
The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

author:Eyes full of hello to you

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: He is indeed not sick

In a small town in the far southeast, there was a wealthy merchant named Li Yuanwai. His family has been in business for generations, has accumulated a rich family foundation, and is a well-known rich family in the town. Li Yuanwai is kind and kind on weekdays, so he is quite respected in the town. However, something strange has happened to him recently, which makes everyone shudder.

It all started a month ago. At that time, Li Yuanwai suddenly felt unwell, and strange red spots began to appear on his skin. Within a few days, the erythema began to spread, accompanied by intense itching and pain. To make matters worse, the central area of the erythema began to fester, oozing pus and emitting a foul smell.

Li Yuanwai invited the most famous Langzhong in the town - Dr. Sun. Dr. Sun's medical skills are superb, and he has cured countless incurable diseases on weekdays, and is deeply trusted by the townspeople. However, in the face of Li Yuanwai's condition, he frowned tightly and shook his head again and again.

"Li Yuanwai, I can't cure your disease." Doctor Sun said in a deep voice.

"What? Can't even heal you? What the hell am I sick about? Li Yuanwai asked in horror.

"Your pulse is stable, and your body is fine, but I really can't do anything about this festering disease." Dr. Sun sighed.

Li Yuanwai's heart sank, he knew that his illness was not simple. He began to seek medical advice everywhere, but to no avail. Everyone who has seen Lang Zhong said that he was in good health, but the ulceration was getting worse and worse, and there was no sign of improvement.

Gossip in the town also began to spread, some people said that Li Yuanwai had provoked something that should not be provoked, some people said that the feng shui of his ancestral tomb was not good, and some people said that he had done too much evil in his previous life and suffered retribution in this life. When Li Yuanwai heard these rumors, he was even more panicked in his heart.

On this day, a wandering Taoist priest passed by the town and heard about Li Yuanwai's illness, so he took the initiative to visit him. The Taoist priest claimed to be a practitioner of Zhongnan Mountain, proficient in medical techniques and spells, and may be able to solve Li Yuanwai's troubles.

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

When Li Yuanwai heard that he was saved, he hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the house. The Taoist priest carefully checked Li Yuanwai's condition and asked about various details before and after the onset of the disease. He frowned, pondered for a long time, and finally spoke: "Li Yuanwai, your illness is indeed not an ordinary illness. ”

"Dao Chief, what kind of evil did I fall into?" Li Yuanwai asked eagerly.

"You're not sick." The Taoist priest said slowly, "The ulcers on your body are not caused by germs or toxins, but someone has cursed you. ”

"Cursed?" Li Yuanwai's eyes widened in shock, "I, Li, have done good deeds and accumulated virtues all my life, and I have never had a grudge against others, how could anyone do this to me?" ”

The Taoist priest twisted his beard and muttered, "There must be something strange about this matter." Do you remember anything unusual before you became ill? ”

Li Yuanwai thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, a few days before the onset of the disease, I received an anonymous letter with a black feather in it. I thought it was nonsense, so I didn't care. ”

"Black feathers?" A gleam flashed in the Taoist priest's eyes, "Are the letters and feathers still there?" ”

"It's all in the study." Li Yuanwai hurriedly ordered someone to fetch the letter and feathers.

The Taoist priest took the letter and the feather and looked at it carefully for a long time. His face became more and more solemn, and finally he sighed, "This is someone who has cursed you with black magic. This black feather is the medium of the curse. ”

"Dark magic? Curse? Li Yuanwai felt a wave of fear hit him, "Dao Chief, what should I do?" ”

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "To lift this curse, you need to find the person who casts the curse, or find a more intelligent mage to break it. But before you do that, you can follow my method and temporarily suppress the effect of the curse. ”

The Taoist priest took out a piece of yellow paper from his bosom, which was full of strange symbols. He handed it over to Li Yuanwai and explained in detail how to use it and precautions. Li Yuanwai took the yellow paper, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and thanked him repeatedly.

After the Taoist priest left, Li Yuanwai immediately pasted the yellow paper on his body according to his method, and ordered someone to find a more intelligent mage to break the curse. However, the process of finding a mage was not smooth. Time passed day by day, and although Li Yuanwai's condition was temporarily suppressed, it did not completely improve.

Rumors in the town are becoming more and more rampant, some people say that Li Yuanwai has provoked a bad ghost, and some people say that he has hidden treasures in his house, so people are jealous and cursed. Li Yuanwai was exhausted, and his business was also seriously affected. He began to suspect everyone around him, including his own family and servants.

