
The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

author:Wisdom lotus leaf

Once in Beijing, the national table tennis players wanted to land easily, but they fell into a "sea of fans". Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, who just won the Saudi Grand Slam championship, did not expect to become the "most popular" stars at the airport. Wherever you go, this star-chasing is really a bit out of the ordinary!

Sun Yingsha was originally a table tennis flower, with excellent skills and countless fans. But this time when she returned home, she was almost blocked in the elevator at the airport. Imagine a small elevator space with a crowd of enthusiastic fans popping into it, and the scene is as lively as a market. Sun Yingsha could only smile awkwardly, probably crying in her heart, this scene, how to look like the idol in the TV series being blocked.

The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

Wang Manyu on the other side did not escape the treatment of "enthusiasm". Walking in the corridors of the airport, she was surrounded by several fans who wanted not only to sign autographs, but also to take a group photo. For a moment, Wang Manyu was pulled and swayed from side to side, like that, do you think it looks like a primary school student rushing to a popsicle vendor after school?

The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

Although these scenes are full of "love", they also reveal a kind of embarrassment and helplessness. While public figures enjoy superior attention, they also have their own personal space and emotional needs. This feeling of being "besieged" by love is really a sweet burden.

The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

Stepping into the hearts of these fans, we can probably understand their enthusiasm. After all, who wouldn't want to get up close and personal with their idol? But in the midst of this enthusiasm, we seem to forget one thing: idols are also ordinary people, they also need room to breathe, and they need the right to be respected.

The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

In the face of such a situation, the national table tennis coaching staff must consider strengthening security. It's not about isolating fans, it's about making sure the players are safe and comfortable in public. If we love them, we should make this love more civilized and respectful.

The national table tennis return airport was blocked! Sun Yingsha's elevator was blocked, Wang Manyu was pulled, and the fans were too crazy

The media and social repercussions are also quite big, and everyone is discussing, is the behavior of fans too much? This is not only a reflection on the fans, but also a test of the degree of civilization in our society. True love should not be a constraint and a burden, but support and respect.

It is true that the life of a public figure is not easy, and their every step is magnified and observed. But that doesn't mean we can intrude into their personal lives without limits. This incident may be a turning point for us to rethink how to find a balance between love and respect.

In short, although the scene at the airport is ridiculous, it also rings a wake-up call for us. As fans, our enthusiasm needs to be moderate, and as a society, our civilization needs to be improved. Hopefully, in the days to come, we can see a more civilized and respectful fan culture. After all, the players are also able to enjoy their achievements and life in a more relaxed and comfortable environment.

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