
is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

author:Lazy bugs

Zhou is still the name, if you pay a little attention to the recent drama market, you will definitely not be unfamiliar. No, in the two dramas "My Altay" and "New Life" at the same time, the acting skills shown by this girl are simply shocking, with the same face, but playing two people who are very different. Isn't it strange, you say? This doesn't prove that she was really born for the acting industry.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

Let's talk about "My Altay" first. In this drama, Zhou still plays Li Wenxiu, a young woman full of literary and artistic atmosphere, who dreams of becoming a writer. Her gentle and watery temperament, coupled with the occasional stubbornness and persistence, is simply the kind of character who still water flows deeply, making you unconsciously attracted to her story. Watching her words and deeds in front of the camera, you can almost feel the romance and pain piled up by the words, and this restrained performance makes people can't help but want to explore her inner world.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

Looking at "New Life" again, Zhou is still incarnated as a mature and capable professional woman He Shan, which is completely at the other extreme. Every look she looks in front of the camera and every change in her tone reveals the hardcore and intelligence of women in the workplace. Here, she is decisive in decision-making and clear in her organization, just like the kind of strong woman who will call for wind and rain in the mall. Do you dare to believe that this kind of role change is played by the same person?

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

These two roles are like Zhou Yi's acting competition, and the audience is asking almost after watching it, is this really the same person? You see, that's where her magic comes in. She not only distinguishes the characters by their looks or clothing, but also shows the characteristics of different characters through their eyes, tone of voice and even the rhythm of their breathing. This kind of ability has to be admired for the depth and breadth of her acting skills.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

The audience's evaluation of her is also extremely high, especially on the Internet, where countless fans and viewers are discussing her acting skills. Some people say that Zhou Yi's acting skills are natural, and some people think that it is an acquired effort, but in any case, she has become a benchmark for acting in the minds of many people.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

And the evaluation in the entertainment industry is also mixed. Some senior film critics said that Zhou Yi's performance has a rare sense of realism and substitution, and she can perfectly switch between different roles, showing her professionalism and artistic pursuit. At the same time, some people are worried about whether such a high-intensity transformation will make her acting skills gradually become formalized.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

However, judging from Zhou Yi's performance, she doesn't seem to care about these outside voices. She is more like using her own way to prove to people again and again that she is not only an actor with good looks, but also an artist with profound acting skills. Every character, whether it is the gentle Li Wenxiu or the strong He Shan, she can accurately grasp the psychology and emotions of the character, and present the complex character to the fullest.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

This kind of magic, this ability, makes people ask: Is this something that only natural actors can do? The answer may be self-evident. With every one of her outstanding performances, Zhou is proving to us that she is not only suitable for this industry, but simply tailored for this industry.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

For us ordinary audiences, Zhou Zhen's performance undoubtedly provides a new experience of watching the drama. Whenever she appears on the screen, no matter what kind of character she is, she can touch people's hearts and resonate with the audience. This feeling is something that many actors can't give to the audience, and it is also where her unique charm lies.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

The road ahead is full of infinite possibilities for Zhou Yi. She has proven her talent and potential in acting, and in the future, we look forward to her being able to challenge more types of roles, continue to work the road of acting, and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

In short, every change of Zhou is not only a change in her role, but also a leap forward in her personal artistic path. It is these leaps that have established her unique position in the hearts of the audience and made her a well-deserved representative of the acting school.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

In the future, no matter where she goes, we have reason to believe that Zhou will continue to use her strength and charm to prove how a real actor can constantly surpass herself and challenge her limits in front of the camera. Whether it is Li Wenxiu in "My Altay" or He Shan in "New Life", Zhou still has told us with her performance that she is not only eating the actor's bowl of rice, but also cooking this bowl of rice with heart and art, so that everyone who tastes it can feel different tastes and temperatures.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor

So, let's wait and see how this actor with unlimited potential continues to write her own glory in her acting career. Because for Zhou Yi, the best may not yet come.

is obviously the same face, the two dramas are broadcast at the same time but each plays its own role, she was born to eat the bowl of rice of an actor