
The mainland strikes hard: punish Taiwan's "famous mouth" who has been spreading rumors and slander for a long time in accordance with the law

author:Yu Tao

Recently, the Taiwan Affairs Office of G released heavy news that it will punish five Taiwanese "celebrities" and their families who have been spreading rumors and slandering the mainland for a long time. This move is not only a response to the disinformation spread by these "celebrities", but also a strong safeguard for the healthy development of bilateral relations.

It has been learned that five people, including Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie, have been publishing false and negative information about the mainland in the media for a long time. Ignoring the facts of the mainland's development and progress, they deliberately fabricated rumors, such as absurd remarks such as "the people of the mainland cannot afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland's high-speed rail has no backing," and spread them wantonly through television, the Internet, and other channels, misleading the people on the island, inciting hostility and confrontation between the two countries, and seriously hurting the feelings of the compatriots on the two sides.

The mainland strikes hard: punish Taiwan's "famous mouth" who has been spreading rumors and slander for a long time in accordance with the law

Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the G, clearly pointed out at a regular press briefing that any act of fabricating or spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and harming the honor and interests of the state will be punished by law. This statement demonstrates the mainland's firm determination to safeguard the peaceful development of bilateral relations, and is also a powerful warning to the Taiwan media and individuals to spread rumors.

For the behavior of these "famous mouths", all sectors of society have condemned them. Some experts pointed out that the spread of such disinformation has not only damaged the image of the mainland, but also undermined the foundation of mutual trust between the two peoples. Against this background, the punitive measures taken by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the G can be described as timely and will help purify the environment for information exchange between the two countries and promote the healthy development of relations between the two countries.

The mainland strikes hard: punish Taiwan's "famous mouth" who has been spreading rumors and slander for a long time in accordance with the law

The implementation of this punishment has also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. Many netizens expressed their support, believing that this is a powerful sanction against long-term rumor-mongers and will help maintain the harmony and stability of relations between the two countries. At the same time, some netizens also called on the media and individuals of the two countries to report and disseminate information in an objective and fair manner, and jointly contribute to the peaceful development of the relations between the two countries.

The mainland strikes hard: punish Taiwan's "famous mouth" who has been spreading rumors and slander for a long time in accordance with the law

This move by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the G has undoubtedly sent a clear signal to the outside world: The mainland will never tolerate any act that undermines relations between the two countries. At the same time, he also reminded the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots to keep their eyes open, recognize the facts clearly, and not be deceived by rumors.

In the face of this bombshell news, do you support the punitive measures of the Taiwan Affairs Office of G? Do you think these measures can effectively curb the rumor-mongering and slander of Taiwan's "famous mouths" against the mainland? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area! If you think this article makes sense, don't forget to like and share it!

The mainland strikes hard: punish Taiwan's "famous mouth" who has been spreading rumors and slander for a long time in accordance with the law

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