
Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

author:Xiao Wang said technology

Brunson's explosiveness and evolutionary path

In this NBA playoffs Eastern Conference semifinals, Knicks star player Julius Brunson once again broke out with an amazing performance. He scored 44 points, 4 rebounds and 7assists in G5, and his key offenses not only led the team to victory over the opponent, but also made him the center of attention again.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

As a player born in 1996, the 28-year-old Brunson can be said to be a typical representative of "late bloomers". He has had his ups and downs in his past career, but eventually exploded in this year's playoffs and became one of the most striking stars in the NBA right now.

The reason for this is, first of all, Brunson's own excellent comprehensive strength. As a 6ft 7" forward, he combines the physicality and skill to dominate the game on the inside, as well as his mid-to-long-range shooting ability, making him a true 'all-rounder'. At the same time, he has also shown great ability to combine statistics, not only scoring a lot of points, but also contributing to statistics such as rebounds and assists, which are comparable to the top forwards in the league.

But more crucially, Brunson has evolved and improved over the past few years to get to where he is today. He did experience ups and downs and inefficiency in his early career, but he didn't let that knock him off and he gave up. On the contrary, through unremitting hard work and training, he continued to improve his skills, and made great progress in shooting, defense, rebounding and other aspects, so that he was finally able to burst out in key moments.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

It was this fighting spirit and self-pursuit attitude that allowed Brunson to grow into a true NBA superstar. He is no longer satisfied with his past achievements, but has set his sights on being among the league's top stars. Along the way, he has fully interpreted the professional quality and extraordinary strength that NBA stars should have with his sweat and progress.

Wife Avery Márquez: An important support for Brunson's growth

Behind Julius Brunson's brilliant achievements, there is an important contributor, and that is his wife, Avery Márquez. As Brunson's most important supporter and backing in life, she has undoubtedly played an irreplaceable role in the player's development.

In terms of appearance, Avery Márquez does not belong to the category of that standard "beauty", and her facial features and figure are not outstanding. But as the saying goes, behind a successful man there is always a capable woman, and Avery Márquez is undoubtedly the best backing for Brunson, a "successful man".

First of all, Avery Márquez is an excellent physiotherapist who has been taking care of her husband's physical condition with her expertise and patience for many years. In the NBA's intense and competitive environment, the physical condition of players is often a key factor in determining performance, and it is with his professional background that Avery Márquez continues to provide professional medical care and rehabilitation counseling for Brunson to ensure that his physical condition is always kept in the best condition.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

In addition to this, Avery Márquez has also been Brunson's most solid support emotionally. The two have known each other since high school and have now gone through 11 years of life. During this long process, Avery Márquez has always been by Brunson's side, giving him the most thoughtful care and support. No matter what setbacks Brunson encountered in the game, as long as he returned home, he could receive the warmest care from his wife, and this enduring spiritual sustenance has undoubtedly become the key support for his many successes in his career.

It is worth mentioning that Avery Márquez is not just an ordinary housewife, she also has good talents and pursuits in her own right. As a professional physiotherapist, she not only provided medical security for her husband, but also made great achievements in her own career, which also made her a real "virtuous helper".

Overall, Avery Márquez, as the most important partner in Brunson's life, has undoubtedly injected strong motivation and support into his career. It is under her careful care and spiritual sustenance that Brunson was able to explode such amazing strength at critical moments and grow into one of the brightest new stars in the NBA at the moment. This kind of mutual understanding and mutual support between husband and wife has undoubtedly become a model for all to learn.

Brunson's million-dollar contract: A must-have on the road to supergiants

One of the more striking details of Brunson's recent performance is that he is asking for a top-tier contract of four years and $250 million. This undoubtedly means that he has the full qualifications and quality to become one of the most outstanding star players in the NBA, and deserves such a sky-high price.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

Objectively, this requirement is not excessive. As a power forward who has shown such outstanding strength in the playoffs, Brunson has undoubtedly surpassed the average superstar level and has the full ability to become a top star in the NBA. Not only did he maintain a high level of performance during the regular season, but he also exploded into impressive numbers in key playoff games, and this all-round improvement is enough to show that he is fully worthy of the top salary level in the league.

