
The new tungsten reactor brings nuclear fusion closer to reality

author:Xiaomei said popular science

While the fusion reaction in our room has not yet matched that of the sun so far, we are tracking it. Scientists recently made remarkable achievements at a test reactor in France, making the normal sustained reaction time challenge more than six minutes.

In one study, the researchers installed tungsten walls in their plasma material, which used a mirroring device that allowed it to better hold its species for a sustained reaction. The development of this new reactor is very important to us, as we are looking for the goal of being able to use this technology to achieve an unlimited energy supply, which will have a profound and positive impact on our future.

The new tungsten reactor brings nuclear fusion closer to reality

The West Tokamak Nuclear Fusion Reactor (WEST) is the third largest tokamak reactor in the world and the largest in Europe.

The name of the science fiction film of the fifties of the twentieth century is derived from the "Manhattan Project", a top-secret American research project during the Cold War.

By contrast, back in the mid-1950s, Walter Kern, a physicist based in Drissingen, Switzerland, conceived a similar device, which he thought was a possible way to generate cheap electricity.

This theory was conceived to fill the gap in the period of "theoretical revival".

During the "theoretical renaissance", physicists turned their attention to theoretical research, mainly due to a sharp decline in computing power, making experiments difficult to achieve.

Interest in theory increased dramatically for a time, but some began to worry that the decline in experimental research might affect theoretical research, and therefore began to think of possible solutions to prevent this from happening.

In this context, it is expected that the only device capable of implementing a tokamak-like reactor, a supercomputer, will be used to fill the gap between experimental and theoretical research.

Although the Siventokamak reactor has been a high-level instrument for research for the past 60 years, there is a growing recognition that the goal of this work is not just to satisfy curiosity.

It has been recognized that fusion energy could be a more environmentally friendly and sustainable source of energy that fuels the way humans live on Earth.

The new tungsten reactor brings nuclear fusion closer to reality

In reality, an alternative energy device that can be used for nuclear fusion is a tokamak reactor.

However, there are countless hurdles to overcome before fusion energy can be realized, and the biggest challenge is to create plasma reactions that can operate continuously and produce high energy.

In order to test this potential, there is a need for continuous experiments to improve the structure of the device, and multiple tests are conducted to find out which conditions can operate effectively and produce high-performance nuclear fusion.

The Siventokamak reactor has been working on this work, and while the benefits of the instrument are self-evident, the safety of the reactor is highly debated: there have been concerns that the device will lose large amounts of radioactive material.

Recent advances in the Siventokamak fusion reactor have attracted the attention of the scientific community.

It is believed that for the first time mankind has been able to develop a fusion reactor that can be perfectly cared for, then the maximum potential of such a device remains an endless source of energy.

The new tungsten reactor brings nuclear fusion closer to reality

Of course, we still need to determine whether fusion can be a major source of energy in the future through the final outcome of the project, but the successful operation of the Siventokamak fusion reactor certainly points the way to the future.

It's clear that while we're still far from where we're going, we're moving forward.

About the tokamak fusion reactor.

The Siventokamak reactor is a nuclear fusion reactor that uses ultra-high temperatures and pressures to reproduce the fusion process inside the sun.

During solar processes, hydrogen atoms are fusing into new helium atoms, which produces a large amount of energy. The same process can be carried out on Earth, and the tokamak reactor is one of the instruments used to achieve this.

While interest has been expressed, the work has not been easy.

The key factor in nuclear fusion is the constant repetition of reactions in a small space, a condition that is easy to achieve in nature, but many challenges are required to reproduce this condition in the laboratory.

In order to successfully reproduce the fusion process inside the sun, one must keep the ultra-hot plasma material in a specific space.

If the plasma material leaves this space, then the process cannot continue. There is also a need to address the question of how to handle and store radioactive waste, and how to ensure the safety of this reaction.

Still, scientists are determined to move forward relentlessly, trying to find solutions to these problems.

The idea of a Siventokamak reactor dates back to 1951, the year Walter, a physicist at CERN in Switzerland

Kern came up with a similar idea.

The physicist believes that with such a device, humanity can expect to obtain a more economical and cheap form of electricity.

Since then, scientists have known that the key to achieving this goal is to be able to operate efficiently and produce high-power plasma, a process that requires not only ultra-high temperatures, but also sustained confinement times.

The new tungsten reactor brings nuclear fusion closer to reality

In the field of nuclear fusion, people are no longer stuck in empty talk and discussion, but quickly transferred to the practical stage, more and more projects have involved specific experiments and engineering, and scientists are constantly challenging and breaking through themselves.

In fact, the Siventokamak reactor has become a banner in this field, and this device has been contributing to the advancement of fusion research for the past six decades.

What does this mean for the future of humanity?

The operating record of the Siventokamak reactor breaks this historical record and achieves a record-breaking achievement that will undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences for the future of humanity.

Nuclear fusion energy is undoubtedly the most exciting of all the clean, environmentally friendly and endless energy sources, and in the future, once a self-sustaining fusion reaction is achieved, it will yield immeasurable benefits before the power output is higher than the consumption.

Experts predict that this will be of symbolic significance for the success of nuclear coalescing. The Siventokamak reactor was built by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in collaboration with the European Agency for Fusion Development (EFDC), and it plays a crucial role in nuclear fusion reactions. And, the Siwen reactor is one of the largest tokamaks in the world.

Another important factor supporting this breakthrough is that scientists used tungsten metal "doughnut" device for the first time in the experiment, and the emergence of this new device allows the plasma to operate more safely and stably.

According to experts, the greatest significance of the latest development of the Xiwen Tomkamak nuclear fusion reactor is that if the reactor can be successfully developed and utilized, it will provide the most powerful technical support for the large-scale commercial application and sustainable development of nuclear fusion energy.

Experts believe that although the realization of fusion energy is still some time away, the progress made by the Siventokamak fusion reactor has undoubtedly opened a new door for research and development in this field.

Therefore, the latest progress of the Siventokamak nuclear fusion reactor is not only of great significance for nuclear fusion technology, but also good news for the realization of clean, efficient and sustainable nuclear fusion energy.

This is a great feat, and this achievement will mean a huge change in the future of life, and there are still many problems with the existing nuclear fusion technology, which still needs to be continuously improved and perfected.

It is impossible to predict when this technology will be commercialized, but it is certain that the breakthrough of the Siventokamak fusion reactor will greatly promote the development of related technologies, laying a solid foundation for clean, efficient and sustainable fusion energy.

As the world's first large-scale nuclear fusion device to successfully operate for six minutes, the emergence of the Western tokamak reactor will greatly promote mankind's continuous progress towards nuclear fusion energy, and provide more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions for the future.