
Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

author:Little sun

Cave Adventure: The Weasel's Reward

In a distant ancient village, there is a man named Li Er, who is burly and straightforward, and makes a living by hunting. Although he lives in poverty, Li Er never complains, and he believes that hard-working hands can always be exchanged for a better life.

One day, the sky was suddenly cloudy, the wind was blowing, and a rainstorm was coming. Li Er was hunting in the mountains, and he hurriedly looked for a place to shelter from the rain. Not far away, a hidden cave caught his attention. He quickly ran into the cave and dodged the impending heavy rain.

The cave was dark and damp, and there was a strange smell in the air. Li Er lit the torch he carried with him, illuminating the surrounding environment. He noticed what seemed to be movement in a corner of the cave, and curiosity drove him cautiously to go over and check it.

I saw a weasel huddled in a corner, its fur wet, its eyes full of fear and pleading. Li Er's heart moved, he knew that the weasel often had nowhere to hide in the rain, so he decided to help it. He took off his coat and lightly covered the weasel, and found some hay to put under it.

The weasel seemed to sense Li Er's kindness, and it raised its head and looked at him with those bright eyes. Li Er smiled slightly and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." With that, he sat back and waited quietly for the rain to stop.

I don't know how long it took, but the rain finally stopped. Li Er put away his coat and prepared to leave the cave. Just then, a weasel suddenly jumped in front of him and blocked his way. Li Er was a little surprised, only to see the weasel open his mouth and say, "Benefactor, thank you for saving me." I have an important thing to tell you. ”

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

Li Er looked at the talking weasel in surprise, but he quickly calmed down and asked curiously, "What do you have to tell me?" ”

The weasel took a deep breath and said slowly, "There is a wasteland to the east of the village, and there is a lonely grave there. In that grave was buried an innocent woman who had died unjustly because she had been wronged. Her resentment persisted, and she turned into a ghost and haunted her at night. If you can dig up that grave and rebury her bones, she will rest in peace and the village will be at peace. ”

After listening to the weasel's words, Li Er hesitated a little in his heart. He knew that digging up graves was taboo, but thinking about the safety of the people in the village, he finally decided to give it a try. He thanked the weasel and left the cave.

Back in the village, Li Er told the villagers about his intentions. However, the villagers shook their heads and said that they did not dare to dig the grave easily. Li Er had no choice but to decide to go alone.

Early the next morning, Li Er came to the wasteland with tools. He found the lonely grave and began to dig it carefully. Soon after digging, he saw a white skeleton. His heart tightened, but thinking of the weasel's words, he decided to keep digging.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the grass and trees beside the grave suddenly became gloomy. Li Er's heart trembled, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered. At this moment, he heard a woman's voice ringing in his ears: "Benefactor, thank you for coming to save me." But beware, there is an evil spirit guarding this tomb. ”

Li Er looked up and saw a hideous-looking demon rushing towards him. In a hurry, he raised the shovel in his hand and threw it at the demon. After a fierce fight, Li Er finally subdued the evil ghost. He continued to dig and dug up the woman's bones intact.

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

Next, with the help of the villagers, Li Er reburied the woman's bones in the ancestral hall of the village. The villagers came to worship and pray for the woman's rest and the safety of the village.

Since the reburial of the innocent woman's bones, the atmosphere in the village has become noticeably more harmonious and peaceful. At night, there were no more strange cries and howling winds, and the villagers could sleep peacefully.

However, Li Er always remembered the weasel in his heart. He often remembered his encounter with a weasel in a cave and his grateful eyes. He wondered how the weasel was doing, and whether he was still living well in the mountains and forests.

One day, Li Er was hunting in the mountains as usual. Suddenly, he heard a rush of shouts. He followed the sound and saw a weasel being chased by a ferocious cheetah. The weasel appeared very weak, ran precariously, and was about to be pounced on by the cheetah.

Li Er's heart tightened, and he immediately pulled out the bow and arrow on his waist and aimed at the cheetah. Listening to the "whoosh", the arrow accurately hit the cheetah's hind legs. The cheetah screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The weasel took the opportunity to escape.

The weasel ran up to Li Er and stopped. It looked up at Li Er, its eyes full of gratitude and respect. Li Er smiled and stretched out his hand to it, and the weasel hesitated for a moment, then jumped lightly onto his hand.

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

"Thank you for saving me again." The weasel spoke. Its voice is still crisp and pleasant, but with a little more gratitude and tenderness.

"No thanks, I just did what I was supposed to do." Li Er replied. He stroked the weasel's soft fur and felt the tremors of its body.

"In order to repay your kindness, I am willing to give you a treasure." The weasel said. It spat out a crystal clear bead from its mouth. "This bead is something I took from the spiritual spring in the mountains, and it has magical powers. As long as you keep it with you, you can turn evil into good fortune and good fortune in trouble. ”

Li Er took the bead and saw that it exuded a faint light, as if it contained endless vitality and strength. He nodded gratefully to the weasel and carefully put the beads away.

"Thank you, weasel." Li Er said, "You not only saved my life, but also gave me such a precious treasure. I'll cherish it. ”

The weasel nodded, then leaped and disappeared into the forest. Li Er looked at its departing back, and his heart was full of emotion and respect.

