competing to watch

In the vastness of the internet, there is a popular forum that is always buzzing. One day, a post called "XX Field Great God Show" suddenly came to the fore and attracted the attention of countless netizens. In the post, netizens "Flying Wings" braged about their brilliant achievements in the XX field, claiming that they were the best in the field and unbeatable.

Full of confidence and pride, the words of "Flying Wings" describe in detail how he easily solved various problems, won the championship in one fell swoop, and how he was favored by the biggest names in the industry...... Every detail was depicted by him vividly, as if it happened yesterday. Netizens were shocked by his "great achievements" and left messages to praise and express their admiration.

However, just when the "wings of flight" were complacent, an inconspicuous comment caught everyone's attention. The commenter's name is "Still Water Deep Stream", and she replied lightly: "I know all of this, because I am your mother." This sentence was like a bombshell, which instantly caused an uproar in the forum.

Netizens have speculated about the identity of "Still Water Deep Stream", trying to find out the relationship between her and "Flying Wings". Some speculate that she is a friend of Flying Wings, some speculate that she is his ex-girlfriend, and others speculate that she is his teacher...... However, these speculations have been denied one by one. It wasn't until someone dug out the profile of "Still Water Deep Stream" that everyone suddenly realized: it turned out that she was really the mother of "Flying Wings"!

2. Mother and Child Dou Law, Laughter Fee 100 Offerings

After learning the true identity of "Still Water Deep Stream", netizens expressed disbelief. They couldn't have imagined that such a low-key mother could respond to her son's braggadocio with such humor. And "Flying Wings" himself was very embarrassed, he didn't expect his bragging behavior to attract his mother's attention.

In order to save face, the "flying wings" began to defend themselves on the forum, claiming that they were not exaggerating, but telling a truthful account of their experience. He also deliberately cited some evidence to try to prove that he was indeed the best in the XX field. However, his defense was not recognized by netizens, but instead caused more questions and ridicule.

At this time, "Still Water Deep Flow" reappeared, and she commented on her son's braggart behavior as a mother. She first affirmed some of her son's achievements in the XX field, but then pointed out the problems that he exaggerated and bragged about. She told her son to be realistic and not to exaggerate his achievements for the sake of face. At the same time, she also encouraged her son to continue to work hard and strive to make greater progress in the XX field.

The comment "Still Water Flows Deeply" has made netizens praise it, and they think that this mother is not only humorous, but also well-educated. Under the guidance of his mother, "Flying Wings" gradually realized his mistakes, and he began to humbly ask his mother for advice, hoping to achieve greater achievements in the XX field.

In the following days, the mother and son duo of "Flying Wings" and "Still Water Deep Flow" launched a unique "fight" on the forum. The mother often pointed out her son's mistakes and shortcomings in a humorous way, while the son humbly accepted and tried to correct them. Their interaction not only made netizens laugh, but also made everyone feel the warmth of family and the power of family affection.

3. Laugh with tears and feel growth

Over time, "Flying Wings" gradually progressed in the XX field under the guidance of his mother. He is no longer blindly confident and exaggerated as before, but has begun to face his shortcomings and challenges in a down-to-earth and realistic manner. His changes have not only been recognized and supported by netizens, but also allowed him to achieve more in real life.

However, in this process, the "flying wings" also deeply felt the hard work and selfless care of the mother. He realizes that the reason why his mother responded to his braggings with such humor was not to laugh at himself, but to make him realize his mistake and try to correct it. This kind of love makes the "flying wings" feel extremely warm and touched.

In the last post of the forum, "Flying Wings" expressed his gratitude to his mother. He wrote: "Mom, thank you for making me understand the truth of being a man in this way. I will continue to work hard to make greater progress in the XX field, making you proud of me. This post once again sparked heated discussions among netizens, and everyone praised and blessed the mother and son.

Through this story, we not only see the wisdom and love of the mother, but also the changes and progress of the son in the process of growing up. This story teaches us to be realistic, not to exaggerate your achievements for the sake of face. At the same time, it also reminds us to cherish our relatives and friends around us, and to warm each other's hearts with love and care.

Statement: The above video and picture content is taken from the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement, the article is a personal original, a virtual interpretation of the story, for entertainment only, does not represent personal views, no bad guidance, and must be investigated