
The man asked for a marriage inspection, plus a bride price of 250,000 yuan, and the woman: Okay, you go to the marriage inspection, and I will marry you

author:Hong Kong Island Diary

My name is Li Ming, I am 28 years old and I was born in an ordinary family. My parents are hard-working and simple farmers, and they have created a warm home for me with their own hands. I have learned since I was a child that only through my own efforts can I live a better life. So, I studied hard and found a stable job after graduation and became an IT engineer.

My girlfriend's name is Xiaofang, she is two years younger than me and is a kindergarten teacher. She was gentle, kind and understanding, and we met at a gathering of friends. From that moment on, I knew she was the person in my life. We fell in love and spent many wonderful times together.

The man asked for a marriage inspection, plus a bride price of 250,000 yuan, and the woman: Okay, you go to the marriage inspection, and I will marry you

However, as the relationship deepens, we also have to face real problems. When we were getting married, my parents made a request: Xiaofang needed to undergo a marriage inspection and pay a bride price of 250,000 yuan. I know this is a bit excessive, but I also understand my parents' concerns and expectations. After all, they wanted me to marry a healthy, virtuous wife, and at the same time they wanted me to have a better life.

I told Xiaofang about this request, and she was silent for a while. I thought she would get angry or say no, but she didn't. She raised her head, looked at me, and said seriously, "Okay, I'll go to the marriage examination." However, if you are also willing to go for a marriage examination and prove that you are still a virgin, I am willing to marry 250,000 yuan. ”

Her words stunned me, I didn't expect her to make such a request. However, after thinking about it carefully, I felt that there was some truth in her words. After all, marriage is a matter for both parties, and we can't just ask each other to give, but we are not willing to give. So, I nodded and agreed to her request.

We went to the hospital together for a marriage check-up. As I waited for the results, I was filled with apprehension and uneasiness. I don't know what my physical condition is, and I don't know what Xiaofang will think of this result. However, when I saw the look in her eyes, I knew she was worried about the same thing. We comforted each other and waited together for the results.

The man asked for a marriage inspection, plus a bride price of 250,000 yuan, and the woman: Okay, you go to the marriage inspection, and I will marry you

Finally, the doctor came over with our report. He told us that we were all in good physical condition and that there were no problems. We all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other when we heard the news.

When I got home, I told my parents about the results of the marriage test. After listening to this, they also expressed their satisfaction and reassurance. As for the bride price, they did not raise it again. I know that they have seen Xiaofang's sincerity and determination, and they also believe that we will live a happy life.

Xiaofang also fulfilled her promise and took out a dowry of 250,000 yuan. Together, we discussed how to use the money wisely and build a strong foundation for our marriage and future.

After experiencing this marriage inspection and bride price turmoil, our relationship has become deeper. We understand that love is not a one-sided take-and-give, but the result of both parties' joint efforts and cherishing. We are willing to work hard for each other's future and create a happy life that belongs to us together.

The man asked for a marriage inspection, plus a bride price of 250,000 yuan, and the woman: Okay, you go to the marriage inspection, and I will marry you

This story teaches us that in real life, we always encounter all kinds of challenges and difficulties. However, as long as we can be honest with each other, understand each other, and work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and move towards the other side of happiness.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love is not a transaction, but the mutual attraction and merging of two hearts. In the face of love, we should learn to let go of worldly prejudices and shackles, and feel the sincerity and dedication of the other party with our hearts. Only in this way can we truly experience the beauty and power of love.