
Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Du Lihua

At the request of fans, let's talk about Xiaoyao Pill today.

Xiaoyao pill, I dare to say that 90 out of 100 people have this Chinese patent medicine at home. Today, I will talk about how to use Xiaoyao pills with drugs to treat various nodules on the body.

Let's take a look at how the lumps in traditional Chinese medicine are formed. In fact, it is "blocked".

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

How so? For example, let's take the modeling balloon that children play, after blowing it up, is it blocked in the middle when you twist the shape, continue to blow, if you continue to twist it, will the middle of the balloon become more and more bulging, or even explode?

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

One reason, nodules are also blocked in this way, our blood veins are connected in all directions, the blood is smooth, the qi and blood are smooth, and some of the dross in the body also has its own track of exclusion, which does not affect each other; Once our meridians are blocked, the dregs in the body, phlegm and dampness, dampness, and qi and blood will no longer circulate, and slowly the qi and blood will also become dross, and these phlegm and dampness will fight together, and nodules, polyps, cysts, and other lumps will slowly appear.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

Therefore, we have to open up the meridians, let the qi and blood flow, and let the dross be sent out in an orderly manner, so that these lumps can be solved from the root.

So how does Xiaoyao Pill eliminate nodules?

The combination of the three medicines can not only adjust the qi machine, but also nourish the liver and nourish the liver and replenish the liver yin, so that the liver qi can be dredged, the liver blood can be replenished, and the qi and blood can be reconciled; Atractylodes, Poria cocos, and licorice tonify the spleen, making the spleen and stomach healthy, and the blood is vigorous. Add a little mint to help the chai hu evacuate. The whole formula is compatible with soothing liver depression, strengthening the spleen and stomach, taking into account qi and blood, and harmonizing the liver and spleen.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

In this way, the veins of the whole body are connected, and the qi and blood flow freely, then the next step is to start with a medicine to eliminate nodules.

First of all, Xiaoyao Pill is paired with Guizhi Poria Pill

Mainly for sub-issues and other issues; And accompanied by menstrual dysmenorrhea, vaginal itching, pain, bleeding and other symptoms, at this time, you can refer to Xiaoyao Pill with Guizhi Poria Pill for treatment.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids


Mainly for symptoms such as irregular menstruation, or dripping, dysmenorrhea, dizziness and nausea, you can refer to Xiaoyao Pill and Xiaojin Pill to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis and nodules.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

Xiaoyao pill with milk nucleus loose chips

This set of collocations is mainly for and accompanied by cough, phlegm, nausea, unpleasant stool, etc., then this group of collocations can be referenced.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

The last one, Xiaoyao Pill with Prunella Granules

Mainly aimed at, the effect is relatively good, the two are combined with the liver and qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood, and also have the effect of clearing heat and dissipating knots.

Xiaoyao Pill is used with this Chinese patent medicine, which is soft and hard and disperses knots, and can be used for nodules, polyps, cysts, and fibroids

Well, that's all for today's sharing, but it should be noted that TCM medication needs to be differentiated, and if you are not sure, you must not use it at will.