
"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

author:Xiao Chen's story



As we all know, parents and teachers play a very important role in children's education. But sometimes, because everyone's educational ideas are different, or there is something wrong with the transmission of information, there may be some small misunderstandings and even small conflicts between parents and teachers. This disagreement may be even more pronounced especially when children are confronted with math problems.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

Today, let's talk about the communication between parents and teachers, and then find ways to make both parties better understand each other, work together, and cheer for children's education!

I. Introduction

In their children's math learning, parents and teachers want their children to achieve excellent results. However, when parents believe that their child is doing nothing wrong, but have a disagreement with the teacher on math issues, problems of communication and misunderstanding become apparent. Communication problems between parents and teachers often stem from differences in understanding of mathematical concepts and differences in expectations of educational styles.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

Second, the text

The math problems of elementary school students have caused a lively discussion in the parent group. The question is "9 plus 9 divided by 3". Seems like a pretty simple question, right? But the answers given by the children were varied.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

Some children are counted as (9+9)÷3=6, and some children are counted as 9+9÷3=12. The result? Both answers were rejected by the teacher, and none of the children in the class answered correctly. When the parents saw it, they were confused, what the hell is going on?

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

The parents who did not give up continued to ask the teacher for the correct answer, and the teacher's explanation made everyone stunned, it turned out that the correct answer to this question was 9 and 1/3. The teacher said that division and division are not the same, and that 9 divided by 3 should be reversed to calculate 3 divided by 9, and then 9 added. As soon as this explanation came out, parents suddenly exploded, some said that such a problem was too unnecessary, and some said that how did the math problem become a word game?

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

Some parents think that primary school mathematics should not be so complicated, and the exam is not a civil servant, so why make it so brain-burning? They feel that the topics of current primary school students need to be rectified, and some of the topics are too tricky and cannot be used in ordinary life, just to drill the horns.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

However, some parents believe that mathematics itself is a very rigorous subject, and the meaning of division and division is indeed different, and this knowledge point is correct.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

They feel that the reason why children and parents are doing wrong is because of negligence, and they can't say that there is a problem with the knowledge points themselves.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

Personally, I think it's a pretty interesting question. It reminds us that even seemingly simple math problems can hide unexpected pitfalls. This will not only test the children's thinking skills, but also the patience and understanding of parents. Of course, schools and education departments should also take into account the practical significance and difficulty of the questions when formulating the questions, so as not to confuse children and parents too much. After all, the purpose of education is not only to take exams, but more importantly, to develop children's thinking skills and problem-solving skills.

"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!

At the same time, there are also communication problems between parents and teachers, and the communication problems between parents and teachers are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

  • Differences in understanding of math concepts: Parents and teachers may have different understandings of certain math concepts, leading to disagreements about their children's math problems.
  • Differences in expectations of educational styles: Parents may expect teachers to adopt a specific educational approach to teach their children, while teachers may have their own teaching philosophies and methods.
  • Poor communication: Communication between parents and teachers may be inadequate or timely, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
"My child is right"! 9+9÷3=12 was slapped with a red cross, but parents questioned the teacher but were slapped in the face!


Parents and teachers are the closest partners in a child's development. By building effective communication bridges, parents and teachers can face educational challenges together and provide better support to their children. It is only through joint efforts and understanding that we can build an environment for children to thrive in healthy, happy and meaningful learning.

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