
I have sad nipple syndrome, but my husband insists that I breastfeed, and when I refuse, he scolds me

author:I love to read books at night

I have sad nipple syndrome.

My husband insisted that I breastfeed my baby.

I, as a doctor, told him:

"I am weak and my milk is insufficient, so feeding with formula is the best choice."

But he pointed at my nose and scolded:

"Fart, my mom said breast milk is the best!"

"You don't even give milk to your child, you don't deserve to be a mother!"

So I obediently took a few packets from the institute. Milk. medicine home.

My husband is very satisfied, and he shows off to others outside:

"The daughter-in-law has to scold, and the more she scolds, the more obedient she becomes!"

But he didn't know that the medicine I took was specially for men.


I have sad nipple syndrome.

As long as you are touched, your heart will be inexplicably sad.

Even, there will be the urge to die.

Therefore, before I became pregnant, I said to my husband Xie Liyang:

After the child is born, he is fed with milk powder throughout the whole process.

At that time, he sympathized with my hard work and agreed:

"I don't want you to suffer, everything is up to my wife."

But after the child was really born, he suddenly changed his hexagram and changed his face:

"Milk powder is garbage, only breast milk is nutritious."

"I can't bear this kind of pain, are you worthy of being a mother?!"

The mother-in-law also raised her tone and helped on the side:

"I used to watch the square dance group, and I retweeted it there every day!"

"Said that a five-year-old baby died of milk powder!"

"You're so vicious as a mother, do you want to watch your child die?!"

I rubbed my temples, but I didn't lift my eyelids:

"At the age of five, I've been weaned early, do you believe this kind of low-level rumor?"

"No wonder Aunt Yang and Aunt Li are stinging you behind your back every day, and your brain is full of air."

At the end of the day, I once again stood in the shoes of a doctor.

Take the trouble to explain to them:

Sad nipple syndrome is only one of the causes.

On the other hand, I am weak, anemic, and have poor metabolism.

Even if you are breastfeeding, the amount of milk and nutrients are not enough.

"Therefore, feeding milk powder throughout the whole process is the best choice."

Xie Liyang didn't believe it and felt that I was deliberately making excuses:

"Others can feed it, why can't you feed it?"

I rolled my eyes: "Others can go to Tsinghua University, why can't you?"

The mother-in-law was angry and began to talk about the experience:

"Don't think that after a few years of studying, you can scare me!"

"Our older generation of children are all fed by themselves!"

"Otherwise, my son can grow into such a tall and upright man?!"

I stared at her impatiently.

Eyes swept a few times below her neck and above her stomach.

Then, a perfunctory thumbs up:

"Mmmm, you're the best, you can feed it."


My mother-in-law was so angry that she jumped to her feet, but she couldn't tell me.

Turning her head to her son, she angrily left the next sentence:

"Look at the good wife you marry, you can take care of it yourself!"

Then, he slammed the door and went back to his bedroom.

Seeing that I had a tough attitude, Xie Liyang softened and changed his rhetoric:

"My wife wants to try everything, you just try it once, and it won't be good."

Hearing this, I snorted coldly, and I only felt ridiculous.

Man, it's really not a backache to stand and talk.

Do you really think that breast milk is to be fed when you want to, and you can stop feeding it if you don't want to?

If you want to have breast milk production, you have to start breastfeeding.

It is necessary to knead the hard lump of the mammary gland with brute force little by little.

This process is extremely painful.

After Xie Liyang finished his workout last time, he scraped his thigh with a fascia knife, and his muscles were bruised by the pain, and he screamed.

But it hurts several times more than this pain.

Not to mention that once the milk is opened, it is easy to engorge and block the milk in the future.

Milk engorgement is also a form of torture.

It's like it's like two bricks, and some of them even form lumps under their armpits.

When I was in the nursing delivery room, I saw many mothers who couldn't sleep because of the pain.

If the milk is a big brick, then the milk plugging is a myriad of small stones blocking the exit.

The solution is to use brute force to knead the blockage alive.

It's basically the equivalent of, re-experiencing the pain of opening milk.

If you decide to stop breastfeeding, you will need to take medicine to stop your milk production.

This process is also called back milk.

It is actually the process of gradual congestion and even congestion of the mammary glands.

Just by reading between the lines, you can feel that it is still a kind of torture.

But Xie Liyang listened to my words, but he was indifferent:

"The pain varies from person to person, and you won't be like that, wife."

I snorted and hung my head and sneered.

Yes, if the needle is not pricked in one's body, how can you know that it hurts.

Trying to convince a man who doesn't care about himself and hangs high.

All I can say is that I'm stupid.

Xie Liyang didn't give up, and changed his words to persuade me:

"Wife, you have to think about the child!"

"I've only heard of children drinking poisoned milk powder to death!"

"I've ever heard that mother's breastfeeding hurts to death!"

He took my hand tightly and said:

"The pain is temporary, but the child's health is a lifetime!"

"If it were me, I would breastfeed my child at any cost!"

I raised my eyes to stare at him, my eyebrows slightly raised:

"Husband, are you sure?"

He nodded solemnly and replied, "Of course."

OK, I'll just wait for your words.

Think about breastfeeding that way, right?

I'll let you feed yourself.


The next day, I went to the institute and got a few packets of urges. Milk. medicine home.

Xie Liyang was very satisfied, he thought I had figured it out and was finally willing to try breastfeeding.

As everyone knows, the medicines I got back were specially for men.

In fact, there is such a thing as mammary glands, both men and women.

It's just that the level of estrogen in men is relatively low.

Difficult to develop and difficult to give birth. Milk.

However, it is not a coincidence.

Our institute has just recently developed a new drug.

It can stimulate the development of male mammary glands, childbirth. Milk.

It will not cause hormonal imbalance in men's bodies and affect their physical health.

I crumpled the pills, mixed them with milk, and handed them to Xie Liyang to drink.

Watching him drink it all, I hooked my lips and smiled lightly.

Husband, husband, you said it yourself.

Breastfeed your child, no matter what it takes.

I'm so considerate, and I'll definitely fulfill you.

Soon, it was only a week.

Xie Liyang's neck and stomach.

It is visible to the naked eye that it has grown up.

At first, he thought it was a recent workout that had been quite effective.

Be complacent, shoot moments, and show off your full chest muscles.

But later, it wasn't until those two muscles swelled painfully that he realized that something was wrong.

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