
Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

author:Xiao Li said entertainment


Yaya's debut, the mysterious feather on the red carpet

On the red carpet of this year's Cannes Film Festival, our goddess Tong Liya (Yaya) took her first international red carpet tour. The gray feather skirt was like a fairy floating from the sky, and every step seemed so light and elegant. Netizens said: "Yaya, is this using the red carpet as a catwalk?"

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

It's so stylish! Some netizens ridiculed: "Does this feather skirt fly?" Why does Yaya look like it's going to float up! This red carpet show not only showed Yaya's elegant temperament, but also let the world see the charm of Chinese actresses.

The premiere of "Dog Formation" witnessed the strength of the work

At the same time, the movie "Dog Formation" starring Tong Liya also premiered in the "Un Certain Regard" unit in Cannes. This work tells a story about the deep affection between humans and dogs, and Yaya's performance in it is even more eye-catching.

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

Some netizens said after watching the premiere: "Yaya's acting skills are really getting better and better, and I feel that every look she looks in the movie is full of stories." Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this time "Dog Formation" is going to earn all the tears of the audience!" This work not only won Yaya more international attention, but also once again proved her acting strength.

Elegance and strength coexist, Yaya's "double charm"

Yaya's trip to Cannes not only let us see her elegant temperament, but also let us see her strength as an actor. Some netizens commented: "Yaya is really the kind of actress who has both beauty and strength, and every time I see her, it will make people's eyes shine." ”

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

Some netizens said: "After watching the premiere of "Dog Formation", I was really impressed by Yaya's acting skills, and I look forward to her bringing us more wonderful works in the future!" Yaya's "double charm" undoubtedly makes her more dazzling on the international stage.

Behind the red carpet is countless efforts and persistence

However, behind all this, it is inseparable from Yaya's efforts and persistence. From a girl in a small city to an international actress today, Yaya has been so firm and confident in every step.

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

Some netizens shared a small story: "I heard that Yaya specially conducted a long-term body management and etiquette training for this red carpet show, and she is really dedicated!" Some netizens said: "Yaya's acting skills have also been honed countless times to reach today's level, she is really an example worth learning from!" "Yaya's success is not only her talent and opportunities, but also her unremitting efforts and perseverance.

What do you think of the controversy?

However, in this era full of topics and controversies, Yaya will inevitably be questioned and criticized. Some people questioned that her acting skills were too simple, and some criticized her selection of works for not being diverse enough. In the face of these controversies, Yaya has always maintained a calm and calm attitude. She once said in an interview: "Every role is a new challenge, and I will do my best to interpret each role." ”

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

As for the future path, Yaya also said: "I hope to try more different types of characters and works to challenge my limits." So, what do you think of Yaya's controversies and future plans? Come and leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Tong Liya's Cannes debut, the "Feather Fairy" on the red carpet blew up the audience!

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