
A must-see! Aaron Kwok's concert coquettishly begged for a group photo, and netizens laughed crazy: The fans of the city have turned in!

author:Poetic Breeze 7Wt

Aaron Kwok's coquettish begging for a group photo


A moment of happiness for city fans

Aaron Kwok, the king of music is also a coquettish master, and his request for a group photo simply makes people laugh off their big teeth! Look at these fans, they were so moved by Aaron Kwok's cute behavior that they almost cried. Have you ever been as soft-hearted as they are?

Aaron Kwok's coquettishness at the concert is really a high-level skill! He said he wanted to be put in the bathroom, this is not a joke, this is true love! The question now is, will the Aaron Kwok photo on the bathroom table be a source of inspiration for washing hands? Netizens, what do you think?


A heart-warming moment for city fans

City fans, are you moved when you see this title? Aaron Kwok's coquettish begging for a photo is really cute! Seeing him so sincere, it is really unbearable to refuse! Is there any city fan who feels the same way?

Also, city fans, have you been moved to tears by Aaron Kwok's music? I mean, if he asks for a photo like this at the concert, can we ask for an autographed photo next time? What do you think?

A must-see! Aaron Kwok's concert coquettishly begged for a group photo, and netizens laughed crazy: The fans of the city have turned in!

A moment of anticipation for city fans

Aaron Kwok asked for a group photo this time, so that city fans are looking forward to meeting at the next concert! I think next time he should be coquettish and ask to sing with the audience, wouldn't that be more fun? What do you think, city fans?

Oh, I'm looking forward to it! I don't know if Aaron Kwok will ask for a photo again at the next concert? Do you think it will? Looking forward to everyone's guesses!

A must-see! Aaron Kwok's concert coquettishly begged for a group photo, and netizens laughed crazy: The fans of the city have turned in!


Aaron Kwok's coquettish request for a group photo is really sweet and cute! I don't know if he will be coquettish again at the next concert? What do you think, city fans? Leave a message and tell us what you expect!

A must-see! Aaron Kwok's concert coquettishly begged for a group photo, and netizens laughed crazy: The fans of the city have turned in!

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