On this day, a witch who claimed to be psychic came to the town, and after hearing about Li Yuanwai's illness, she took the initiative to visit her. Li Yuanwai was already ill and rushed to the hospital at this time, so he invited her into the house.

The witch walked around the house and carefully checked Li Yuanwai's condition. She said mysteriously: "Li Yuanwai, there are unclean things in your house." ”

"Something unclean?" Li Yuanwai was shocked, "Do you mean ghosts?" ”

"Not bad." The witch nodded, "And a terrible ghost." It attaches itself to that black feather and curses you. ”

Li Yuanwai thought of the black feather and suddenly felt a wave of fear. He hurriedly asked, "What should I do?" Ask Daisen for advice. ”

The witch smiled and said, "To exorcise this demon, you need to perform a ritual. However, the materials and costs required for this ritual are quite expensive. ”

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

Li Yuanwai was already in a panic at this time, and hurriedly ordered people to prepare everything needed for the ritual. The witch had been busy in the house for a whole day, and finally prepared the ritual. When night fell, a blazing bonfire was lit in the house, around which the witch danced a strange dance, and said something in her mouth.

Just as the ceremony was reaching its climax, a sudden gust of wind blew and the bonfire was suddenly extinguished. The witch screamed and fell to the ground. Li Yuanwai and the others gathered around in a panic to check the situation. I saw that the witch's face was as pale as paper, and her whole body trembled. She pointed in a certain direction in horror and said, "It'...... It's coming! Come on! ”

The crowd looked in the direction she pointed, but saw nothing. However, at this time, the people in the palace were already panicked, and many servants were already frightened and fled. Li Yuanwai also felt a wave of fear coming, but he knew that he couldn't panic at this time. He picked up the witch and asked, "Daxian, what should we do now?" ”

The witch trembled and said, "Quick...... Invite the monks to surpass it. After saying this, she fainted. Li Yuanwai ordered someone to carry the witch down to rest, and immediately sent people to find the high monk to surpass the ghost. However, the monk was hard to find, and Li Yuanwai's condition became more and more serious. He began to cough up blood, and the area of ulceration continued to grow. He knew his time was running out. Just as he was desperate, a young Taoist priest walked into the mansion. He claimed to be a senior disciple of Zhongnan Mountain, and came to help after hearing about Li Yuanwai's illness. Li Yuanwai had no choice at this time, so he pinned his hopes on this young Taoist priest. The Taoist priest walked around the mansion and said, "There are indeed powerful ghosts in this mansion. But don't worry, I'll get rid of it. After saying that, he began to prepare items such as magic weapons and rune paper for the exorcism ritual. As night fell, the Taoist priest began his ritual of exorcism. He circled around the mansion with words in his mouth, and the magic weapon in his hand emitted bursts of golden light. At this moment, the ghost finally appeared! It let out a terrible scream and pounced on the Taoist! The Taoist priest unhurriedly threw out a piece of talisman paper and pasted it on the ghost! Suddenly, the rune paper emitted a dazzling golden light, and the ghost was frozen in place! The Taoist priest took the opportunity to take out the magic weapon to subdue and seal the ghost! After the exorcism of the ghosts, Li Yuan's condition miraculously improved! It didn't take long for him to get back to health! In order to thank the Taoist priest for saving his life, Li Yuanwai generously donated a large sum of money to build a temple on Zhongnan Mountain! And that black feather was also taken away and destroyed by the Taoist priest! Since then, Li Yuanwai has never encountered anything strange, and his life has returned to its former peace and tranquility.

However, this incident sounded the alarm for Li Yuanwai. He began to value his body and health more, as well as his relationships with his family and servants. He understands that life is impermanent, and cherishing the present moment is the most important thing. At the same time, he is grateful to those who have helped him and is always ready to repay their kindness.

This terrifying and mysterious story has been passed down in the town for a long time and has become an eternal legend. When night falls, people come together to tell the story as a reminder to value life and the people around them. And Li Yuanwai has also become a more loving and responsible person because of this story, and his life has become more fulfilling and beautiful.

Just when Li Yuanwai thought that his life was back on track, the horror quietly came again.

At dusk that day, Li Yuanwai returned home from his shop, passing through a quiet alley. The afterglow of the setting sun casts distorted shadows on the dappled walls. A cold wind blew, rolling up puffs of fine dust, and an indescribable strange aura filled the air.

