
Men start to get tired of you, and they will have these four manifestations

author:Benevolence steamship zR

Li Meng stood at the mouth of the dim alley, the breeze blowing on her cheeks, bringing a hint of coolness. She subconsciously tightened her coat, and her eyes revealed a hint of unease. Tonight, she always felt that something was wrong, as if a pair of eyes were peering at her in the dark.

She took out her phone and looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. She quickened her pace and wanted to get home as soon as possible. Just then, she heard a rush of footsteps behind her, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing. Li Meng's heart tightened, and when she looked back, she saw a black shadow quickly approaching her.

"Who?" Li Meng shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the empty alley. But the man didn't answer, just kept running towards her. Li Meng turned around and ran, but her speed was obviously not as fast as that person. Soon, the man caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

"Let it go!" Li Meng struggled and shouted, but the man's strength was so great that she couldn't break free at all. She looked up and saw that the man was wearing a black mask, revealing only a pair of fierce eyes.

"Don't shout, or I'll be rude to you!" The man said viciously.

Li Meng's heart trembled, she knew that she was probably in trouble tonight. She took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm. She looked around, looking for a chance to escape. But the alley was long and remote, and there was no one around, so she had nowhere to call for help.

At that moment, she saw a light not far ahead, which was a 24-hour convenience store. Her heart moved, and she shouted, "Help! Someone kidnapped me! ”

Men start to get tired of you, and they will have these four manifestations

The man, apparently startled by her shouting, violently covered her mouth. But Li Meng's shouts have already attracted the attention of the employees in the convenience store. When several clerks heard the commotion, they immediately rushed out and ran towards them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man let go of Li Meng's hand, turned around and wanted to escape. But Li Meng had already grabbed his sleeve and refused to let go. The man threw her off in a fit of rage, but it was too late. The clerks had already arrived at the scene and surrounded the man.

Li Meng took the opportunity to run to the clerks, panting and pointing at the man and saying, "He...... He wants to kidnap me! ”

The clerks were furious and stepped forward to question the man. Seeing that the situation was not good, the man had no choice but to confess his crime. It turns out that he is a repeat offender who specializes in preying on single women in the middle of the night. He set his sights on Li Meng tonight, but he didn't expect to be blocked by the clerks.

The police soon arrived at the scene and took the man away to assist in the investigation. Li Meng was also taken back to the police station to record a statement. At the police station, she told the police in detail about what had happened to her. The police said they would investigate the case as soon as possible and reminded her to stay safe in the future.

Li Meng nodded gratefully, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time. She thought back to her experience tonight and couldn't help but feel a little scared. She realized how dangerous her previous neglect of safety was. She decided to strengthen her sense of self-protection in the future and not let herself fall into such a dangerous situation again.

After returning home, Li Meng lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She recalled the fierce eyes of the man in black and the heroic figures of the clerks, and her heart was full of gratitude and admiration. She knew that without their help, she would have been lucky tonight.

Men start to get tired of you, and they will have these four manifestations

Early the next morning, Li Meng got up and went to the convenience store. She wanted to personally thank the staff who had helped her. When she walked into the store, the clerks greeted her one after another. She smiled in response to their greetings and walked over to the clerks who had saved her yesterday.

"Thank you for saving me yesterday!" Li Meng said gratefully, "If it weren't for you showing up in time, I'm afraid I'd be ......."

"It's okay!" One clerk waved his hand and said, "We're just doing what we're supposed to do." ”

"But you're really brave!" Li Meng continued, "You didn't flinch in the face of that bad guy, but bravely stood up and protected me. I really appreciate you guys! ”

"Actually, we're pretty scared." Another clerk said frankly, "But we knew that girl was in danger if we didn't help." So we had to bite the bullet. ”

Hearing this, Li Meng was even more grateful in his heart. She knew that although these clerks were just ordinary people, they had a brave and kind heart. She decided to come back to the convenience store more often in the future to show her gratitude to them.

In the days that followed, Li Meng began to pay more attention to security issues. She learned how to guard against strangers, how to save herself in an emergency, and more. She also often promotes safety knowledge to her friends, hoping that they can also enhance their awareness of self-protection.

Men start to get tired of you, and they will have these four manifestations

Gradually, Li Meng found that he became more confident and strong. She knows that as long as she is vigilant and courageous, she will be able to deal with life's challenges and difficulties. And the man in black who once frightened her has also become a warning on her growth path, making her cherish the happy life in front of her even more.