
Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that


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Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

My name is Li Ming, and I am an ordinary office worker living in a quiet community. Both of my parents worked out of town, so I lived alone. There is a beautiful girl in the neighborhood named Xiaofang. Xiaofang is an independent woman with a successful career, and often works overtime outside alone until late before returning home.

Xiaofang and I are not familiar with each other, but occasionally we will say hello and say a few words in the corridor. Until one day, my life changed drastically.

It was late at night, and I had just returned from overtime and walked into the house exhausted. I'm going to take a shower right away and go to bed. I was just about to enter the bathroom when I heard the doorbell ringing.

I'm a little surprised, who will be visiting at this time? But out of politeness, I put on my clothes and walked to the door and opened it.

"Xiao Ming, I'm sorry to disturb you." Standing outside the door was Xiao Fang, who looked a little flustered.

"Xiaofang? It's so late, what's the matter? I asked, somewhat surprised.

"Well, that's actually the case...... Xiao Fang looked around with some hesitation, and then whispered, "My TV is broken, and I want to borrow your TV to watch it for a while." ”

I hesitated a little after listening to it, but I thought that Xiaofang was quite pitiful for a girl to be alone at home at night, so I nodded and said, "Okay, you wait a minute, I'll help you move the TV." ”

Xiao Fang listened to my promise, a glint of joy flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Thank you, Xiao Ming." ”

I hurriedly took the key and went to her house with Xiaofang. On the road, Xiaofang seemed a little nervous, twisting her fingers from time to time, and I could feel her uneasiness.

When I got to Xiaofang's house, I helped her move the TV in and started to adjust the signal. Xiao Fang sat on the side, running her hair with her hand from time to time, looking a little absent-minded.

"Well, it should be fine." I adjusted the signal and said to Xiaofang.

"Thank you, Xiao Ming." Xiao Fang's voice was a little low, and I saw a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

I smiled a little awkwardly and said, "You're welcome, if you need help in the future, just ask me." ”

"Okay, I got it." Xiao Fang stood up, smiled slightly, and then said, "Then I won't bother you, good night." ”

"Good night." I also stood up, saw off Xiaofang, and then returned to my home. After closing the door, I felt an inexplicable warmth in my heart, and I don't know why.

I lay on the bed, thinking about the scene with Xiaofang just now, and my heart was a little uneasy. What is the reason why Xiaofang came to me tonight? I kept replaying her smiling face in my head, and I felt a little intoxicated. Perhaps, this is just an ordinary neighborhood interaction, and I don't have to think too much about it.

Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

However, the warmth in my heart never dissipated, like a flame burning in my heart, making me unable to sleep. Perhaps, this night, I will make a decision that I regret.

The next morning, I woke up with a somewhat drowsy mind. The events of last night echoed in my mind over and over again, and I couldn't help but lament the impermanence and unpredictability of life.

I slowly got out of bed, washed up, walked out onto the balcony, and took a deep breath of the morning air. Sunlight pours into the room through the windows, making it warm and cozy.

The phone rang suddenly, breaking my quiet morning. I picked up my phone and saw that it was a message from Xiao Fang: "Good morning, Xiao Ming, thank you really last night, my TV was fixed." ”

Seeing Xiaofang's message, I couldn't help but smile and replied, "You're welcome, that's good." If you need help in the future, just ask me. ”

Xiao Fang quickly replied, "Okay, thank you. ”

I put my phone away and got ready to start the day in a good mood. However, just then, the doorbell suddenly rang.

I was a little surprised, who would be visiting so early? I walked to the door and opened it, only to see Xiaofang standing outside the door, waving at me with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Ming, good morning!" Xiao Fang's voice was exceptionally bright.

"Xiaofang, good morning, what's the matter?" I asked, a little confused.

"I made breakfast and wanted to invite you to eat it along." Xiao Fang's eyes sparkled with excitement.

I was a little surprised to hear this, I didn't expect Xiaofang to suddenly invite me to breakfast. But when I thought of the scene when she came to me to fix the TV last night, I suddenly had a realization in my heart.

"Okay, I'll go change my clothes." I agreed, then hurried back to my room to change my clothes and get ready to go out.

I went to her house with Xiaofang, and as soon as I entered the door, I smelled the enticing aroma. Xiaofang's home is very warmly furnished, with a hearty breakfast on the table.

"Xiao Ming, please take a seat." Xiao Fang warmly invited me to sit down, and then poured me a cup of hot tea herself.

I sat at the table, looking at the food on the table, and my heart was filled with emotion. I never imagined that there would be such a feeling of closeness between me and Xiaofang, as if we were no longer ordinary neighbors.

Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

"Xiao Ming, let's eat." Xiao Fang beckoned, breaking my thoughts.

I nodded, and began to savor the food on the table. Xiao Fang's hand-made breakfast tasted very good, and every bite made me feel her care and warmth.

We had breakfast and chatted about homely things. I found Xiaofang to be a very interesting and cheerful girl, and it was a great pleasure for me to be with her.

"Xiao Ming, thank you for helping me fix the TV yesterday, if it weren't for you, I might have missed today's breakfast." Xiao Fang said, her eyes full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, it's just a small thing." I said with a smile, but there was an indescribable satisfaction in my heart.

We ate breakfast and chatted, and gradually, I found that I had a special affection for Xiaofang, a feeling that transcended ordinary neighborly relationships.

I can't help but wonder what kind of relationship is going to develop between us. I was full of anticipation and anxiety, and I didn't know what kind of challenges and trials the future would bring us.