Li Yuanwai tightened his collar and unconsciously quickened his pace. Suddenly, he heard a faint sound of footsteps behind him, as if someone was following. He jerked his head back, only to see that the alley was empty, except for the sound of footsteps echoing in the narrow space, which was very clear.

An inexplicable uneasiness welled up in his heart, and Li Yuanwai began to trot up, trying to shake off the feeling of being spied on. However, the footsteps followed him unhurriedly, as if to mock his fears.

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

Finally, Li Yuanwai ran to the gate of the house, and he knocked on the door in a hurry, calling out the name of the servant. The door was quickly opened, and he stumbled in, and immediately ordered the servant to close the door, as if to keep the strange aura out.

That night, Li Yuanwai tossed and turned, unable to sleep. He always felt that a pair of eyes were watching him in the dark, and the feeling of being followed was like a shadow, which made him uneasy. He remembered the advice of the Taoist priest before, and his heart was even more uneasy. Hasn't that curse been completely lifted? Or is there a new evil that haunts him?

Early the next morning, Li Yuanwai sent someone to invite the Taoist priest to come to the mansion. He's going to get to the bottom of all this weirdness. When the Taoist priest heard this, he immediately rushed to the Li Mansion.

"Dao Chief, I always feel that someone is secretly watching me, and I heard strange footsteps in the alley last night." Li Yuanwai said eagerly.

The Taoist priest frowned, and he looked around, as if looking for something. Suddenly, his gaze fixed on a corner of the study. There is a small wooden box with intricate carvings.

"What is this?" The Taoist priest asked, pointing to the small box.

"Oh, I bought it from an antique dealer the other day. He said it was a rare antique, so I bought it. Li Yuanwai explained.

The Taoist priest stepped forward and took a closer look at the box. He reached out to touch the carved patterns, and suddenly, his finger was cut by a barely visible filament. Blood dripped on the box and was instantly absorbed without a trace.

"Not good! It's an evil thing! The Taoist priest exclaimed.

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind suddenly surged in the study, and the small wooden box opened by itself! A puff of black smoke floated out of it, condensing into a vague humanoid form in the air. The figure let out an eerie laugh and threw itself out of the way.

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

The Taoist priest quickly took out a talisman from his bosom and pasted it on the human form. Suddenly, the black smoke dissipated, and the study returned to calm.

"Li Yuanwai, you have fallen into the trap of evil things." The Taoist priest sighed, "This box is a magic weapon that seals evil spirits, but for some reason it ended up in the hands of antique dealers. When you buy it, evil spirits are already eyeing you. ”

After hearing this, Li Yuanwai suddenly realized, and he asked with palpitations: "Then what should I do?" ”

"This evil thing is not trivial, and it needs to be done to expel it completely." The Taoist priest said, "I will prepare everything for you to do the rituals, and you just have to do what I tell you." ”

So, under the guidance of the Taoist priest, Li Yuanwai began a solemn ceremony. The Taoist priest arranged many magic weapons in the mansion and drew many charms. He chanted a mysterious incantation, wielding a magic weapon in the air. Li Yuanwai and the servants in the mansion all acted according to the instructions of the Taoist priest, and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

In the middle of the night, a sudden burst of thunder and lightning pierced the night sky. The Taoist priest shouted: "The evil has been eliminated!" Then the magic weapon in his hand bloomed with dazzling light, reflecting the entire study as if it were daylight.

When the light had cleared, the small wooden box had been reduced to ashes. Li Yuanwai felt a sense of relief and relief, he knew that he had finally gotten rid of the entanglement of that evil thing.

Afterwards, Li Yuanwai was grateful to the Taoist priest. He generously donated a large sum of money to the Taoist temple where the Taoist priest was located as a token of gratitude. The Taoist priest also told him to be more cautious in the future, and not to buy antiques or ritual artifacts from unknown sources easily.

After experiencing this incident, Li Yuanwai has a deeper understanding of life. He understood that wealth and status were not the most important things, and that true happiness lay in having a healthy, peaceful life. He began to cherish his time with his family more and actively participated in various charitable activities to give back to the society.

And that terrifying and mysterious story has also become an unforgettable experience in Li Yuanwai's life. He often tells this story to those around him as a reminder to always be vigilant and grateful.

The rich businessman's body is festering day by day, but Lang Zhong said that he is not sick, Taoist priest: It is indeed not sick

At this point, the strange incident of this rich businessman's body festering and suffering a curse has finally come to an end. However, it has left an eternal mark in Li Yuanwai's heart, making him cherish and be grateful for every moment in life in the days to come.