
The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

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The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

20. Sweden

Average salary: $122,110

Although Sweden has one of the highest salaries for doctors, its 2024 healthcare budget is insufficient to meet the needs of the industry, with €550 adding €1 million ($583 million) to address a €2 billion ($2.12 billion) deficit across regions.

19. Italy

Average salary: $142,067

Italy was facing a severe shortage of medical personnel, so a three-year agreement was signed to bring nearly 500 Cuban doctors to the southern region of Calabria. Historically, the proportion of foreign-trained doctors in Italy has been lower than in other developed countries.

18. Japan

Average salary: $145,982

According to a poll based on feedback from 19,879 doctors at 5,424 hospitals, about 20% of doctors in Japan work more than 960 hours of overtime per year, exceeding the risk threshold of 80 hours per month for death from overwork.

17. France

Average salary: $147,747

In 2020, France faced a shortage of doctors, with only 33 doctors per 10,000 due to the limited number of medical school places. France is one of the countries with the highest salaries for doctors.

The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

16. Singapore

Average salary: $148,617

To become a doctor in Singapore, one must obtain a Bachelor of Medicine in Internal Medicine. After that, individuals can choose between professional or non-professional tracks. Thereafter, they will undergo residency and medical staff training, enter residency programs, and may be considered for advanced specialty training in their chosen field.

15. Germany

Average salary: $160,513

Although Germany is one of the highest-paid countries for doctors, thousands of doctors in Germany went on a nationwide strike in May 2023 to demand a 2.5% pay rise and retroactive compensation for high inflation. The strike was organized by the Marburg Union and represented nearly 60,000 doctors in the municipal hospital.

14. United Kingdom

Average salary: $160,575

The United Kingdom maintains high medical standards under the strict supervision of the General Medical Council. The two renowned British doctors are Dr. Jane Elizabeth Dacre, a renowned rheumatologist and medical scholar known for her contributions to musculoskeletal disorders, and Dr. Ara Darzi, an academic surgeon and pioneer in minimally invasive surgery.

13. Netherlands

Average salary: $163,727

The number of general practitioners (GPs) in the Netherlands has increased by 50% over the past 10 years, and there will be around 15,000 GPs by 2023. However, despite this increase, many Dutch GP practices have stopped accepting new patients due to high demand. The Netherlands is also one of the countries with the highest salaries for psychologists.

The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

12. Norway

Average salary: $169,708

Healthcare in Norway is tax-funded and provides universal coverage. GPs and specialists have different practice structures, with GPs primarily serving patients on the list. To practice law in Norway, you must pass a language and medical proficiency test and then take a course on the Norwegian health service. Norway is one of the highest-paid countries for nurses.

11. Belgium

Average salary: $171,895

A survey by SPF Public Health revealed that more than 50% of GPs in Belgium are aged 55 or over, with 8% planning to retire soon, with Brussels having the highest retirement rate at 11%. Belgium is facing a shortage of GPs and is trying to address it through measures such as the New GP Deal. It is one of the best countries for doctors.

10. Ireland

Average salary: $175,088

As the new academic year approaches, nearly 20% of GP training places in Northern Ireland still need to be filled. The Ministry of Health funded 121 places, but only 99 junior doctors were admitted. The British Medical Society has expressed concern about the future of general practice. As older GPs retire, the shortage of doctors is likely to worsen. In 2023, it is one of the countries with the highest salaries for doctors.

9. Canada

Average salary: $182,619

Canada is facing a severe shortage of doctors, with millions of citizens needing family doctors or regular visits to clinics. A study expects a shortage of 30,000 family doctors by the end of the decade. To address this, Canada needs to increase its surplus of physicians by increasing medical school graduates and residency positions, as well as welcoming foreign-trained physicians.

The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

8. New Zealand

Average salary: $186,569

New Zealand needs more doctors due to underinvestment in healthcare infrastructure and medical professionals. The country relies heavily on foreign-trained doctors, with 42% of the workforce being International Medical Graduates (IMG).

7. United Arab Emirates

Average Salary: $190,730

To apply for a job as a doctor in the UAE, you must meet specific qualifications based on a grading system that depends on your training and origin. Top applicants hold qualifications such as CCT, CCST, or US/Canada Board registration, making them eligible for immediate licensing. While GMC Specialist Registration and some UK scholarships count towards the first level, preference is usually given to those with top-tier qualifications.

6. Denmark

Average salary: $193,627

Denmark has an excellent healthcare model, and GPs can be financially rewarded handsomely and with the utmost respect. The success of the Danish healthcare system is due to the financial remuneration of general practitioners, a single patient identification number for comprehensive patient management, and structured financing contracts with the government. It is one of the highest-paid countries for doctors in Europe.

5. Iceland

Average Salary: $195,559

To practice law in Iceland, now is the best time to consider applying because of the shortage of healthcare in the country. The standard procedure for obtaining a work visa for individuals from non-EU/EEA countries must be followed. The most important step in the process is the recognition of their degrees and professional qualifications. GPs should have an MD or equivalent, while specialists should start looking for work early. It is advisable to contact the clinic or hospital where they intend to work to obtain a qualification that is recognized by Iceland. Admission to medical schools in Iceland requires a bachelor's degree, residency training, and clinical examination.

The 20 regions with the highest salaries for doctors, real name envy!

4. Australia

Average salary: $198,338

One of the biggest reasons to consider practicing in Australia is that doctors are in high demand outside of major cities, and rural workforce agencies can help find suitable positions. In addition, international medical graduates working in priority areas (often regional, rural, or remote) can benefit from skills recognition, a lower cost of living, a welcoming community, and more employment opportunities. Through the General Practice Rural Incentive Program, people in remote areas can receive financial incentives.

3. Luxembourg

Average salary: $250,697

Luxembourg's healthcare sector is facing a looming crisis as many doctors, including specialists in different medical fields, will retire in the next 11 years, with up to 90% of neurologists in need of replacement. A 2019 study cited by the Minister of Health predicts that by 2034, at least two-thirds of doctors in 18 specialties will retire. In 2021, there were only 3 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants in the country.

2. United States

Average salary: $266,558

The United States is facing a growing shortage of geriatricians (doctors who specialize in caring for elderly patients). As the proportion of the geriatric population increases, the demand for geriatrics is increasing, and it is expected that by 2050, about 25% of older people in North America and Europe will be over the age of 65. However, the supply of geriatricians in the United States cannot meet this demand. It is also one of the countries that produces the best doctors. Cardiothoracic surgery and radiation oncology are two of the highest-paying medical specialties in the United States, with average salaries of $512,200 and $446,250, respectively.

1. Switzerland

Average salary: $268,935

Switzerland, like many other countries, is facing an acute shortage of doctors, with Swiss medical authorities warning of an impending medical crisis due to inadequate training of doctors. Yvonne Gilli, president of the Swiss Medical Association, has consistently stressed the need to increase internships at medical schools and improve working conditions in order to attract and retain young doctors. She also suggested extending the working life of experienced doctors to alleviate the shortage. Switzerland is the country with the highest salaries for doctors.