
From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

author:Calm thinkers

In the shadow of the Cold War, the South China Sea, an ancient and mysterious water, gradually became the focus of international politics and military. From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid rise of China and the adjustment of the global strategy of the United States, the strategic position of the South China Sea became more and more prominent. This is not only because of its abundant natural resources, but also because of its key position in the global sea routes. The United States, as a global superpower, has frequently carried out military activities in the region to maintain its influence in the Asia-Pacific region, trying to put pressure on China through "freedom of navigation" operations, while China is constantly strengthening its naval forces to defend its territorial integrity and maritime rights.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

Early one morning in 1994, the US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk broke into the Yellow Sea, a well-planned military operation. The purpose of the U.S. Navy is clear, and China's naval response capability and defense capabilities. Suddenly, a Chinese Han-class nuclear submarine was on a routine patrol mission when it inadvertently encountered a US aircraft carrier formation.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

"Unknown fleet found, 15 nautical miles away." The submarine commander nervously reported, and the radar screen in front of him clearly showed the location of the American fleet.

The U.S. military did not stop because of this, but stepped up its provocations and carried out simulated attacks on Chinese submarines. Facing the pressure, the submarine commander ordered: "The whole ship is on alert and ready to dive deep." ”

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

In the midst of the tense standoff, the Chinese naval base received urgent information and immediately sent two Su-27 fighter jets to support. After receiving the order, the pilots quickly took off and assembled at high speed towards the sea area.

"Our task is to ensure the safe retreat of the submarine." The flight captain said solemnly over the radio.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

As the Chinese planes approached, the U.S. military sensed a potential threat and eventually chose to retreat, avoiding a possible escalation of the conflict.

Fast forward to 1996, when China conducted large-scale military exercises off the coast of Fujian Province as a demonstration of its military strength and resolve. Not to be outdone, the US military mobilized a large number of warships and aircraft, including two aircraft carriers, to conduct long-term surveillance on the Chinese side.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

On March 25, the exercise reached its climax, and the confrontation between the Chinese and American militaries was the most tense. Under the widespread attention of the international community, the US military finally chose to retreat without firing a single shot, avoiding a direct conflict.

In the 21st century, the Chinese Navy has undergone major modernization. The introduction of the "Four King Kong" modern-class destroyers from Russia has greatly enhanced the combat capability of the navy. China's self-developed new warships and submarines have joined the battle sequence, and the integration of these forces has made a qualitative leap in the strength of the Chinese Navy.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

On 1 April 2001, a more well-known aircraft collision incident occurred in the South China Sea. A U.S. EP-3 RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT COLLIDED WITH A J-8II FIGHTER JET OF THE CHINESE NAVY OVER THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. This incident once again pushed China and the United States to the forefront.

"American planes violated our airspace, and our pilots were on normal defensive missions." The spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry made a solemn statement at a press conference.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

In the aftermath of the incident, the United States expressed concern about the safety of its pilots, but it was more concerned about China's growing military power. After a tense diplomatic game, the two sides finally reached an agreement on the safe return of the pilot.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

The waves in the South China Sea not only bear witness to the military contest between China and the United States, but also reflect the changes in the international balance of power. From the initial unilateral provocation to the later mutual respect, every military confrontation has been tense and dramatic. Through the development of these years, the modernization of the Chinese navy has achieved remarkable results, and it is no longer the navy that could only rely on protests in the past, but truly has the strength to defend national interests in the international arena.

From sharpening the sword to shining the sword: the South China Sea is no longer a place where the US military can come and go

On the chessboard of international politics, the South China Sea is like a shining pearl, and the competition between various forces has never stopped. The growth of the Chinese navy is like breaking out of a cocoon into a butterfly, which is not only an enhancement of military strength, but also a manifestation of national self-confidence. The waves of history crash into these ancient waters, and each wave speaks of the importance of sovereignty and the preciousness of peace. In the face of the fact that only by continuously enhancing our own strength can we continue to make our voice heard on the international stage and maintain peace and stability in the oceans. At such a historical juncture, we should bear in mind that true strength comes from internal cohesion and external wisdom.