
Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Dr. Zhang is the attending physician of the Department of Endocrinology of the First Hospital of the city, and has been engaged in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of diabetes for more than ten years.

Early that morning, as soon as he finished checking the ward, he received a call from a patient's family.

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Wang said anxiously: "Dr. Zhang, my father's blood sugar has been uncontrollable recently, and it is useless to take medicine, what can I do?" Our whole family was worried. "

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Hearing how uneasy the patient's family was, Dr. Zhang patiently explained, "Mr. Wang, don't worry. It's true that just looking at blood sugar numbers is not comprehensive.

In addition to the blood sugar itself, there are several other important aspects that we want to focus on.

The first glycosylated hemoglobin, which reflects the patient's glycemic control in the last 2-3 months, is the gold standard for assessing long-term glycemic status.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

The second is blood lipid and blood pressure levels, and many diabetic patients also have hyperlipidemia and hypertension problems, which require comprehensive management.

Then there is microalbuminuria, which is a sensitive indicator of early diabetic nephropathy and needs to be paid enough attention.

In addition, regular fundus exams and foot neuropathy screening are done.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Overall, diabetes is indeed a chronic disease that involves multiple systems throughout the body and requires patients and doctors to work together to achieve comprehensive management. "

Mr. Wang on the other end of the phone listened to Dr. Zhang's explanation and seemed to be relieved, but he still had some doubts: "Dr. Zhang, like my dad is in this situation now."

Do you think there are any other tests that need to be done? What else can family members do together? "

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Dr. Zhang said earnestly: "At present, it is recommended to check glycosylated hemoglobin and blood lipids first to see how well they are being controlled.

If blood sugar control is not satisfactory, the type and dose of a glucose-lowering drug may need to be adjusted.

In addition, it is also recommended that patients go to the ophthalmology and neurology department for routine screening recently to detect some early complications in time.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Family members can spend more time with the patient, encourage him to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, monitor his blood sugar regularly, take his medication on time, and remind him if necessary.

Every little bit of life counts. If you have any questions, please feel free to communicate with me. "

Hanging up, Dr. Zhang fell into deep thought. For more than a decade, he has treated countless diabetic patients like Mr. Wang's father.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

He was most impressed by patients with severe complications who had to undergo amputation or dialysis.

Every time I think about the pain they have suffered, Dr. Zhang's heart sinks.

The reason why diabetes is called the "silent killer" is that it has a subtle onset and develops slowly, but it can unknowingly damage various organ systems of the human body.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

In years of clinical practice, Dr. Zhang has found that many patients do not have a comprehensive understanding of diabetes.

Too often, the focus is on the blood glucose number itself, and some other, equally important control goals are neglected.

In fact, in addition to blood glucose, it is important to assess long-term glycemic control.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Glycosylated hemoglobin is the "gold standard" to reflect the blood glucose status at 2-3 months, and whether it meets the standard is directly related to the risk of diabetic complications.

A large number of studies have shown that for every 1% reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin, the risk of cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and kidney disease can be reduced by about 20%.

This suggests that long-term, stable, and comprehensive glycemic control is key to reducing the risk of complications.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

In addition, the control of blood pressure, blood lipids, and weight is also very important for diabetic patients.

Hypertension and dyslipidemia are independent risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and obesity is closely related to insulin resistance.

Together with high blood sugar, it forms a "diabetes fatal triangle" that threatens the health of patients.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

The risk of cardiovascular events can only be minimized by combining lifestyle interventions with pharmacotherapy and holistic management of the three.

Microalbuminuria, as a sensitive indicator of early diabetic nephropathy, is often overlooked by patients, but its importance is no less than that of blood glucose and blood pressure.

Numerous studies have found that patients with microalbuminuria have twice the risk of cardiovascular mortality compared with the normal population.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Timely screening and intervention can delay the progression of diabetic nephropathy and improve patient outcomes.

Regular fundus exams and foot neuropathy screening should also not be overlooked.

Retinopathy and foot ulcers are the main causes of disability and paralysis in diabetic patients.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

The former can cause acute and chronic vision loss, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients. If the latter is not treated in a timely manner, they may face the tragic end of amputation.

Diabetes mellitus is not a seemingly inconsequential and minor disease that can be left untreated, but a chronic disease that involves multiple organs and systems throughout the body and requires comprehensive and comprehensive control.

Patients need to be guided by their doctors to establish the concept of "actively managing diabetes", rather than "passively being managed by diabetes".

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

This requires patients to learn to self-manage, take the initiative to cooperate with regular check-ups, and take care of their health.

Only when doctors and patients work together to form a joint force can we harness this untamable "fierce horse" and minimize the harm of diabetes.

As a clinician who has been deeply involved in the field of diabetes for many years, Dr. Zhang has always treated every patient with the insight, professionalism and humanistic care that an excellent doctor should have.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

He often advises patients that although diabetes is incurable, it is absolutely controllable.

The key is to strictly follow the doctor's instructions, practice a healthy lifestyle, adhere to self-monitoring, be positive and optimistic, and learn to "get along" with the disease.

As long as we master scientific management methods, the negative impact of diabetes will be minimized, and the quality of life and happiness index will be guaranteed.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

Over the years, Dr. Teo has been dedicated to his duties and has played the role of the "gatekeeper" of diabetes.

With his professional expertise and noble medical ethics, he has lit a bright light for countless patients.

Help them navigate the long road of disease management.

Is diabetes serious? It's not enough to just look at blood sugar, these 6 aspects should also be controlled

As long as doctors and patients work together in the same boat, they will definitely be able to dispel the disease

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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