
The kidneys are not good for lust, the heart is not good for insomnia, the liver is not good for farts, 3 Chinese patent medicines, both men and women can use!


The kidneys are not good for lust, the heart is not good, insomnia, the liver is not good and the farts are too much, I will share with you three Chinese patent medicines, nourish your heart, liver and kidneys, and can be used by both men and women!

The kidneys are not good for lust, the heart is not good for insomnia, the liver is not good for farts, 3 Chinese patent medicines, both men and women can use!

First of all, the first one, the kidneys are not good at thinking about prostitution, Chinese medicine talks about the kidney Tibetan Zhi, the main reproduction and development, so a person's kidney function is good, there will be fighting spirit, full of energy every day, on the contrary, if the kidney is deficient, can not restrain the kidney yang, it will give birth to a void fire in the body, the void fire continues to stir the mind, you will think about the wrong, think about some men and women, but it is really on the matter, but you can't keep up.

Because there is no kidney yin support, it is very fast to lift, and it is very weak, and it is also accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, hot hands and feet, insomnia and night sweats during sleep, etc., the tongue is red, and the tongue coating is less.

The kidneys are not good for lust, the heart is not good for insomnia, the liver is not good for farts, 3 Chinese patent medicines, both men and women can use!

Secondly, the heart is not good and insomnia, if people want to sleep well, the mind must be stable, if the heart and blood are deficient, can not nourish the mind, it will lead to restlessness, insomnia and dreams, chest tightness and palpitation, and even shortness of breath and fatigue, dizziness, paleness, memory loss and other manifestations, at this time, under the guidance of the doctor, refer to the Tianwang Tonifying Heart Pill, which has the benefits of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, replenishing the heart and calming the nerves!

The kidneys are not good for lust, the heart is not good for insomnia, the liver is not good for farts, 3 Chinese patent medicines, both men and women can use!

Finally, the liver is not good and there are many farts, the liver is wood, the spleen is soil, if the liver qi is stagnant, it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, resulting in abnormal spleen and stomach transport and absorption function, at this time, the stomach and intestines are forced to keep peristalsis because of the stagnation of qi, and there will be gas coming out of the anus, and there will be a problem of fart, so although the fart is sick in the spleen, but the root is in the liver, you can refer to Chai Hu Shu Liver Pill to relieve the liver and regulate qi! You must refer to it under the guidance of the doctor, and you must not treat it indiscriminately!