
The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

author:Well-behaved sesame sauce cPs

In this society of perfection, we always put all kinds of labels on people. For example, the term "older leftover women" sounds like a nickname for older unmarried women. And today we are going to talk about three Chinese women who are not only the world's top table tennis champions, but also known as "older leftover women".

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

First of all, let's take a look at these three female generals. The oldest is 41 years old, and her racket is "old" than many young players! This has to be mentioned is Guo Yan, a veteran who has experienced countless games, and her ball skills are so good that her opponents have to take a detour when they see her. And the youngest is 30-year-old Xiao Huadan, her speed is so fast that she can draw lightning bolts on the table, she is Guo Yue.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

In the world of sports, they are the uncrowned kings, and they are soft to win awards. But as soon as they returned to life, they were labeled as "older leftover women". This makes people wonder, why do they have such a label in their private life when they are so dazzling on the international stage? Is it necessary to sacrifice personal happiness in the pursuit of a career?

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

In fact, this reflects the double standards of society towards women. A woman, if she has a successful career, will inevitably be asked about her private life, as if this is the other half of her integrity. Men, on the other hand, are often seen as a plus in their personal charm for their career success, and few people blame them for their single status.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

The examples of Guo Yan and Guo Yue make people wonder if such a social concept is outdated. With their sweat and hard work, they have won respect and honor on the world table tennis stage, and their personal life choices deserve the same respect.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

Besides, is this "leftover woman" label really appropriate? In my opinion, this is a complete misunderstanding. They didn't have anything left, they just chose a different way of life. In fact, many of the so-called "leftover women" are the elites of society, they are independent, capable, and pursuing, but they just did not enter the palace of marriage in a hurry.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

Going back to our table tennis women, they have always performed so well in the competition. For example, Guo Yue's style of play is sharp and decisive, and every serve and return is full of power and precision, making opponents unguardable. As a coach, Guo Yan not only teaches skills, but also deeply instills her love for table tennis and understanding of the game into her students.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

How rich and wonderful is such a life! They have not only reached the pinnacle in the field of sports, but also walked firmly and confidently on the road of personal growth. We should applaud them and applaud their choices, rather than defining their lives by a simple label.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

Finally, regarding this label of "older leftover women", I would like to say that this is nothing more than a framework given to us by society, and what really matters is how each person can walk wonderfully on the path he has chosen. Whether it's Guo Yan, Guo Yue, or other women, they all demonstrate the power and independence of women, proving that women can reach the top in any field while living at their own pace.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

Instead of judging a person's life choices with outdated notions, we should focus more on their achievements and contributions. Everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle that suits them, whether that means being crowned a world champion or enjoying being single. This is not only respect for Guo Yan and Guo Yue, but also respect for all women.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

So, the next time you hear a term like "older leftover women", you might as well think about it from another angle, these labeled women may be the most dazzling existence in their chosen field.

The three table tennis world champions have become "older leftover girls": the oldest is 41 years old, and the youngest is 30 years old

May we all be able to spread our wings freely on our respective stages, whether in the stadium or in our lives, without being limited by any label.

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