
Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

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What happened to Mr. Liu, a cancer patient, is still fresh in my memory.

Mr. Lau, a construction worker, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer during a medical check-up last year.

The doctor advised him to receive chemotherapy as soon as possible, but he was shaken after seeing some remarks on the Internet claiming that "chemotherapy accelerates death" and wanted to give up treatment for a while.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

Mr. Liu's wife, Ms. Li, is a nurse, and she decided to verify the credibility of this claim herself.

She consulted a number of oncology experts and received the answer that although chemotherapy has side effects, it has obvious effects on tumor control and prolongation of survival, and is not "accelerated death".

Ms. Li shared this information with her husband, and Mr. Liu made up his mind to undergo chemotherapy.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

The chemotherapy process is indeed very painful. Mr. Liu experienced side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and a sudden loss of weight, and his body was weak.

But he gritted his teeth and persevered, and when he was re-examined half a year later, the tumor had shrunk! Although he has not fully recovered, his condition has been effectively controlled.

Mr. Liu's attending doctor, Director Zhang, said that statements like "chemotherapy is ineffective and harmful" are not uncommon among cancer patients, and partly stem from misunderstandings about chemotherapy.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

She explained that chemotherapy drugs work by killing rapidly dividing cells, and because tumor cells divide much faster than normal cells, they are more susceptible to attack by chemotherapy drugs.

Although normal cells can also be damaged to some extent, causing side effects such as hair loss and digestive tract reactions, these are temporary and reversible, and the benefits of chemotherapy in prolonging patient survival are unquestionable.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

Director Zhang also pointed out that individual studies have found that some chemotherapy drugs may induce tumor cells to develop drug resistance or accelerate metastasis, which may be the theoretical basis for online remarks.

However, the chemotherapy regimens currently used in clinical practice are supported by a large number of studies and statistics, and there is conclusive evidence of the effect on prolonging survival. The value of chemotherapy should not be completely negated because of choking.

On the other hand, Director Zhang also emphasized that chemotherapy is not effective for all cancers.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

Some tumors are not sensitive to chemotherapy and may require other treatments such as radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, etc.

The best treatment plan for each patient needs to be determined by the doctor on a case-by-case basis.

She appealed to patients to raise their awareness of the authenticity of information on the Internet, not to believe rumors, and to follow the professional advice of doctors, especially when it comes to treatment decisions.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

After listening to Director Zhang's explanation, Mr. Liu felt a lot of emotion.

He realized that he had almost made a life-threatening decision out of ignorance.

He sincerely thanked his wife for her perseverance and put him on the right path of treatment.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

Today, Mr. Liu's condition is basically stable, and his quality of life has improved significantly.

He rekindled his hope for life and was determined to work hard to cooperate with the doctors, actively treat him, and defeat the disease with tenacious will.

He is also determined to use his own experience to remind other patients not to be misled by specious remarks and delay the opportunity for treatment.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

As an important means of cancer treatment, chemotherapy has been proven by a large number of studies to control the disease and improve the prognosis, which is beyond doubt.

However, it does have some limitations and side effects that need to be weighed against the pros and cons.

We should look at chemotherapy rationally, and we should neither blindly exaggerate its efficacy, nor can we easily deny its value.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

For cancer patients, choosing the right treatment plan requires good communication and cooperation between doctors and patients.

Patients should respect medical expertise and not be misled by specious information; Doctors should patiently answer the patient's concerns and formulate an individualized treatment plan according to the patient's condition.

Only in this way can the effects of various treatment methods be maximized and bring maximum benefits to patients.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

In short, we still have a long way to go in the fight against cancer, and we need the concerted efforts of all sectors of society.

The media and the public should raise their awareness of distinguishing the authenticity of medical information and avoid spreading false information and creating panic.

Research institutions should increase investment in new treatments to continuously improve cure rates and reduce side effects.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

Medical institutions should optimize the diagnosis and treatment process, so that patients can receive standardized treatment conveniently and in a timely manner.

I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to defeat cancer, the enemy of mankind, and create more victors like Mr. Liu.

Some people say that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, but accelerates death? The doctor's answer is thought-provoking and worth watching

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)