But judging from the pure statistics and performance, Brunson's contract with such a high amount may not be comprehensive enough. We also need to evaluate his value in terms of his career development, personal value and contribution to the team.

The first is career development. As a "late bloomer", Brunson is 28 years old and in the prime of his career. Over the past few years, he has continued to forge ahead and challenge, and finally really broke out in this year's playoffs, which can be said to have completed the transformation from a good player to a star level. Based on this trajectory, Brunson is likely to reach his peak in the next four years, which is a reasonable basis for him to ask for a hefty contract.

The second is Brunson's personal value. As a well-rounded power forward, he not only has excellent scoring ability, but also excellent performance in rebounding, assists and other statistics, which is extremely rare in the NBA. What's more, he also has a great leadership temperament and can lead the team to victory in key moments, and this intangible value is also indispensable to the team. As a result, his personal worth is unique in the league.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

Finally, Brunson's contribution to the team. As the leader of the Knicks, his outstanding performance not only drove the team's playoff process this season, but also greatly improved the team's overall competitiveness. In the next few years, as long as Brunson remains in peak form, the Knicks will surely become a powerhouse in the East, and they will have the strength to fight against strong teams such as the Warriors and Lakers. This kind of comprehensive value to the team is undoubtedly an important reason why the team is willing to give him a high contract.

Taken together, Brunson's request for a four-year, $250 million contract with a maximum salary undoubtedly matches many factors such as his career development, personal value, and contribution to the team. This also shows that the NBA attaches great importance to star players, and only by giving generous contract rewards can the team ensure that the team has the best roster of players and improve the overall competitiveness.

Therefore, for Brunson, this high-value contract is not only a recognition of his hard work in the past, but also a necessary choice for him to enter the road to the NBA's supergiant. Only through such a high salary can he get enough support and security to go all out to pursue his peak moment. I believe that with the support of this contract, Brunson will continue to shine on the NBA stage in the future and become one of the brightest new stars in the league.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

The key to making the NBA supergiant

Summarizing Brunson's journey from an average player to a star player in the NBA, we can summarize a few key elements that any player must have if he wants to achieve NBA superpower.

The first is the outstanding performance of professional skills. Whether it's great shooting, defense, rebounding, or assisting, an NBA star must have outstanding professionalism in one or more areas. Only in this way can they stand out in the fierce competition of the league and become an indispensable and important pillar of the team. It was with his all-round and excellent skills that Brunson was able to explode in the fierce playoffs.

The second is the insatiable enterprising spirit. An NBA star can't rest on his laurels, but always has to be enterprising and constantly looking for improvements and breakthroughs. Just like Brunson's ups and downs in his early career, it is only through relentless hard work and training that he can finally achieve his own transformation. This insatiable enterprising spirit is the fundamental driving force for their continuous progress.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years

Again, the quality of tenacity of will. In the NBA, whether it is a strong opponent or a difficult environment, players need to have the quality of tenacity. Only by standing up in the face of adversity and overcoming difficulties through their own hard work and fighting spirit can they finally establish themselves in the league and become true superstars. It was with this indomitable spirit that Brunson finally burst out at the top of his game at a critical moment.

Finally, there is the spiritual support of the family. In an intense professional environment like the NBA, the support of a player's family is undoubtedly one of the key elements of success. Just like Brunson's wife, Avery Márquez, she provides a solid backing for her husband through professional medical care and considerate spiritual care. It is only with this kind of family support that the players can maintain a good mentality in the midst of professional pressure and give their all to the game.

To sum up, to achieve the status of the NBA's supergiant, you need to have professional skills, enterprising spirit, tenacity and family support. It is with these key elements that Brunson has been able to play an increasingly important role on the NBA stage, and is expected to become one of the brightest stars in the league. It also sets a valuable example for other young players to achieve even more in their NBA careers if they can grasp these key factors tightly.

Brunson broke out again, the future supergiant of the NBA! Marry the best virtuous helper, ask for a maximum salary of 250 million for 4 years