
Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

author:There is a tiger in the heart

Recently, there was a news circulating on the Internet that a three-year-old boy in Henan was bitten by a dog on the side of the road, and then the child died, and the dog owner has not been found!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

As a parent, I am very sad to see such news, according to the child's mother, the child is about to celebrate his fourth birthday, and I don't know how long it will take for the parents to get over the pain of losing their child.

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

On the other hand, I was thinking about why such a tragedy occurred, was it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster? How can we avoid such tragedies from happening again in the future?

See what netizens have to say.

"Murder pays for life, the death penalty for the owner of the dog or life imprisonment."

"Poor child, was bitten to death by a dog, must be severely punished, it is another bloody lesson, the government should introduce corresponding laws and regulations, prohibit the raising of large dogs, stray dogs are arrested and slaughtered in a centralized manner!"

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

Some netizens thought that they were not vaccinated after being bitten and asked: Did you find that you were bitten by a dog and did not get a rabies vaccine at that time? Too careless!

However, even rabies vaccination is not necessarily safe: rabies vaccination has a mortality rate!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

Another netizen replied: He watched the news, the child has already received four injections, and before he can get the fifth injection, the child has rabies symptoms...

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

There are also netizens who call for the resumption of the dog fighting team, and all dogs that are not leashed will be directly beaten to death with sticks!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

Netizens are reasonable, the world has been suffering from "dog lovers" for a long time!

Dog lovers always come up with their wise saying: Dogs are man's best friend! to combat people's desire to hunt stray dogs, wild dogs.

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

As far as I can see, civilized dog owners in the city are hardly visible. They don't know that dogs need to be leashed, dogs must be vaccinated, and dogs must be masked!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

In the community, a person with a dog has to stay away from him and walk away. The dog disturbs passers-by, barks at people, and pounces on people, and the dog owner just scolds his dog like a child.

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

But if a passerby wants to drive his dog, it can lead to a dispute! For details, please refer to the Hangzhou dog owner walking the dog without a leash and hitting the child's mother! In fact, it is a man and a dog occupying a road!

In the elevator, not many people dare to take the same elevator with the dog, even if the dog owner always says: It's okay, come in, my dog never bites!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

In fact, a dog is a time bomb in a densely populated city, and these dog lovers claim to be very loving, but in fact they are very selfish and hypocritical! They only love dogs, but they don't love humans, and they don't even honor their parents. Whatever is not good for them, they choose to be deaf!

Heartache: A 3-year-old child was bitten to death by a dog, and dog lovers collectively lost their voices and called for the establishment of a dog-fighting team

Netizens are right, no matter how much condemnation is useless, no amount of tragedy can wake up people who pretend to be asleep.

Only legislation can regulate the behavior of raising dogs, set up a special dog team to punish the behavior of raising dogs and walking dogs in violation of regulations, and law enforcement teams can be set up to manage the burning of wheat straw in rural areas.

The most important thing is to attribute the responsibility of the dog bite to the owner of the dog, and to raise it to the level of criminal responsibility, to see if you dare to raise a dog easily, and then you will know who the real dog lover is.