
Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

author:Versatile little author


The little boy's perseverance and courage are touching

Recently, Changchun, Jilin. A teenager with cerebral palsy participated in a recitation competition, and fell down on the stage due to limb weakness, so as not to affect the rhythm, the teenager continued to recite on the ground when his father helped him up.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

The boy's mother said that he took the singer Zhang Jie as an example, and Zhang Jie fell down at the concert before and continued to sing, and he wanted to be like Zhang Jie. Zhang Jie replied to the mother of the little boy who fell: brave and resolute.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Then the mother of the little boy who fell down responded that she was grateful to the idol of the horse and thanked the horse for replying to the horse, it was Zhang Jie who gave so much strength to the horse and affected the horse. I have also received gifts and invitations from Zhang Jie's fan group to my beloved horses.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

This video is really distressing and admirable, children can get up when they fall, this is the power of role models.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Just like Zhang Jie sang in his song "The Closest Place to Heaven": "The starlight burns silently and shines itself, and the nameless flower still shines."

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Sometimes, it takes years for our emotions to really shine, and no matter how rampant the rumors are, we can remain true and pure, just like this little boy.

The influence of positive energy idols

As a positive energy idol, Zhang Jie has really had a great impact on teenagers.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

It is really beautiful to see the children inspired by his sincerity and hard work. Therefore, his concert will definitely be a wonderful event, if the children have time, they can go to Hohhot, Taiyuan, Lanzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing to have a look, I believe there will be unexpected gains!

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Zhang Jie is really an amazing idol! His positive and optimistic attitude in the face of difficulties has given us a good example.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Just like netizen Xiaohong said, even if he gets the sad script, he still has a beam of sunshine in his heart that breaks through the dark clouds. Such a mentality is really admirable.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

We should really learn from Zhang Jie the spirit of bravery, responsibility, self-discipline and self-improvement. He continued to sing for three hours after the elevator malfunctioned in the concert, and later found that he had more than 20 stitches in his lumbar vertebrae.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

Such persistence and dedication are touching, and his efforts and dedication are worthy of our learning and tribute.

The power of idols and social influence

This event really allows us to see the concrete impact of a positive energy idol. As a public figure, Zhang Jie's words and deeds have a certain influence.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

His efforts and sincerity are not only for himself, but also for the sake of influencing and inspiring more people. We all want to be the one who shines, looking up at the stars and working hard for our dreams.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

As a public figure, Zhang Jie's every move has attracted much attention. His persistence and positive image became a role model for many.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

The influence of positive energy idols is huge, inspiring and empowering. As netizen Xiao Ming said, he only knew that Zhang Jie fell and bled and continued to sing, but in fact, he had a cracked lumbar vertebrae and stitches on his hands, which made people praise him for his courage and persistence.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

This event provoked people to think about the power and social influence of idols. Some people believe that the words and deeds of idols do have a certain influence on the public, and this influence can be positive and inspiring.

Zhang Jie revealed his inner words, and the little boy's courage amazed him! Netizens ridiculed and joked

But there are also reservations that idols are only a part of the entertainment industry, and their influence on society should not be exaggerated. In any case, such discussions and reflections are very important for us to pay more attention to the impact of our actions and words on others, while also maintaining rational thinking about idols.

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