
14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

author:Scorching Entertainment
14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

Text: Xiaoyu


Hey guys! Have you heard about the recent big news of the Chinese women's volleyball team? That's right, it's about that list adjustment that makes people explode! Let's first sort out the ins and outs of the matter.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

It is said that there have been some changes in the list of the first match of the Chinese women's volleyball team, the most interesting of which is the news that Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned.

Everyone must be familiar with the two of them, right? Yes, they are a member of the Chinese women's volleyball team and have always been an indispensable part of the team.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

But just this time, the coaching staff actually made such a decision and gave up on them.

Doesn't that seem a bit weird? Don't worry, let's analyze it together.

What are the reasons for giving up two strong players?

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

Is it because of their poor performance? This is not like the consistent style of the Chinese women's volleyball team, does the coaching staff have a new tactical adjustment? Or is it because of the compromises that need to be made by the team as a whole? These questions make people think endlessly.

Some netizens raised questions about the setting of the third and second passes.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

This issue is also highly controversial, and some people believe that this setting is unreasonable and directly affects the adjustment of the list.

Could it be that there is a problem with the tactical arrangement of the Chinese women's volleyball team? In this way, it can affect the whole body!

Wang Wenhan, that's an out-and-out volleyball genius! Showing talent and perseverance like no other from an early age, her volleyball skills are eye-catching.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

In every competition, she can prove herself with her strength and win honor for the team.

But in this list adjustment, she was unexpectedly abandoned.

Imagine that this must have been a huge blow to her! After all, volleyball is not only her dream, but all she has.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

And Wang Yizhu is also a rising star in the volleyball world! Her quick reflexes and excellent coordination skills have made her a member of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In this incident, she was unfortunately squeezed out of the list.

Presumably, she has also experienced countless sweat on the training ground, in order to be able to stand on the field of the first battle.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

The reality was so cruel that she had to accept this fact.

The experiences of the two protagonists seem to be different but similar.

They are all fighting for their dreams, but in this brutal list adjustment, they are unable to achieve their goals.

This kind of loss and frustration is probably only known to them.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

I hope they can show their style again in future games and win more glory for the Chinese women's volleyball team!

Some netizens expressed their understanding and support for this decision, believing that the coaching staff must have their considerations, and giving up Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu may be for the sake of the interests of the overall team.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

The Chinese women's volleyball team is a team, and everyone should work hard for the team's victory.

This rational attitude is gratifying, and it also reflects the maturity and tolerance of netizens.

But there are also some netizens who are dissatisfied and questioned this decision, thinking that Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu are obviously strong, why should they give up on them?

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

This kind of skepticism and confusion is also understandable, after all, everyone wants to see the players they support can stand on the field and win glory for the country.

What's more, some netizens bluntly criticized the setter setting and Zheng Yixin's performance, believing that this is the main reason for the adjustment of the list.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

Although this kind of direct remarks is a bit sharp, it also reflects the attention and love of netizens for the Chinese women's volleyball team, hoping that they can achieve better results in the game.

Netizens have a variety of evaluations, some agree, some question, and some criticize.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

But in any case, this kind of heated discussion and attention is a kind of support and concern for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and I believe that they will be able to show their strength and style again in future games!

Waiver of Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu may be to give more opportunities to other players, or to adjust the tactical layout to deal with different opponents and game situations.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

There may be many considerations and factors behind such decisions, and we should not simply judge them by our personal position.

Regarding the setting of the third and second setters and the role of Zheng Yixin, this is indeed a topic worth exploring.

Setters play a vital role in volleyball, and their performance directly affects the performance of the entire team.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

If the coordination of the three and two setters is not tacit enough or there are mistakes, then the overall strength of the team will be affected.

As for whether Zheng Yixin's role is useful, it may be necessary to look more deeply at her performance in training and competitions, as well as her role and contribution in the team.

14 people in the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Wang Wenhan and Wang Yizhu were abandoned! 3. The second setter is unreasonable, and Zheng Yixin is useless

We should look at this incident with an objective attitude, respect the decision-making of the coaching staff, and rationally analyze the causes and effects.

We should also give enough support and encouragement to the players, and I believe that they will definitely achieve better results in future competitions.

The Chinese women's volleyball team is a team, and only by uniting as one can we defeat strong enemies and win honor!

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