
I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Crunchy roll fries
I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


On May 15, it was officially announced on the Youku platform: Zheng Xiaolong, the director of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and the leading actors will join forces again in the new variety show "Zhen Huan's Love Doesn't Stop".


Video source: @Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

Since the premiere of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it has won praise for its exquisite pictures, intricate palace fighting plots and profound character building, and has become a milestone in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The main creative team of this classic will once again focus on the audience's attention, especially the eyes of the younger generation, through the new group variety show form of "Zhen Huan's Love Non-stop".

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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"Zhen Huan's Love Doesn't Stop" will combine the elements of the reality show, and show the chemistry between the crew members through the setting of games and tasks.

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

All the main creators are here, including Huan Huan, who has a peerless appearance, right?

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I don't feel like tossing, just put this drama well, lest there be a certain black material that will be picked up after the heat is high

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

This kind of show is easy to disappear in one season, I hope the program team can plan it well, and I hope to see multiple seasons of content

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Wow, I just want to know if there is a Sun Li

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I want to see Sun promise and fanatics!!

I can't laugh anymore, Youku officially announced Zhen Huan's biography, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Media and public response

As soon as the official announcement came out, it immediately sparked a wide discussion on social media. Both loyal fans and occasional viewers have expressed great expectations for this reunion of the original crew. However, such expectations are also accompanied by some concerns, such as whether the charm of the original drama can be reproduced, and whether the quality of the new show can be guaranteed.

The editor has something to say

In today's media culture, the innovation and transformation of TV dramas and variety shows has become a major trend in the industry. Especially in recent years, many classic dramas have been revived and reproduced through new program forms, which is not only a tribute to the classics, but also a cultural recreation. Youku's upcoming "Zhen Huan Loves Non-Stop" is a representative work of this trend, which reactivates the cultural value of the classic drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" through the form of group variety shows, trying to attract more young audiences in a relaxed and interactive way.

The innovation of these shows is that they bring together the cast of the series again to show a very different personality from the characters through teamwork and interactive games, a format that will undoubtedly appeal to viewers who have a deep affection for the original story. Fans of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can see their favorite actors present different styles on different stages, and this freshness and intimacy cannot be given by the traditional single broadcast form.

From a marketing point of view, group variety shows can effectively pull the audience's emotional engagement and social media interaction. In this interaction, the audience not only passively receives information, but becomes a disseminator and discussant of information, which greatly enhances the market vitality and social influence of the program. In the process of watching "Zhen Huan Love Non-stop", the audience may share their opinions and program clips on social networks, and such user-generated content can greatly diffuse the influence of the program and form a benign marketing effect.

This cross-border attempt is also not without risk. One of the biggest challenges was whether we could maintain the spirit and texture of the original series while still being able to meet the tastes of modern audiences. "The Legend of Zhen Huan", as a drama series with deep historical and cultural value, has certain expectations for quality from its original audience base. If a new show doesn't properly balance entertainment and depth, it can cause disgust among viewers and even affect the reputation of the original show.

The success of this model largely depends on the design of the program's content and the performance of the actors. Different from the strict plot and character building of traditional dramas, variety shows rely more on impromptu interaction and task challenges, which require actors to have strong on-site response skills and audience interaction skills. The production team needed to craft the content of the show to ensure that it both showcased the actors and captured the audience's attention.

This attempt by Youku is not only an innovative exploration of the traditional form of TV dramas, but also an adaptation to the audience's behavior in the new media environment. If "Zhen Huan's Love Non-stop" can successfully combine the relaxed atmosphere of variety shows with the profound culture of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it may create a new model for the revival of classic dramas. This will also provide a valuable reference for the future development of TV dramas and variety shows, and explore more possibilities for the combination of culture and entertainment.


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