
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

author:Smile says sports

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The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances


Something remarkable has happened!

Many fans united and wrote a 10,000-word document to submit to the State Sports Administration.

They mainly targeted Liu Guoliang, believing that there were some unreasonable situations, and all this was to appeal for Wang Manyu.

This incident has caused great repercussions among fans, everyone is highly concerned about it, and the situation has gradually expanded, causing widespread discussion and controversy.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

The controversy over the Olympic roster of national table tennis in Paris

Recently, the Chinese Table Tennis Association announced the list of national table tennis candidates to participate in the Paris Olympics, which is like throwing a boulder into the calm water and causing widespread waves.

Among them, Wang Manyu's failure to qualify for women's singles has become the focus, causing resentment among many fans, and some fans even wrote to the General Administration of Sports of China, accusing the selection mechanism of being unreasonable.

After the Olympic list was announced, Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong, Ma Long, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Wang Manyu, Wang Yidi and other famous players were successfully selected, and Wang Manyu undoubtedly became the focus of controversy.

In the Saudi Arabian event, Wang Manyu lost to India's Batra, which directly disqualified her from the Olympic Women's Singles, which caused strong dissatisfaction among fans.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

They felt that Liu Guoliang's assessment mechanism was inappropriate, and pointed out that Wang Manyu's actual performance was actually better than Chen Meng's, so why she couldn't qualify for women's singles.

In addition, fans also called for a change in the selection mechanism and a comparison with the standards of the Japan Table Tennis Association to highlight the "irrationality" of the current mechanism.

From a professional point of view, Wang Manyu's points after the end of the Macau World Cup are indeed higher than Chen Meng.

The fact that she lost a key foreign war should not be underestimated.

Losing in the foreign war is undoubtedly a major mistake for the Olympic women's singles qualification.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

Although Wang Manyu has performed well in previous events, her defeat in key matches put her at a disadvantage in this selection.

In this controversy, fans and Liu Guoliang have their own positions.

Fans express their dissatisfaction and demands out of support for their favorite players and the pursuit of fairness.

As the leader of the Table Tennis Association, Liu Guoliang needs to comprehensively consider many factors to establish a selection mechanism to ensure that the players who can best represent the country's strength are selected to participate in the Olympic Games.

In the process, it is inevitable that some decisions will not be satisfactory to everyone.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

In any case, we should all see the outstanding status and brilliant achievements of national table tennis in the world table tennis for a long time.

Each selection is made for the best players to represent the country and strive for the best results.

Despite the controversy, we cannot ignore the strong strength and glorious history of national table tennis as a whole.

Therefore, we call on fans to look at this controversy rationally and give more blessings and support to the national table tennis players.

Each of the selected players shoulders the heavy responsibility of winning glory for the country, and they have put in great effort and sweat in the process of preparing for the competition.

We should believe that they will perform at their best and achieve great results at the Olympic Games.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

At the same time, we also look forward to the national table tennis team to continue to show strong strength and excellent skills in the Paris Olympics to defend the hegemony of Chinese table tennis in the world.

Let us look forward to the wonderful performance of the national table tennis players in the Paris Olympics, cheer for them, and witness the glorious moment of Chinese table tennis together.

Regardless of the outcome of the selection, we should respect and understand it, because it is a decision that weighs many factors.

Each player has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the purpose of the selection mechanism is to select the most suitable representative among many outstanding players.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

We firmly believe that the national table tennis will still bring us endless surprises and glory in future events.

Let us wish the national table tennis a complete success in the Paris Olympics and win honor for the country.

In the field of sports, winning or losing is a common thing, and there will inevitably be trade-offs in selection.

Wang Manyu's strength is undoubted, and her efforts and dedication deserve our respect and praise.

Although she failed to qualify for the Olympic women's singles this time, she is still an important force in Chinese table tennis.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

We look forward to her continuing efforts in the coming tournaments and regaining her opportunities."

For the entire national table tennis team, every controversy is an opportunity for growth and progress.

By listening to the voices of fans, constantly improving the selection mechanism, and improving the management level, the national table tennis will be able to better adapt to the development and challenges of the times.

We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of all national table tennis people, the future of Chinese table tennis will be more brilliant.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

The national table tennis selection responds to the controversy

In this dispute, we must face up to the scientific nature and necessity of the selection system.

The talent selection of national table tennis has never been one-sided, but comprehensively considers many factors such as athletes' technical level, competitive situation, psychological literacy, and external competition results.

Although Wang Manyu has performed well in some events, her defeat in the foreign war has indeed brought a haze to her Olympic journey.

The Table Tennis Association led by Liu Guoliang must have undergone careful discussion and weighing when establishing the selection rules.

They need to make sure that the athletes they choose not only have the strength of the moment, but also have the ability to perform consistently on a stage as high as the Olympic Games.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

Every decision is based on the idea of being accountable to the whole team and to the glory of the country.

At the same time, for Wang Manyu, this may be a setback, but it is also an opportunity to promote growth.

She was able to learn from this experience and train more diligently to strengthen her abilities in all aspects.

In the future competition, we will re-prove our value with more outstanding performance.

And other athletes should also take this as a warning and always maintain a vigilant and enterprising mentality.

The stage of sports competition is full of uncertainties, and only by continuing to forge ahead and improve can we gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances

The glory of national table tennis is by no means accidental, it is the result of the joint efforts of generations of athletes and coaches.

In the face of controversy, we must remain rational and objective, and respect professional decision-making and team efforts.

I firmly believe that the national table tennis can properly handle this controversy and continue to work together towards the goal of the Paris Olympics.

In the future training and preparation, the coaching team should pay more attention to the guidance and adjustment of athletes' psychology to help them better cope with various pressures and challenges.

Athletes should also learn from each other and motivate each other to jointly improve the overall strength of the team.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances


Let us look forward to the national table tennis team continuing to write brilliant at the Paris Olympics and responding to all doubts and controversies with strength and results.

No matter who represents the country, they carry the expectations of the people of the whole country.

I believe that they will go all out to win glory for their country and surprise the fans.

The future of national table tennis is still full of hope, and we will continue to witness their glory and glory.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State Sports Administration to sue Liu Guoliang and avenge Wang Manyu's grievances
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