
Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

author:Lost victory


Lost victory


Lost victory

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

On the stage of the entertainment industry, the marriage turmoil between Da S and Gu Junye is like a shocking drama, which has aroused the attention and heated discussions of countless people.

The fuse of all this turned out to be a remark shared by a netizen about a tour guide 15 years ago, claiming to see Da S and Gu Junye dating in South Korea, this news is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves.

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

People began to re-examine the marriage between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, speculating about what kind of connection Da S had with Gu Junye during that marriage.

Whether this connection has long gone beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends and has become a shadow in the marriage relationship makes people have deep doubts about the authenticity of this relationship.

And military expert Wang Qiang compared the marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S to a "pig killing plate", which caused an uproar.

This metaphor is like a sharp sword that people's nerves and makes people wonder if there is really some kind of conspiracy and fraud behind this marriage.

This point of view makes the whole incident more confusing, and raises more questions about the motives and purpose of this marriage.

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

In the face of this series of doubts and controversies, Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's mother and son chose to keep a low profile.

Their silence made people feel distressed and sparked more speculation.

People don't know what they're thinking, and they don't know if they're silently going through the stress of all this.

The public's response has also been varied.

Some netizens expressed shock and couldn't believe that all this was true; Some netizens expressed doubts, thinking that there must be some ulterior secrets behind this; Some netizens expressed their support, believing that the relationship between Big S and Gu Junye is real; And more netizens are neutral and waiting for further developments.

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

The media has also reported on this incident from different angles, some from the perspective of morality and ethics, discussing fidelity and betrayal in marriage; Some try to uncover the truth of the incident from the perspective of truth analysis; Others analyze the complexity of the relationship from the perspective of emotional entanglement.

In the midst of this turmoil, emotional experts have also expressed their opinions.

They gave an in-depth look at the events in terms of emotional loyalty, personal growth, communication and understanding, family responsibilities, and public opinion.

Experts emphasize that emotional fidelity is crucial in marriage.

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

A person's growth and change can have a profound impact on a marriage, and communication and understanding are important bonds that hold a marriage together.

Family responsibilities and public opinion can also have a non-negligible impact on marriage.

Through reflection on this event, we are deeply aware of the complexity and delicacy of emotional relationships.

When dealing with emotional issues, we need to be more cautious and rational and not be swayed by the impulses of the moment.

Big S Gu Junye's old Korean affairs were dug up, netizens: This is a well-planned "pig killing plate"!

We are also aware that the influence of public opinion and media coverage is enormous, and they can shape people's opinions and attitudes, as well as influence the development and outcome of events.

We should look at these events with a more rational attitude and not be easily swayed by the voices of the outside world.

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