Since then, Li Er has taken that magical bead with him, and his life has become smoother and smoother. He always finds abundant prey while hunting, and always returns safely. His family became more and more harmonious and happy, and became the most enviable family in the village.

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

As the days passed, Li Er's life underwent many incredible changes because of that magical bead. When he hunted in the mountains, not only was he rich in prey, but he could often find some rare medicinal herbs and treasures, which made Li Er's family gradually richer.

However, Li Er has not forgotten his original intention. He still maintained his hardworking and kind nature, often helping the elderly and orphans in the village. He knew that it was the magic bead that brought him good luck, but he also understood that true happiness and wealth came from the kindness of his heart and the love for others.

One day, a fire broke out in the mountains near the village. The fire was fierce and spread rapidly, and the villagers fled their homes. When Li Er saw this scene, he was very anxious. He immediately summoned the young adults in the village and prepared to go to the mountains and forests to extinguish the fire.

In the process of extinguishing the fire, Li Er always rushed to the front, regardless of the danger, extinguishing the source of the fire. Suddenly, a yellow figure passed in front of him, it was the weasel he had saved. The weasel shuttled through the sea of fire, using its nimble skills to help Li Er and the other villagers extinguish many fires.

With the help of weasels, the fire was quickly brought under control. The villagers lamented the weasel's magic and bravery. They gathered around Li Er and the weasel, cheering and celebrating.

"Thank you, weasel." Li Er said gratefully, "If you hadn't appeared in time, we might not have been able to extinguish this fire so quickly. ”

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

The weasel shook his head and said, "It was you who saved me first, so that I could have a chance to repay your kindness." Moreover, this mountain forest is also my home, and it is my responsibility to protect it. ”

The villagers were deeply moved by the weasel's words, and they expressed that they would cherish this mountain forest more and stop indiscriminately cutting down and destroying the environment.

Since then, the weasel has become the patron saint of the village. It often patrols the mountains and forests, protecting the land and its inhabitants. And Li Er has also become a hero and role model in the village because of his kindness and bravery.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Er has become a gray-haired old man, but he still maintains that kind and brave heart. He often recalls that rainy night when he rescued a weasel in a cave and all the adventures that followed. He was deeply grateful to the amazing weasel and the help and kindness it had given him.

And the weasel still guards the mountain and its inhabitants. It often appears in Li Er's dreams, sharing interesting stories and beautiful scenery in the mountains and forests with him. Li Er knew that the weasel was not only a benefactor in his life, but also an eternal friend and partner in his heart.

The years passed like flowing water, and although Li Er was already a gray-haired old man, his eyes still flashed with perseverance and wisdom. He often sat on the stone bench at the entrance of the village, looking at the mountains in the distance, and recalled the moments of his encounter with the weasel.

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

One day, a young hunter came to the village, and he heard that Li Er had been a legend in this mountain forest, so he came to visit. The young hunter said to Li Er, "I heard that you once saved a weasel and received its kindness. I also want to be like you, can you tell me how to do that? ”

Li Er looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, he took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Young man, kindness and bravery are not achieved overnight. They require you to accumulate and practice in your life. You have to learn to respect every living being, whether it's a human or an animal. When you encounter someone or an animal in need, don't hesitate to lend your hand. At the same time, you must also learn to protect yourself and face difficulties and challenges bravely. ”

The young hunter listened carefully to Li Er's words, and he felt that his heart was full of strength. He bowed deeply to Li Er, and then said goodbye and left.

Over time, the young hunter grows into a respected hunter. He practiced Li Er's teachings with his own actions, not only helping many people in need, but also protecting the animals in the mountains and forests. His kindness and bravery earned him the praise and respect of the villagers.

And Li Er also continued his life, he often walked in the mountains and forests, feeling the gifts of nature. He knew that the reason why he was able to have everything today was because he saved the weasel. He was grateful to the weasel for the help and kindness he had given him, and he was grateful to fate for allowing him to have such a legendary experience.

However, one day, Li Er suddenly felt unwell. He knew that he was old and frail, and his days were numbered. He lay on the bed, looking back at his life, his heart full of emotion and satisfaction.

Anecdote: The man rescued the weasel while hiding from the rain in the cave, and the weasel said, "Dig up the grave."

Just then, a weasel suddenly appeared in front of his window. It looked at Li Er, its eyes full of concern and reluctance. Li Er smiled and nodded to it, and then said, "Thank you for your constant companionship and protection." I know my time is running out, but I have no regrets. You will continue to protect the forest and its inhabitants. ”

The weasel nodded, then leaped and disappeared into the forest. Li Er looked at its departing back, his heart full of gratitude and respect. He knew that the weasel would always be watching over the forest and its inhabitants.

Soon after, Li Er passed away peacefully. His death made the villagers feel sad and regretful, but they also knew that Li Er had fulfilled his mission and responsibility. He used his kindness and bravery to bring happiness and peace to the village, and also left a valuable legacy and teachings for future generations.

And the weasel still guards the forest and its inhabitants. It often appears in front of Li Er's grave, silently guarding the person who once saved it. Its eyes are full of gratitude and nostalgia, as if telling an eternal legend and memory.