
In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

author:Calm thinkers

On April 9, 2019, in the historic city of St. Petersburg in Russia, an international forum focusing on the future of the Arctic region was held as scheduled. This year saw the growing geopolitical and economic importance of the Arctic region, as well as the growing interest of major global countries in the region. The theme of the conference, "The Arctic, an Ocean of Opportunities", attracted leaders and policymakers from many countries to discuss the development and utilization of the Arctic and environmental protection. In such an international arena, every word and every action may become the vane of international relations.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

In the conference room in St. Petersburg, the spring sun shines through the high windows, adding a touch of tenderness to this serious meeting. As the host, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the prelude to the meeting with his unique poise and authority. He began by introducing Russia's policies and future plans in the Arctic, and his tone was full of sincere invitations for future cooperation.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

The calm of the meeting was quickly broken by an American journalist. Bloomberg's reporter Fryer, with his typical Western media sharpness, began to frequently interrupt Putin's speeches. His question points directly at Russia's oil production adjustment with OPEC, trying to dig out some sensitive political statements from Putin.

Although Putin is accustomed to contesting in the international arena, he is also a little impatient in the face of such continuous provocations. He deliberately bypassed a direct response when answering a question in an attempt to steer the topic in a more neutral direction.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

"Our cooperation with OPEC will make the most reasonable decisions based on the market situation." Putin said calmly, with unquestionable firmness in his eyes.

Mr. Fryer did not seem to intend to pass up the opportunity, continuing to ask questions, even deliberately interrupting Mr. Putin as he introduced China's economic influence in the Arctic.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

"I'm sorry, Mr. President, are you saying that China is an Arctic country?" There was a clear provocation in Fryer's tone.

Putin paused, his gaze swept across the conference room, and finally fixed on Fryer, and said calmly but firmly: "I have been holding back while you are talking, and now you can also bear with it and not interject." ”

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

The venue burst into applause and heart-to-heart laughter. Fryer's face suddenly became embarrassed, and he tried to say something more, but found that he could not speak.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

The meeting continued, Putin's speech gradually led the theme of the meeting, and the discussion got back on track. Fryer was unusually low-key in the meeting that followed, his discomfort and withdrawal in stark contrast to his sharpness at the beginning of the meeting. Putin, for his part, used his calmness to once again confirm his toughness and wisdom in international politics.

In 2019, Putin held a meeting to talk about China, but was interrupted by a US reporter, and Putin warned: Bear with it and don't interject

This delicate confrontation at the Arctic Forum is not only a contest of personal styles, but also a microcosm of the international political arena. Putin's composure and tenacity stand in stark contrast to the directness and provocation of Western journalists. This scene not only reflects the power game in international relations, but also reflects the far-reaching impact of cultural differences in global exchanges. Through such events, it is not difficult to see the importance of understanding and respecting differences, as well as maintaining one's position under pressure, in today's globalized world. Sometimes, as Putin has shown, the most effective response to a challenge is with the right patience and a firm response.

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