
The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

author:Little dolphin bedtime stories

As the pace of summer is quietly approaching, the temperature is gradually rising, and many parents find that their children's appetite is obviously not as good as before, which can be sad for many "worried" parents.

Don't worry, today I will share with you a few practical ways to help your child regain his love for the table in the hot summer.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

1. Arrange the eating time reasonably

In summer, the weather is hot, and children are active and sweaty easily, so it is necessary to pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of eating time.

Morning and evening temperatures are relatively low, which are the time of day when appetite is better, so you can arrange for your child to eat during these two periods. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid eating immediately after the child's strenuous exercise so as not to affect digestion.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

2. Adjust the dietary structure and increase food diversity

The summer diet should be light and easy to digest, and give children more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

At the same time, the variety of food is also very important, you can try to mix and match different flavors and colors of food, so that children can visually produce a sense of freshness, so as to stimulate appetite.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

3. Create a pleasant dining environment

The family atmosphere has a great impact on children, and a relaxed and pleasant dining environment can make children more willing to eat. Parents can put some of their children's favorite utensils on the dining table or play some relaxing music to make their children feel happy and comfortable during their meals.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

4. Guide children to exercise appropriately

Moderate exercise can boost your child's digestion and metabolism and increase appetite. Parents can take their children to do some outdoor activities, such as walking, cycling, etc., so that children can burn energy and increase their appetite during sports.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

5. Pay attention to your child's emotional changes

Your child's mood can also affect appetite, and if your child is depressed or stressed, it can lead to loss of appetite. Therefore, parents should pay attention to their children's emotional changes, communicate with their children in a timely manner, understand their needs and troubles, help them relieve stress, and maintain a good attitude.

The weather is getting hotter and your child's appetite is decreasing? Teach you a few tricks to make your child fall in love with eating

In short, in the face of the problem of children's appetite decline, parents should maintain patience and confidence, and help children regain their love for the table by reasonably arranging their eating time, adjusting their dietary structure, creating a pleasant dining environment, guiding their children to exercise moderately, and paying attention to their children's emotional changes.

I believe that under your careful care, your child will be able to spend a healthy and happy summer!