
Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

author:Speed school bag 6V4y

A new highland of Sino-US technology competition: Locke's remarks triggered a game in the chip field

I. Gary Locke's remarks and background

In January 2024, Gary Locke, the former U.S. ambassador to China, bluntly stated in a public speech that the U.S. does not want China to be able to design or produce cutting-edge chips on its own. His remarks immediately aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in China and the United States.

Locke explained that the U.S. government's goal is to prevent China from acquiring advanced chip technology in order to maintain U.S. dominance in this key high-tech area. He pointed out that if China can produce cutting-edge chips independently, it will seriously threaten the dominance of the United States in the chip industry, thereby shaking the United States' leading edge in the global technology field.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

In recent years, the United States has been restricting China's access to advanced chip technology through various means. For example, the United States imposes strict export controls on Chinese technology companies, prohibiting them from purchasing cutting-edge chips and chip-making equipment from the United States. The United States has also continued to pressure its allies to join this technological blockade.

II. Discussion sparked by speech

Locke's remarks undoubtedly reflect the fierce competition and game between China and the United States in the field of science and technology. As a former U.S. ambassador to China, he represents a position that is undoubtedly in the interest of the U.S. government, which is to maintain U.S. dominance in the high-tech field by restricting China's access to advanced technology.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

The remarks sparked a strong reaction in China. Many commentators argue that China should accelerate the pace of independent innovation and achieve autonomy and control in key technology areas, and cannot be controlled by the United States or any other country. Some experts pointed out that chips are a basic strategic resource to support economic and social development, and China must achieve autonomy and control in this field, otherwise it will be controlled by others.

Some people also believe that Locke's remarks may further intensify the confrontation and competition between China and the United States in the field of science and technology. If the two sides fail to resolve their differences in a timely manner, it will have a serious impact on global scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

III. Concerns about China's chip industry in the United States and Europe

In addition to the United States, the European Union has also begun to express concerns about China's development in the field of chips. Some reports point out that while China still lags behind the United States and other developed countries in the field of cutting-edge chips, it has become a global leader in the field of traditional process chips.

This has raised concerns in the United States and the European Union. They fear that if China's dominance in this area is further extended, it will pose a threat to the global chip supply chain, which will affect downstream electronics manufacturing. The United States and the European Union are likely to impose some restrictive measures in an attempt to curb China's development in this area.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

It is also believed that even if the United States and Europe take some restrictive measures, China's dominant position in the field of traditional process chips will be difficult to shake. This is because China has formed a complete industrial chain in this field, has a huge domestic demand market, and is also increasing investment in independent innovation.

Locke's remarks that the United States does not want China to produce cutting-edge chips on its own undoubtedly reflect the fierce competition and game between China and the United States in the field of science and technology. The United States has sought to assert its dominance in the high-tech sector by restricting China's access to advanced technology. China, on the other hand, needs to accelerate the pace of independent innovation, achieve independence and controllability in key technology fields, and avoid being controlled by the United States or other countries.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

The United States and Europe have also expressed concern about China's dominance in the field of traditional process chips, and may adopt some restrictive measures. However, it is believed that China's dominant position in this field will be difficult to shake.

Locke's remarks highlight that the U.S.-China technology competition has entered a new highland, and the game between the two sides in key areas such as chips will become more intense. This is not only about the dominance of the two countries in the high-tech field, but also has a profound impact on the global pattern of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Locke said: China had better not produce cutting-edge chips on its own, because the United States does not want to see it

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