
It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier


It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! I bought it with 3 years of hard-earned experience, and I knew how to avoid detours

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

Decoration is a journey of both anticipation and anxiety for everyone who pursues quality of life. Looking forward to the new home, anxious is how to make the most reasonable choice within a limited budget. As a fashionista, although I have a keen insight into clothing and accessories, I have also taken many detours when facing decoration. Today, I'd like to share with you some of the renovation experiences I bought with 3 years of hard-earned money, and tell you which places are really not worth investing too much money in.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

1. Luxury ceiling: flashy

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

Once upon a time, in order to pursue the luxury of the living room, I chose a complex ceiling design. But over time, I realized that this decision was really wrong. The complex design of the ceiling is not only prone to dust accumulation, but also a big trouble to repair once it fails. In retrospect, minimalist line ceilings are both cost-effective and practical, so why spend so much money on flashy effects in the first place?

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

2. Expensive wallpaper: low cost performance

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

In order to create a warm bedroom atmosphere, I chose expensive imported wallpaper. But it didn't take long for the wallpaper to start to warp and fall off. Later, I found out that in fact, many domestic wallpapers are of good quality and the price is more affordable. Instead of spending a fortune on expensive wallpaper, choose a more cost-effective product.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

3. Luxury lamps: The electricity cost is amazing

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

In order to pursue the high-end feeling of the home, I chose luxury lamps with unique shapes and huge power. However, it was only when the electricity bill was in front of me that I realized how irrational my choice was. In fact, the main function of the lamp is to illuminate, as long as the light is soft and comfortable. Luxury lamps are not only expensive, but they also consume a staggering amount of electricity, which is really not cost-effective.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

Fourth, solid wood flooring: maintenance trouble

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

Hardwood flooring does give a noble and elegant feeling, but it is very troublesome to maintain. Not only do you need to wax and clean it regularly, but you also need to avoid water stains, scratches, etc. In contrast, laminate flooring and laminate flooring are not only more affordable, but also hard-wearing, easy to maintain, and more suitable for ordinary household use.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

Fifth, the whole house customization: may not be cost-effective

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

In order to pursue the unity of the overall home style, I chose the whole house custom furniture. However, in the actual use process, I found that the price of customized furniture for the whole house is generally high, and once it is not properly designed, it is easy to make the space look crowded and oppressive. In fact, as long as you choose reliable quality finished furniture, and then match it with some custom elements, you can also create a beautiful and practical home space.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

6. Imported coatings: not necessarily environmentally friendly

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

In order to pursue environmental protection and health, I chose expensive imported paints. But later it was discovered that although many imported paints have loud brands, their environmental performance is not necessarily better than that of domestic coatings. When choosing coatings, we should pay attention to the environmental certification and test report of the product, rather than blindly pursuing the brand.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

7. Luxury bathtub: low usage rate

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

I used to dream of having a luxurious bathtub and enjoying a relaxing bath. However, in the actual use process, I found that the use rate of the bathtub is actually not high. Also, cleaning and maintaining the bathtub is a hassle. In contrast, shower enclosures are more practical and convenient, saving space and easy to clean.

It's not worth the money to renovate 14 places at all! With 3 years of experience bought with hard-earned money, it is better to know earlier

8. Complex background wall: easy to become outdated

In order to create a unique atmosphere in my home, I chose an intricate backdrop wall design. But it didn't take long for me to feel like this design was outdated. In addition, complex background walls can easily make the space look cluttered. In fact, the simple background wall design is more versatile and durable, and can stand the test of time.

9. Multi-functional furniture: flashy and unrealistic

I used to choose multi-functional furniture in order to pursue the practicality of the home. However, in the actual use process, I found that the practicality of these furniture is not high. In addition, if it fails, it is very troublesome to repair. In fact, we should choose the right furniture according to our actual needs, rather than blindly pursuing versatility.

10. Expensive curtains: low cost performance

Curtains, as an important part of home decoration, do require a certain amount of thought and money. But in my opinion, expensive curtains are not necessarily the best option. Many affordable curtains also have good blackout and aesthetics. When choosing curtains, we should pay attention to the cost performance rather than blindly pursuing the price.

11. Luxury jewelry: easy to show clutter

I used to buy a lot of decorations and accessories in order to pursue the luxury of my home. However, over time, I've found that these accessories are not only prone to dirt accumulation, but also tend to clutter the space. In fact, the simple home style is more durable and practical, and does not need too many decorations to embellish.

12. Expensive toilets: there is little difference in the use experience

When buying a toilet, I used to choose an expensive imported toilet in pursuit of quality. However, in the actual use process, I found that the use of these expensive toilets is not much different from ordinary toilets. In fact, when choosing a toilet, we should pay attention to its water-saving performance and cleaning convenience, rather than blindly pursuing the price.

13. Complex ceiling light strip: low practicability

In order to pursue the luxury of the home, I once chose a complex ceiling light strip design, but in the actual use process, I found that the practicality of these light strips is not high, and it is easy to make the space seem oppressive and cluttered. In fact, the simple design of lamps and lanterns is more versatile and durable, which can meet our lighting needs without too many decorative elements to embellish.

14. Brand-name household appliances: may not be suitable

When buying home appliances, I used to choose expensive brand-name products in order to pursue the brand. however

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