
Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

author:Energetic perspective, Quan'er

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Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Text: Vitality Perspective, Quan'er

Edit|Vitality Perspective, Quan'er

Chen Meng was selected for the women's singles of the Paris Olympics, and the cyberstorm continued to escalate


Video source: Peninsula Metropolis Daily


Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

In the past few days, the national table tennis announced the list of participants in the 2024 Paris Olympics, and Chen Meng was selected for the women's singles event, but she was subjected to cyberbullying. Some netizens believe that Chen Meng has not performed well in recent competitions and should not be selected for the Olympic list.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

CCTV also expressed his opinion on this matter, saying that every time the list is announced, it is a painful choice, and the national table tennis coaching staff needs to consider various factors comprehensively to make the most reasonable decision. He hopes that fans can understand and support the decision of the national table tennis coaching staff, and refrain from unprovoked attacks and abuse. He also said that Wang Manyu did not take advantage of the opportunity at the last minute, while Chen Meng reached the final in Saudi Arabia and secured the championship and runner-up.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Some netizens believe that Japan and other teams deliberately lost in the game to ensure that Chen Meng entered the finals and the Olympic Games. There is no conclusive evidence for this statement, just speculation by some netizens. In competitive sports, every athlete wants to be able to do well, and no one loses on purpose.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Here are some comments from netizens:

- This result is so unexpected, Wang Manyu's performance is so good, why didn't she make it to the women's singles?

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

- Chen Meng's recent form is really average, can she really achieve good results in the Olympics?

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

- The points selection mechanism for the national team is changing all the time, which is too unfair for athletes.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

- There are many uncertainties in the match, the state of the players, the state and strength of the opponent, and the adaptation of the playing venue will all affect the outcome of the match.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

- Chen Meng and Wang Manyu are both powerful players, each with their own advantages, and I believe that the coaching staff has made the best choice.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

- Olympic singles has always been based on the old and the new, and the team competition is a combination of old, middle and young, as long as Chen Meng is still in shape, he will definitely be the first choice of the coaching staff.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Editor's insights:

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Chen Meng is an excellent table tennis player, and her fighting spirit and tenacious perseverance on the court are worthy of our learning and respect. Some netizens attacked and abused her because of one of her defeats, which is immoral and irresponsible.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

We should look at the performance of athletes with a positive mindset and give them encouragement and support. Every athlete is fighting hard for the honor of the country, they have paid sweat and tears on the field, and they are under great pressure. We should respect their efforts and dedication, and cheer them on, instead of making groundless accusations and attacks.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

We should also see that the results of the competition are not the only measure of the value of the athletes. Every athlete has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we should look at their performance with an inclusive mindset and encourage them to continue to improve and improve.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

In life, we will also encounter various difficulties and challenges. We should be like Chen Meng, maintain a positive attitude, bravely face difficulties, and continue to work hard. I believe that as long as we persevere, we will be able to achieve success.

Chen Meng's cyberbullying continues to escalate! The selection of the Olympic women's singles sparked heated discussions, and CCTV reports responded to the controversy

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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