However, I decided not to think about it for the time being, and just quietly enjoy the bliss in front of me. I believe that as long as we treat each other with sincerity, everything will be better.

As the days passed, the relationship between me and Xiaofang was also quietly changing. We often eat together, chat, and even go out for walks together. I found myself becoming more and more dependent on Xiaofang, who became a part of my life.

However, as time went on, I also began to realize that my feelings for Xiaofang were more than just friendships between neighbors. Whenever I see her bright smile and hear her clear laughter, I feel an inexplicable emotion in my heart.

Perhaps, this is love. I couldn't help but fall into deep thought, thinking about what the relationship between me and Xiaofang was. I wanted to tell her what I wanted, but I was afraid that she would reject me.

One night, Xiaofang and I were at home for dinner. The table is filled with a variety of delicious dishes with mouth-watering aromas.

"Xiao Ming, you try this dish, I made it for you." Xiao Fang said with a smile and brought one of my favorite dishes to my bowl.

I looked at Xiaofang gratefully, and my heart was full of emotion. She was always so considerate and caring, and I felt happier than ever.

"Thank you, Xiaofang." I said, grateful.

We chatted while we had dinner. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant, making you feel the warmth of home.

Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

Suddenly, Xiao Fang stopped her chopsticks, looked at me seriously, and said, "Xiao Ming, I want to talk to you." ”

My heart moved, and I asked a little nervously, "Is there something wrong?" ”

Xiao Fang sighed, and then said, "Actually, I've always liked you, but I don't know how to express it. ”

After listening to this, I felt an inexplicable excitement in my heart. I never thought that Xiao Fang would have the same feelings for me.

"Me too." I said, my eyes filled with sincerity and frankness.

After hearing this, Xiao Fang had a bright smile on her face, and she said: "Then we will be together well in the future, and we must support each other no matter what difficulties we encounter." ”

I nodded, smiled and said, "Of course, I will always be by your side, no matter what happens." ”

We looked at each other and smiled, our hearts filled with happiness and contentment. Since then, Xiaofang and I have become more intimate, and we both know that each other is the most important person in our lives.

I believe that as long as we love each other, everything will be better. I am willing to go through every stage of my life with Xiaofang, forever.

As time went on, Xiaofang and I grew in bondage, and we both became an integral part of each other's lives.

Every morning when I wake up and see Xiaofang's gentle smile, my heart is full of satisfaction and happiness. We have spent many wonderful times together, whether it is leisurely drinking tea and chatting at home, or strolling outside to enjoy the scenery, it makes me feel the beauty and meaning of life.

However, just when I thought everything would go on like this, fate gave us an unexpected test.

One night, Xiaofang and I were having dinner at home and were about to relax by watching TV. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door.

I was a little surprised, I didn't know who would come to us so late. I walked to the door and opened it, only to see a policeman standing outside the door, with a solemn face.

"Do you live here?" The policeman asked, his voice heavy.

My heart tightened, and I asked with some uneasiness, "What happened?" ”

Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

The policeman frowned and said, "Your neighbor called the police to report that someone had broken into your home, and we came to check as soon as we received the report. ”

When I heard this, I was shocked and immediately realized the seriousness of this matter. Xiao Fang and I looked at each other, our hearts filled with fear and anxiety.

"Let's go and see." I said, and then followed the police to our home with Xiaofang.

We walked into the house and found it in shambles, with furniture turned over and all valuables gone. I panicked and immediately called the police.

The police began to investigate the scene, and Xiaofang and I stood aside, helpless and worried. I don't know what kind of impact this incident will have on our lives, but I am more worried about Xiaofang's safety and happiness.

After some investigation, the police finally identified the suspect and quickly launched an arrest operation. Thanks to the efforts of the police, the suspect was quickly arrested and sentenced to prison.

When it all came to an end, Xiaofang and I breathed a sigh of relief, filled with gratitude and comfort. We are grateful to the police for their timely intervention and effective handling, and also to the trials that life has put on us, making us stronger and more mature.

After this incident, Xiaofang and I cherish each other's feelings even more, and support each other. We decided to face life's challenges together and move forward together, no matter what difficulties we encountered, forever.

After that robbery, the relationship between me and Xiaofang was even stronger. We snuggled up to each other, supported each other, and navigated the ups and downs of life together.

A few months passed, and Xiaofang and I decided to enter the palace of marriage. We met on a spring afternoon for a simple but warm wedding in the garden.

"Xiaofang, are you willing to marry me?" I looked at Xiaofang expectantly, my heart full of love and longing.

Xiao Fang smiled and nodded, tears rolling in her eyes: "I am willing, I am willing to walk with you every step of the rest of my life." ”

We hugged each other tightly and swore love and commitment to each other. With the blessings of relatives and friends, we exchanged rings and became each other's love.

After the wedding, we started our newlywed life. Although there will still be various challenges and difficulties in life, I believe that as long as we support each other and work together, everything will be better.

"Xiao Ming, you know what? I've always dreamed of spending every spring, summer, autumn and winter with you. Xiao Fang leaned into my arms and said softly.

I gently stroked her hair and said with a smile, "Me too, I am willing to experience every moment of life with you." ”

Story: Late at night, a beautiful female neighbor took the initiative to come to the door to give me a hug, just because I did that

We looked at each other and smiled, our hearts filled with happiness and contentment. In this world, I found the person I love the most, she is my Xiaofang, my wife, my everything.

In the future, we will always support each other and move forward together forever. This is the story of me and Xiaofang, a romantic and touching love story, and the most precious memory of my life.

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